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DailyGood News That Inspires

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The Feminine Principle and Balance of Power

The feminine principle, this untapped subtle potential that lies at the core of our being, must now be realised to restore a balance between intellect and intuition, facts and feelings, reason and realism.

- Sister Gayatri Naraine -

The Feminine Principle and Balance of Power

"Personal growth and human development are as old as the hills perhaps two of the more popular banners flapping in the breeze [in] the 21st century. So what’s new? Aren’t these two old chestnuts that humanity has been chewing over throughout history? The issues may indeed be the same, but what is new is the emergence of a suppressed part of the human dynamic that can be called the feminine principle. This principle does not cater to a prejudiced belief in the superiority or inferiority of one group compared to another. Nor does it seek to replace male chauvinism with female chauvinism. Its aim is to allow the blossoming of a full and balanced personality that is at once vigorous and serene in an era of both light and might." Sister Gayatri Naraine draws from "hindsight," "foresight," and "insight" to reflect on the transformative potential of the balance of the masculine and feminine in today's world. { read more }

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