Humanity has been living for millennia in dissonance with Creation. Rather than let the Divine Conductor lead the symphony we have vainly tried to control that which is uncontrollable. A simple example is the foolishness of “daylight savings time”, among a host of other nonsense.
In an ironic, counterintuitive, holy contradiction we are discovering that it is indigenous people across the globe that know the way of Creation. In surrender to Divine LOVE, they have seen that all things are connected, that we are all relatives including plants and animals. Therefore, our own survival depends on our walking in harmony with all things. Rather than attempting to “lead”, we must be submissive partners in the Divine Dance.
Our relative intelligence should be applied to protecting and preserving, rather than consuming and destroying. As divine stewards of all that is we must take up our most important role among living things which we have abdicated for centuries—servants rather than monarchs. As friend Parker Palmer has written, “we are on the brink of everything.” The “tipping point” (Gladwell) of Creation itself has been reached through humanity’s destructive living. It is past time to partner in corrective, restorative action.
[translation: All are my relatives (Lakota), therefore I will walk in harmony (Navajo/Diné), blessed to be blessing (Irish Gaelic).] —anonemoose monk
Hoofnote: Concerning Goethe— “Tell a wise person or else keep silent for those who do not understand will mock it right away.” ~johann wolfgang von goethe~
On Jul 26, 2021 Patrick Watters wrote:
To Walk In Harmony—
Humanity has been living for millennia in dissonance with Creation. Rather than let the Divine Conductor lead the symphony we have vainly tried to control that which is uncontrollable. A simple example is the foolishness of “daylight savings time”, among a host of other nonsense.
In an ironic, counterintuitive, holy contradiction we are discovering that it is indigenous people across the globe that know the way of Creation. In surrender to Divine LOVE, they have seen that all things are connected, that we are all relatives including plants and animals. Therefore, our own survival depends on our walking in harmony with all things. Rather than attempting to “lead”, we must be submissive partners in the Divine Dance.
Our relative intelligence should be applied to protecting and preserving, rather than consuming and destroying. As divine stewards of all that is we must take up our most important role among living things which we have abdicated for centuries—servants rather than monarchs. As friend Parker Palmer has written, “we are on the brink of everything.” The “tipping point” (Gladwell) of Creation itself has been reached through humanity’s destructive living. It is past time to partner in corrective, restorative action.
Mitákuye oyàsin, hozho naasha doo, beannacht. }:- a.m.
[translation: All are my relatives (Lakota), therefore I will walk in harmony (Navajo/Diné), blessed to be blessing (Irish Gaelic).]
—anonemoose monk
Hoofnote: Concerning Goethe—
“Tell a wise person or else keep silent
for those who do not understand
will mock it right away.” ~johann wolfgang von goethe~
Goethe— controversy
And another Goethe who came later—