Referring to a plant-based diet as "rabbit food" is not helpful. Plant-based diets can be hearty, extremely nutritious, and are one of the most important changes you can make as a individual to reduce the suffering of animals, humans (the workers that must slaughter and process the animals), and the planet. Your implicit suggestion that a diet of meat is "traditional" is problematic as well - traditional for whom? For which culture? Some cultures consume high amounts of meat, and others don't - as you had just stated in the sentence about the Mediterranean diet.
On Aug 21, 2014 heather wrote:
Referring to a plant-based diet as "rabbit food" is not helpful. Plant-based diets can be hearty, extremely nutritious, and are one of the most important changes you can make as a individual to reduce the suffering of animals, humans (the workers that must slaughter and process the animals), and the planet. Your implicit suggestion that a diet of meat is "traditional" is problematic as well - traditional for whom? For which culture? Some cultures consume high amounts of meat, and others don't - as you had just stated in the sentence about the Mediterranean diet.