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Bringing France’s Waste Prevention Plan to Life
Andrée Nieuwjaer's fridge is brimming with produce that she got for free. Last summer, she ate peaches, plums, carrots, zucchinis, turnips, and endives that local grocers couldn't sell due to aesthetic imperfections or being slightly overripe. Nieuwjaer, a resident of Roubaix, France, transforms discarded bread into pudding and breadcrumbs that layer a casserole; diced beets into long-lasti... posted on Jun 29 2024, 991 reads


The Whisper of Reverence
"Here, we rest in reverence," writes Greta Matos, co-founder of CuraKuda. But where is here? Greta reflects about what it means to move with a herd of horses in Chile, and how different, yet similar that is to the life she once led. Greta now advocates for communing with nature where awe and reverence show up not through visits to the mountaintops, but in the long rides she takes, collaborative jo... posted on Jun 28 2024, 1,294 reads


The Solutionary Way
Zoe Weil had forty-five youngsters identify the world’s biggest problems, and was surprised when only five of them thought we could solve them. If children can’t imagine solving problems, “what will motivate them to try to make a difference?” Then, with their eyes closed, she helped them imagine a day in the future where all the problems had been solved, and questioned, &ld... posted on Jun 27 2024, 1,415 reads


Four Steps to Help People Feel Listened To
Your child announces he's in love and dropping out of college to travel with his beloved across the globe. Your uncle makes a politically charged comment over a holiday meal. A doctor brushes off your concern, reiterating a line of reasoning you've already discussed. It can be a bewildering, enraging, or disempowering experience when something so clearly true from our perspective is so adamantly a... posted on Jun 26 2024, 2,928 reads


Painting in the Dharma
In 1969, Rosalyn White moved from Washington D.C. to attend the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California. "I was like a kid in a candy store!" she says. The hippie revolution was still in bloom and she discovered a place in Berkeley, Calif. called the Nyingma Meditation Center. That's where she met Tarthang Tulku. Little did she know how her art journey was to change. For over ... posted on Jun 25 2024, 1,306 reads


Sister Marilyn: To Come and See
At age 18 and new to the convent, Sister Marilyn Lacey turned down an invitation -- an opportunity to connect -- explaining she didn’t think human relations was her field. Later on, she got an invitation she couldn’t refuse to “come and see” the suffering in South Sudan. She accepted, and that experience and invitation led to many more invitations to invite people into her ... posted on Jun 24 2024, 2,204 reads


Exploring the Science of Everyday Wonder
In an insightful discussion, Dacher Keltner, a renowned psychologist and author delves into the science of everyday wonder and its profound impact on our lives. Keltner explores how awe-inspiring experiences, whether found in nature, art, or human connections, can enhance well-being, foster resilience, and even improve physical health. He emphasizes that moments of wonder are accessible to everyon... posted on Jun 23 2024, 1,131 reads


People Dread This Type Of Social Interaction But It Has Benefits
Researchers find that people who have richness and diversity in relationships experience greater life satisfaction and overall well-being. An important part of that diversity comes from talking to strangers, and they found there was “deep delight and joy that ensued from these unexpected encounters.” Whether in a supermarket, coffee shop, or on a walk, a smile, a nod, a simple hello, o... posted on Jun 22 2024, 1,292 reads


The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement of Sri Lanka
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, founded by the late Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, is considered to be the largest non-governmental organization in Sri Lanka. Straddling the roles of a grassroots development program, peace movement, social service network, and microfinance scheme, this movement transcends traditional methodologies with people-centered innovations. Driven by values and beliefs inherent i... posted on Jun 21 2024, 1,231 reads


Captioning Ubuntu
Our stories are a product of countless other stories in time and space. In South Africa, there is a saying that translates to: "A person is a person through other persons." In Kenya, there is a saying that translates to, "A person is other people." Both adages echo the essence of "ubuntu" -- systems of values that honor deep interconnectedness. Storyteller and author Wakanyi Hoffman illustrates pe... posted on Jun 20 2024, 3,002 reads


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Quote Bulletin

It is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.
Brother David Steindl-Rast

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