It's astonishing to me how many indefensible assertions you've made in this article Kelly. Your comments about dominance being a bad thing are obviously based on some type personal baggage. Dominance is not tantamount to bullying and disrespect for boundaries as you suggest. How do you make that assertion? That's ridiculous. It's a condition born of the scientific assessment of successful attributes. Mammals do not allow a dominant herd member who displays these traits to be in power, except humans. There are many different ways one can come to a position of dominance and those ways may have been through "bad" means but dominance in and of itself is neither good nor bad. It emerges because of social dynamics of beings under ALL circumstances. Dominance is not a behavior. Its a condition resulting from a situation. Furthermore, incongruities in behaviors can result from many things. You seem to suggest they are born of malevolent intent. There are a vast array of reasons incongruities become evident in humans: like social discomfort. Shyness. Embarrassment. Ignorance. as well as malintent or intentional deception. Not so much in horses. They aren't plagued by those miladies. I think I understand the argument you were trying to make but you sure missed the mark on supporting it. "Unfortunately, human dominants tend to procure leadership positions (due to our tolerance for incongruence), hence our confusion around leadership. This leads to organizational misbehavior, irresponsibility and poor public policy." Your saying dominance contains incongruence? Are you saying human "confusion around leadership", is a universal theme. Wow. . Maybe you should stop writing about things you don't understand like, horses and humans.
On Sep 23, 2018 Todd wrote:
It's astonishing to me how many indefensible assertions you've made in this article Kelly. Your comments about dominance being a bad thing are obviously based on some type personal baggage. Dominance is not tantamount to bullying and disrespect for boundaries as you suggest.
How do you make that assertion? That's ridiculous. It's a condition born of the scientific assessment of successful attributes. Mammals do not allow a dominant herd member who displays these traits to be in power, except humans. There are many different ways one can come to a position of dominance and those ways may have been through "bad" means but dominance in and of itself is neither good nor bad. It emerges because of social dynamics of beings under ALL circumstances. Dominance is not a behavior. Its a condition resulting from a situation. Furthermore, incongruities in behaviors can result from many things. You seem to suggest they are born of malevolent intent. There are a vast array of reasons incongruities become evident in humans: like social discomfort. Shyness. Embarrassment. Ignorance. as well as malintent or intentional deception. Not so much in horses. They aren't plagued by those miladies. I think I understand the argument you were trying to make but you sure missed the mark on supporting it. "Unfortunately, human dominants tend to procure leadership positions (due to our tolerance for incongruence), hence our confusion around leadership. This leads to organizational misbehavior, irresponsibility and poor public policy." Your saying dominance contains incongruence? Are you saying human "confusion around leadership", is a universal theme. Wow. . Maybe you should stop writing about things you don't understand like, horses and humans.