What you probably want to say is, that you 'like' what you were reading, because it confirms what you have already established in your own mindset. Being identified with it, and so getting your feeling of existence out of it, so you have the urge to be confirmed in it. But even though what Gandhi had expressed were coming out of his own life and knowledge, one should be aware that this was seventy years ago and meanwhile we have made a few steps forward to more advises and rules...
For sure Gandhi's 'rules' has been a helpful 'guideline' in peoples life, these concepts became part of our established 'spirituality' we are trying to live. Yes, this might help to survive. The serious aspect about it is, that trying to 'live' and realize concepts, what ever kind, - creates a discrepancy between the reality we would like it to be, ones own and all around - and the reality we encounter in our daily life.
As what we have to encounter, is mostly NOT what one wants, even though there are established 'survival techniques', like ignoring what doesn't fit or just rejecting it or fighting against it. Ones struggling in any case is producing constantly 'stress', that will accumulate and sooner or later will bring ones system out of balance. With the inevitable result, that disease will manifest at one or the other level, - body, mind or emotions. - - -
There is information available how to go beyond ones mindset and the identification with erroneous concepts and worn out knowledge, that is just the result of misinterpretation and manipulation during centuries...
But one has to be ready and willing to enter into a transformation that will change ones until now more or less stable self image, - to pass a field of uncertainty before one can reach *new horizons*...
Until there are no serious and essential questions showing up, one will turn around oneself, trying to live and realize ones images and concepts, but this will not bring one out of the common social and ones own 'games' and so one will somehow survive, but continue with ones endless suffering...
On May 10, 2014 cindhiya wrote:
It's really inspiring!