A very good article especially the second section "Reframing disaster". This allows us to potentially see opportunities in trying circumstances and allows us to improve on our limitations.
However, I slightly disagree with the first section "Remember the bad". Even though this might help in certain scenarios, it could be counter-productive in certain scenarios e.g. when the current situation is worse than the previous ones. It is also typical that the current difficult situation appears to be the most difficult as we tend to forget the previous difficult situations as time pass by. Whereas concentrating on what we can still do and be grateful for the ability to do them, could help when looking for solutions to come out current difficult situation.
But overall I like the article as it allows people to reflect on gratitude options.
On Sep 13, 2013 Ganesh wrote:
A very good article especially the second section "Reframing disaster". This allows us to potentially see opportunities in trying circumstances and allows us to improve on our limitations.
However, I slightly disagree with the first section "Remember the bad". Even though this might help in certain scenarios, it could be counter-productive in certain scenarios e.g. when the current situation is worse than the previous ones. It is also typical that the current difficult situation appears to be the most difficult as we tend to forget the previous difficult situations as time pass by. Whereas concentrating on what we can still do and be grateful for the ability to do them, could help when looking for solutions to come out current difficult situation.
But overall I like the article as it allows people to reflect on gratitude options.