I loved reading this beautiful article, especially as I'm working with a conservation organization right now. Thank you so much for sharing this. I had known about the interconnection of trees in a forest, but found it even more fascinating to learn that trees maintain their own identity as well. Am reflecting on how this connects to the book "Beyond Words" by Carl Safina, where the author encourages us to go beyond *what* animals do to *who* they are. This piece seems to take a similar lens for trees -- very cutting edge thinking and stretches our boundaries.
On Oct 11, 2016 Somik Raha wrote:
I loved reading this beautiful article, especially as I'm working with a conservation organization right now. Thank you so much for sharing this. I had known about the interconnection of trees in a forest, but found it even more fascinating to learn that trees maintain their own identity as well. Am reflecting on how this connects to the book "Beyond Words" by Carl Safina, where the author encourages us to go beyond *what* animals do to *who* they are. This piece seems to take a similar lens for trees -- very cutting edge thinking and stretches our boundaries.