"There is none so blind.....as those who refuse to see" so goes the saying. I feel sorry for you that you have so much hatred and predjudice. Hate is simply fear in disguise. I bet if you personally knew people of the Muslim faith, or bothered to actually study the Quran you would be pleasantly surprised. But then, this sort of action would could only be done by exercising bravery and courage, sadly these qualities usually do not co-exist in a human being who is full of fear and hate.
On Nov 14, 2015 Mistress Didi* Blackthorn wrote:
I wholeheartedly agree that empathy training AND meditation training should be a required part of any and all medical curriculum. The stress of becoming a medical practitioner is astronomical. The adage, "Physician heal thyself," needs to begin with mental-emotional-physical balance in order to be an effective healer.
I am the type of patient who has tortured apathetic and DISSMISSIVE medical practitioners by filing complaints with the AMA and every and any other organization I could complain to. Why? Not for "revenge" - which is a stupid, waste of intelligence and time loving yourself - to ensure that WHEN these "creeple" caused irreparable damage to someone else, My complaints would be there as backup to rectify the situation and remove these irresponsible monsters from practicing medicine -- at least in My area because the AMA (also known as The American Money Association) seems to have too many ways to allow them to relocate and continue their abuse.
Since insurance companies barely pay practitioners enough to cover their school loans much less their overhead and professional insurances, the setup for quality care is significantly diminished. So the same way that I complain about the lackluster practitioners, I write letters to praise the excellent. Doing this helps organizations to create such standards and practices to improve the quality of care.
There is NO excuse for not creating a paper trail today when We have email, fax, and a variety of other ways for quick communication. Laziness is not acceptable from the practitioners and it is not acceptable from the patients to create an environment of quality care.
If you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem.