The Navdanya Movement is a thoughtful initiative for a sustainable world-building. “Our seeds, our biodiversity, our indigenous knowledge is our common heritage. We receive our seeds from nature and our ancestors. We have a duty to save and share them, and hand them over to future generations in their richness, integrity, and diversity. Therefore we have a duty to disobey any law that makes it illegal for us to save and share our seeds” - The Seed Satyagraha
On Apr 21, 2021 Dr.Cajetan Coelho wrote:
The Navdanya Movement is a thoughtful initiative for a sustainable world-building. “Our seeds, our biodiversity, our indigenous knowledge is our common heritage. We receive our seeds from nature and our ancestors. We have a duty to save and share them, and hand them over to future generations in their richness, integrity, and diversity. Therefore we have a duty to disobey any law that makes it illegal for us to save and share our seeds” - The Seed Satyagraha