Thanks for sharin' Guys...quite a story of success and's to Science and Faith agreeing that love is the answer...the point "regarding the "cause and effect"/"good from bad" response relationship assumes there's a "greater good" to catch the confusion (antilove)...some say "build or destroy" is a Universal truth...Trusting the Golden Rule" of love and respect, might also suggest that cruelty is not a good cause/effect "let it happen" waiting for a community response ...humans will be humans...though in a loving community, "it all goes towards strengthening the community" over time...some might gently say that there is a tradition of "Spiritual" beliefs that have been passed down through through the ages, that reflect the same scientific results about altruism... Billions have experienced an invisible yet present force and call it God...some just believe to believe in something greater than the self...we're all wired differently, and we're all special unique individuals...Science and Faith are finding the same is love...peace
On Jul 29, 2014Abdul Ahad wrote:
Article is awesome . But here one thing to be noticed that article is telling about the kids of a few decades back. Now children don't like to plat run they just need new ipads and electronics.
On Aug 22, 2014 Brian wrote:
Thanks for sharin' Guys...quite a story of success and's to Science and Faith agreeing that love is the answer...the point "regarding the "cause and effect"/"good from bad" response relationship assumes there's a "greater good" to catch the confusion (antilove)...some say "build or destroy" is a Universal truth...Trusting the Golden Rule" of love and respect, might also suggest that cruelty is not a good cause/effect "let it happen" waiting for a community response ...humans will be humans...though in a loving community, "it all goes towards strengthening the community" over time...some might gently say that there is a tradition of "Spiritual" beliefs that have been passed down through through the ages, that reflect the same scientific results about altruism... Billions have experienced an invisible yet present force and call it God...some just believe to believe in something greater than the self...we're all wired differently, and we're all special unique individuals...Science and Faith are finding the same is love...peace