"4. We are interested in our possible evolution, evolution of our community and the evolution of Earth. Evolution of our troubled being, requires: developing new capacities, new stories/paradigms, a new vision, new ideals, new status symbols, new totems, new taboos, and authenticity."
Exactly. We are not on a path that is evolving, rather we are devolving by clinging to ideas and visions of the past that can no longer serve our best interests, neither as individuals or collectively. We are shutting down an evolutionary future by insisting on past paradigms that are taking from, rather than contributing to, both higher consciousness and the greater well being of all, both rich and poor, as well as the powerful and the powerless. We are standing in our own way forward by clinging to money as true wealth rather than knowledge and understanding. Money cannot save us, neither our individuals lives or our communal ones. In fact, money is a great blinder to advancement. It interferes with our true seeing. And not just for all the real and old reasons that we are warned about - that it opens us to the spiritual plunders of greed, the spiritual plundering of one's own heart and soul and humanity, which can bloom into global, worldwide spiritual depravation and degradation. Money also blinds us to true cost of disregarding our true and intrinsic common wealth contained in the natural world of creation. We are racing to our own planetary death by allowing money to blindly drive us down into the dark abyss of truly "not knowing" what we are doing. And yet, our children and grandchildren will inherit all this non-wealth contained in our money that robbed the earth of its ability to give life. Life is priceless. If we aren't leaving life beyond us when we are gone, we leave a truly cheap, indeed, worthless inheritance behind.
The worst thing we can do is stop knowledge and innovation, stand in the way of advancement by clinging to our vested monetary interests that are taking, rather than giving, life. We can't afford to continue burying and suppressing free energy technology, the groundbreaking work of scientists like Walter Russell, Viktor Schauberger, Tesla, Dr. Brian O'Leary and others, and the natural science that is freely offered by the universe, not if we want to continue living ourselves, and also leave a living legacy behind. If our only hope for this present life, and our legacy for the future is appearing-to-profit from more taking, manipulation, destruction, degradation, suffering, and death of peoples, creatures, birds, fish, insects, plants, crops, seeds, trees, forests, rivers, lakes, oceans, and air, then we were utterly blinded and deceived by money. We allowing it to rob us of everything, including our own capacity to love, to share in loving and giving, to live with peace and joy in our own hearts and souls, and leave it for others to treasure and carry into a future worth living.
Money cannot save us. It is like the rich man in the movie, Titanic, throwing money around uselessly and helplessly in order to save himself. Money cannot save us. Our planetary earthship is sinking. We need to wake up, and grab onto what can truly save us and our children, grandchildren, and all children
while we can,
and before
it is too late.
On Mar 29, 2014 mhc wrote:
PLEASE provide the sources of the quotations. There are many translations out there and it would be really helpful to know which ones you are using, so one can go look them up.