My knees gave every sign that they'd give out when I was in my 20s. Fitness was it back then (1980). I had goals and routes that I'd walk. The best thing I ever did was give up the goals, give up the routes, to begin just wandering aimlessly. I love going on dark summer nights to see the lightening bugs and the night sounds. I love the birds at dawn. I just stroll while repeating Thich Nhat Hahn's centering gathas. Wonderful
On Jul 7, 2018 mack paul wrote:
My knees gave every sign that they'd give out when I was in my 20s. Fitness was it back then (1980). I had goals and routes that I'd walk. The best thing I ever did was give up the goals, give up the routes, to begin just wandering aimlessly. I love going on dark summer nights to see the lightening bugs and the night sounds. I love the birds at dawn. I just stroll while repeating Thich Nhat Hahn's centering gathas. Wonderful