Author Archives For 'Somik Raha'


Competing with Love

by Somik Raha

Mar 03, 2012
19,804 reads

What Does Brushing Twice a Day Have to Do with Profits and Impact?

by Somik Raha

Oct 17, 2017
14,802 reads

Going Beyond Profit

by Somik Raha

Aug 08, 2011
14,643 reads

The Strangest Social Justice Story

by Somik Raha

Jun 18, 2018
13,648 reads

Are Two Lives Saved Twice as Good as One?

by Somik Raha

Mar 27, 2017
11,238 reads

Quote Bulletin

The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes.
Harold B. Lee

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