Author Archives For 'Karen Horneffer-Ginter'


20 Questions for Thanksgiving

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Nov 22, 2012
103,110 reads

'I'll Take Two, Please'

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Aug 19, 2013
34,637 reads

Humor as Spiritual Practice

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Jun 14, 2013
24,267 reads

The Art of Slowing Down

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Feb 11, 2013
22,530 reads

Sources of Light

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Nov 25, 2014
18,045 reads

Life Through A Camera Lens

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Aug 01, 2012
14,244 reads

Why We Stink At Taking Breaks

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Oct 06, 2012
14,064 reads

The Beauty of Questions

by Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Oct 26, 2012
13,660 reads

Quote Bulletin

Our brains renew themselves throughout life to an extent previously thought not possible.
Michael S. Gazzaniga

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