I often refer back to an observation by Ernst Mach (one of the founders of Quantum Physics): “It is impossible to measure the changes in things by time. Rather, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by the changes in things.”
It seems “time”, like “color” or “sound”, is an experience, not a thing that is external to and independent of our perception. For example, there is no color in the universe, only differing wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. The 'red’ or ‘green’ is an experience concocted in our brains in order to distinguish them. The passage of time is a similar phenomenon.
On Jan 14, 2020 bmiller wrote:
I often refer back to an observation by Ernst Mach (one of the founders of Quantum Physics): “It is impossible to measure the changes in things by time. Rather, time is an abstraction at which we arrive by the changes in things.”
It seems “time”, like “color” or “sound”, is an experience, not a thing that is external to and independent of our perception. For example, there is no color in the universe, only differing wavelengths of electromagnetic energy. The 'red’ or ‘green’ is an experience concocted in our brains in order to distinguish them. The passage of time is a similar phenomenon.