And you can enter this living world, seeing the divine in everything, via the window of environmental science. Mix it up with some quantum physics and theories of energy. Thinking changes dramatically and those alternative choices that bounced off the walls of business as usual, ideas that are anthropomorphic and dogmatic become ridiculous . The authors of western civilization were inclined to situate themselves at the top of their self-actualizing hierarchical world. I suspect this thinking to be akin to other animals - a path in the default evolution - living 101- got us here, and now is a time of great re-reckoning, of crossing the imaginal boundaries that separate ideas and start a new story of being and doing human. This is a process best done in groups, in projects that can help us learn from each other. No matter how many books, articles and ideas that are out there, all the non profits etc will not do the trick. Seems we hold onto old beliefs and old patterns with a lot of fierce might. Consider how business and success include terms of war, domination and conquer. Like i said, it will take a new story! Understanding synchronicity, personal and cultural interactive realities and the word as symbol that guides said thinking..there is work to be done but it is joy filled...not easy to explain. :-)
On Aug 18, 2018 deborah j barnes wrote:
And you can enter this living world, seeing the divine in everything, via the window of environmental science. Mix it up with some quantum physics and theories of energy. Thinking changes dramatically and those alternative choices that bounced off the walls of business as usual, ideas that are anthropomorphic and dogmatic become ridiculous . The authors of western civilization were inclined to situate themselves at the top of their self-actualizing hierarchical world. I suspect this thinking to be akin to other animals - a path in the default evolution - living 101- got us here, and now is a time of great re-reckoning, of crossing the imaginal boundaries that separate ideas and start a new story of being and doing human. This is a process best done in groups, in projects that can help us learn from each other. No matter how many books, articles and ideas that are out there, all the non profits etc will not do the trick. Seems we hold onto old beliefs and old patterns with a lot of fierce might. Consider how business and success include terms of war, domination and conquer. Like i said, it will take a new story! Understanding synchronicity, personal and cultural interactive realities and the word as symbol that guides said thinking..there is work to be done but it is joy filled...not easy to explain. :-)