The truth? Tolle is a charlatan. Truth is what you do with your life, not what you write, what you say, or what others think of you. It's the tangible love you give back to this planet. THAT is the only truth. Not books sales. Not appearances on Oprah. Not having all the right religious rap. Plenty of talk, very little real love. And if you feel you have some "higher truth" than someone else, I encourage you to come down off your high horse. Real truth (which is real love) is never at a "higher level" than someone else. I suspect it's why Jesus said "the last shall be first".
Miracles and light and love and power. Pfttt. Talk. Talk. Talk. My advice to people is to run as fast as they can away from ego-powered self-proclaimed religious experts. The one's you seek are hard to find, are not blowing their own horn, and are generally too busy helping the poor, the marginalized, the hurting, and the sick --- rather than promoting their books, and seeking the next interview....
On Sep 15, 2013 Debby wrote: nailed it!! I poem I wrote some time ago:
i know the feeling
the longing to not feel so alone
in my despair
in my grief
yet, the irony
of finding God
waiting in that space
wanting to fill me
walking me toward wholeness
please come, i hear God whisper
leave that stuff behind
just stand still
hands uplifted
heart open
in quiet
and listen
here is all the love ever needed by any one
it is the well which will refresh
the irony
i need to be empty
so that I may be filled
with enough love, trust and assurance
to do the work to which I am called
the ultimate blessing
5/13/12 dlh