Author Archives For 'Emily Rose Barr'


Lessons in Resilience: The Stories We Tell and Why They Matter

by Emily Rose Barr

Mar 01, 2018
39,948 reads

The Love You Seek

by Emily Rose Barr

Apr 05, 2018
39,891 reads

Embracing JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out

by Emily Rose Barr

Aug 30, 2018
33,167 reads

The Empty Promise of Productivity and the Art of Slowing Down

by Emily Rose Barr

Dec 26, 2017
21,247 reads

Mind the Stream: Where Mindfulness and Technology Meet

by Emily Rose Barr

Oct 11, 2017
13,770 reads

Three Minutes and a Pair of Socks

by Emily Rose Barr

Mar 06, 2019
9,145 reads

Where Fear Meets Hope: Stories from Here and There

by Emily Rose Barr

Apr 29, 2020
8,035 reads

Emily's Affirmations: A Valentine's Day Gift to Yourself

by Emily Rose Barr

Feb 14, 2021
7,390 reads

Comparative Suffering & Compassion

by Emily Rose Barr

Sep 27, 2021
4,603 reads

From the Rink to the Research Lab: How a Former Olympian is Transforming the Mental Health Landscape

by Emily Rose Barr

Jul 01, 2019
4,569 reads

Quote Bulletin

Peace is the only battle worth waging.
Albert Camus

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