I cannot possibly tell you how timely this is for me right now...I am so grateful for your writing - you have provided a validation that I so desperately needed. It is only by the refuge, calmness, and gentleness you have so eloquently communicated that I have survived. Thank you, dear John O'Donahue for having written this. Thank you so, dear Daily Good, for having posted it.
On Jun 3, 2014 AJay wrote:
I cannot possibly tell you how timely this is for me right now...I am so grateful for your writing - you have provided a validation that I so desperately needed. It is only by the refuge, calmness, and gentleness you have so eloquently communicated that I have survived. Thank you, dear John O'Donahue for having written this. Thank you so, dear Daily Good, for having posted it.
Namaste, ~AJay