Number 1 is false. Happiness is not always appropriate not only day to day, but for the long haul, and most especially when one is faced with losing one's planet, which is the reality for all of us are who are alive and still breathing today on our planet home. Contrary to popular belief, we are creating our world. It is Our planet and Our civilization One by One, and One by One we will have to care, and Do something about it. And, it will not always be easy, or make us happy to do our honorable duty to enlighten, uphold, treasure, and save our world, though we will be filled with great satisfaction, dignity, and peace within our being for doing the right thing, and upholding our small or large part for the cause of truth, justice, and mercy. It will involve paying attention to sorrow more than happiness, the sorrows of every living being and thing on earth. Learning about what not to do in order to save life and love, and even teaching, marching, and protesting what not to do, will never be enough if we never get around to teaching and learning about what to do - what is it that we need to learn and do in order to save life on planet earth and the heart and soul of our own humanity, and to truly live for the first time in human history with real joy and abundance for all peoples and all of life?
Number 1 is hope and courage, not happiness, and there can be many dark nights and days on the brave road of hope. Surround yourself with courageous people who choose to take a stand for hope, those who work to really change this world for the betterment of all, and someday true and exuberant happiness will dawn for all human beings, all human civilization, and all life on planet earth, Our One planet home.
Evening Gatha
"Let me respectfully remind you - Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by, and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken ... awaken. Take heed. Do not squander your life."
and by Mary Oliver,
"...Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
On Mar 9, 2015 KarenY wrote:
Number 1 is false. Happiness is not always appropriate not only day to day, but for the long haul, and most especially when one is faced with losing one's planet, which is the reality for all of us are who are alive and still breathing today on our planet home. Contrary to popular belief, we are creating our world. It is Our planet and Our civilization One by One, and One by One we will have to care, and Do something about it. And, it will not always be easy, or make us happy to do our honorable duty to enlighten, uphold, treasure, and save our world, though we will be filled with great satisfaction, dignity, and peace within our being for doing the right thing, and upholding our small or large part for the cause of truth, justice, and mercy. It will involve paying attention to sorrow more than happiness, the sorrows of every living being and thing on earth. Learning about what not to do in order to save life and love, and even teaching, marching, and protesting what not to do, will never be enough if we never get around to teaching and learning about what to do - what is it that we need to learn and do in order to save life on planet earth and the heart and soul of our own humanity, and to truly live for the first time in human history with real joy and abundance for all peoples and all of life?
Number 1 is hope and courage, not happiness, and there can be many dark nights and days on the brave road of hope. Surround yourself with courageous people who choose to take a stand for hope, those who work to really change this world for the betterment of all, and someday true and exuberant happiness will dawn for all human beings, all human civilization, and all life on planet earth, Our One planet home.
Evening Gatha
"Let me respectfully remind you -
Life and death are of supreme importance.
Time swiftly passes by, and opportunity is lost.
Each of us should strive to awaken ...
Take heed. Do not squander your life."
and by Mary Oliver,
"...Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?"