Author Archives For 'ASHOKA'


South Africa: From Dropouts to Innovators

by Ashoka

Apr 20, 2015
173,273 reads

The Role of Empathy in Entrepreneurship

by Ashoka

May 26, 2015
17,490 reads

The future of travel for the last mile

by Andrea Coleman, Ashoka

Nov 19, 2014
10,583 reads

Building a Reading Revolution

by Ashoka

Jul 03, 2015
10,074 reads

She Gave Street Children Her Cell Number & Changed Their Lives

by Lead Young Ashoka

Jun 07, 2017
9,576 reads

Sister Cyril's Compassionate Vision


Aug 07, 2011
7,760 reads

Designing & Supporting Peer-Driven Change


Feb 23, 2022
2,297 reads

Quote Bulletin

Thank you for your cooperation and vice versa.
Eugene Ormandy

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