Interesting that "researchers" are now making this connection. It has always been so obvious to me. When I was in college, I wrote a term paper for Intro to Education class, on the importance of integrating nature into childhood education. That was in 1974. The prof happened to be also a elementary school principal. He took me seriously and added a one hour weekly nature walk for third grade level. I was thrilled, though I saw it as inadequate. I realize he had to start at that level. I've always wondered how it panned out.
On Dec 17, 2014Kristin Pedemonti wrote:
Hi Deneen It is easy and simple. Just write FREE HUGS on a piece of cardboard and then go into any public space and hold it up and smile and see what happens. Hugs from my heart to yours. Kristin
On Jan 12, 2015 Eileen Keyes wrote:
Interesting that "researchers" are now making this connection. It has always been so obvious to me. When I was in college, I wrote a term paper for Intro to Education class, on the importance of integrating nature into childhood education. That was in 1974. The prof happened to be also a elementary school principal. He took me seriously and added a one hour weekly nature walk for third grade level. I was thrilled, though I saw it as inadequate. I realize he had to start at that level. I've always wondered how it panned out.