Author Archives For 'Mirka Knaster'


Quiet Spirituality

by Mirka Knaster

Apr 14, 2019
12,339 reads

Guarding the Tongue: The Importance of Right Speech

by MIrka Knaster

Mar 16, 2020
9,306 reads

Waiting to Unfold

by Mirka Knaster

Jan 11, 2019
7,964 reads

How Do We Respond? A Question to Artists

by Mirka Knaster

Mar 16, 2018
7,957 reads

Unexpected Art in Unexpected Places

by Mirka Knaster

Jul 10, 2019
7,240 reads

Fallow & Productive, Creativity & COVID-19

by Mirka Knaster

Jan 18, 2021
6,229 reads

Artists and Nature

by Mirka Knaster

Mar 04, 2020
4,569 reads

Quote Bulletin

What an extraordinary way the reed pen has of drinking darkness and pouring out light!
Abu Hafs Ibn Burd Al-Asghar

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