Beautiful work and share in not only funding your own purpose, but also connecting so many others♡
My own purpose evolved from facilitating recovery from trauma for survivors of abuse, addiction, childhood s*xual trauma, domestic violence, homelessness, trafficking and war to now also focus on coping tools to navigate the current pandemic. ♡
May 18th I was supposed to embark of my 2nd cross country tour (self and crowd funded) instead I'm focused on Zoom sessions & being of service to those struggling with anxiety and collective trauma. Doing pay what you can, including $0 ♡
On May 23, 2020 Kristin Pedemonti wrote:
Beautiful work and share in not only funding your own purpose, but also connecting so many others♡
My own purpose evolved from facilitating recovery from trauma for survivors of abuse, addiction, childhood s*xual trauma, domestic violence, homelessness, trafficking and war to now also focus on coping tools to navigate the current pandemic. ♡
May 18th I was supposed to embark of my 2nd cross country tour (self and crowd funded) instead I'm focused on Zoom sessions & being of service to those struggling with anxiety and collective trauma. Doing pay what you can, including $0 ♡
I'm grateful.
If you wish to learn more please let me know. ♡