Wonderful If each one of us simply did One small kind act a day what a difference it makes. And the Good news? So many are! One of the Smallest things you can give is to Listen. Or to Smile. Combine the two? Beautiful. (I also like to offer Free Hugs, a small gesture with a bigger impact than we realize) HUGS to you! Thank you for making my day brighter, EVERY Day!
On Feb 15, 2014 Kristin Pedemonti wrote:
Wonderful If each one of us simply did One small kind act a day what a difference it makes. And the Good news? So many are! One of the Smallest things you can give is to Listen. Or to Smile. Combine the two? Beautiful. (I also like to offer Free Hugs, a small gesture with a bigger impact than we realize) HUGS to you! Thank you for making my day brighter, EVERY Day!