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Sri Lanka's Untold Story of Resilience
When the legendary Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne -- often called "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka" -- passed away last month at the age of 92, his enduring legacy of selfless love expanded in hearts across the globe. For over sixty years, Dr. Ariyaratne's humility and servant leadership stewarded thousands of self-sufficient villages in Sri Lanka. Working quietly and often behind the scenes, the unique non-governm... posted on May 07 2024, 1,711 reads


93-Year-Old Grandmother's Secret to a Meaningful Life
When Ioanna Matsouka, 93, took up knitting in the 1990s, she had no idea she'd end up knitting over an estimated 3,000 scarves over the next three decades. At first, she gifted them to friends. As her creations grew in quantity, she began donating them to children's shelters across Greece. Through acquaintances, her warm creations have found their way to children in Bosnia and Ukraine. U.N. refuge... posted on Mar 19 2024, 2,036 reads


Why Boston's Wealthy Back Bay Said Yes, In Our Backyard
In a compelling tale of unity, Boston's Back Bay neighborhood turns the tables on the NIMBY ("Not In My Back Yard") phenomenon, welcoming a unique housing solution that offers much more than a roof over heads. The 140 Clarendon project, a retrofitted structure in one of Boston's priciest areas, welcomes the homeless and disadvantaged, fostering not just a sense of community, but a promising new st... posted on Mar 08 2024, 1,790 reads


4 Habits of Effective Communicators
"Have you ever met someone who is exceptionally easy to talk to? Someone who simply through good conversation gets you to open up? Makes you feel smarter, more interesting or just understood? These are all common traits of "supercommunicators" people who are consistently able to create authentic connections with others just by listening and talking." Journalist and author Charles Duhigg outline... posted on Mar 03 2024, 3,522 reads


These Nepali Women Give Mt. Everest Garbage New Life
Over the years, the Himalayan mountains are increasingly overrun with waste from mountaineering activities. Nepal's Department of Tourism estimates that Mt. Everest boasts nearly 140,000 tons of waste. In 2019, the government launched a Clean Mountain Campaign ("Safa Himal Aviyan"), which has removed 108 tons of waste from Mt. Everest and nine other Himalayan mountains. Some of that waste material... posted on Feb 26 2024, 2,620 reads


Small Town Hotel Becomes Safe Haven in an Expensive World
In Little Current, Ontario, Canada, the owners of a local hotel have transformed their lodgings into affordable apartments for those struggling to make ends meet. Denise, "D" as she's lovingly called, was an employee of the Anchor Inn for over 15 years when she and her partner purchased the property in 2017. As housing and inflation spiked costs of living, Denise's hotel vision took a heartfelt tu... posted on Feb 20 2024, 1,851 reads


The New Old Age
Still wondering what you want to be when you grow up? Turns out, you're not alone. A fascinating phenomenon is burgeoning among retiring adults as they step out of their primary careers and into "the Encore Years". Programs at institutions like Stanford and Harvard have cropped up to support such transitions, particularly for established leaders. Such a process unearths raw questions on the nature... posted on Feb 15 2024, 3,777 reads


The Decision to Change
"He looked me in the eyes and said, 'I had that kind of clarity once. I chose to listen to others about what I should do and how I should live my life. I didn't want to go to law school, but I did because of my parents, my scholarship, and a lot of external pressure. It's been ten years, and I am just figuring that out now. Every day that goes by that you don't take a step in the direction of your... posted on Feb 13 2024, 3,851 reads


Strangers 'Scarf-Bomb' City to Give Warmth in Winter
Scarf-bombing (verb) -- the act of bombarding a public space with scarves for those in need during the cold winter months. Suzanne Volpe, a crochet enthusiast who is warming up her city of Pittsburgh, Penn., U.S., one scarf at a time. Since first learning about this trend in 2014, Volpe is using her passion for crocheting to create scarves for those in need in the winter. Along with a team of volu... posted on Feb 09 2024, 1,221 reads


Love, The Sewer District
Imagine calling your local sewer district with an urgent need -- not for a pipeliner or an engineer -- but for a listening ear. This gravity defying leap was made possible by John Gonzalez, the communications director from Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. He posted a simple message online: "just a phone number, a voicemail, and a whole lot of emotions. 216-361-6772." Through the cryptic soc... posted on Jan 30 2024, 1,539 reads


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