Author Archives For 'Duane Elgin'


10 Ways To Live Simply In 2015

by Duane Elgin

Jan 05, 2015
72,228 reads

Voluntary Simplicity

by Duane Elgin

Oct 22, 2013
54,633 reads

What Death Can Teach Us About Life

by Duane Elgin

Jun 07, 2012
37,361 reads

10 Evolving Expressions of Simplicity

by Duane Elgin

May 01, 2012
34,907 reads

4 Misconceptions About the Simple Life

by Duane Elgin

Dec 24, 2011
32,269 reads

The Spiritual Wisdom of Simplicity

by Duane Elgin

Oct 07, 2011
24,393 reads

Sophisticated Simplicity

by Duane Elgin

Apr 29, 2014
19,672 reads

8 Approaches to Simplicity

by Duane Elgin

Nov 10, 2011
19,091 reads

Love as a Great Transition Story

by Duane Elgin

Aug 07, 2015
16,847 reads

Humanity's Most Urgent Challenge

by Duane Elgin

Apr 30, 2018
15,476 reads

Choosing Earth: With Duane and Colleen Elgin

by Duane Elgin, Coleen LeDrew Elgin

Jan 06, 2021
5,439 reads

Quote Bulletin

One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.
John Stuart Mill

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