It seems a bit disappointing that the message of peace, justice and reconciliation and prison reform is overlooked at least from the comments below, just because of the mere mention of communism. I thought this type of cold war fear had deminished. I was also surprsised that social justice, which is essentially about hearing the voice of people less well off, was dismissed. I am thankful to the Daily Good for their stories, they are such a welcome respite from the fears and polarisation in the media, political campaigns.
On Mar 4, 2016 Stephen wrote:
It seems a bit disappointing that the message of peace, justice and reconciliation and prison reform is overlooked at least from the comments below, just because of the mere mention of communism. I thought this type of cold war fear had deminished. I was also surprsised that social justice, which is essentially about hearing the voice of people less well off, was dismissed. I am thankful to the Daily Good for their stories, they are such a welcome respite from the fears and polarisation in the media, political campaigns.