I would rather not "silence my mind", thank you very much. How can you become aware of your choices if your mind is silenced? If astounding moments happen, I WANT to own them -- otherwise, what's the use? I am not just a channel of life's energy, although I understand the mindset of which you speak. I am a unique person interested in learning all life has to offer, applying it to my daily existence, and becoming a force of change. Not merely letting whatever happens happen. It sounds like you are speaking gobbledy-gook that doesn't make any sense. There is "mindfulness" and there is "mindlessness." You seem to be referring to the latter.
On Jul 25, 2013 Kristin Pedemonti wrote:
Absolutely! Be an Every Day Hero, it's possible! Reach out and Interact as much as possible. Smile. Make a little Eye Contact. Reach out Physically if you are able, a Hug, can make a difference. Yesterday I met a homeless woman, asking for money. I had none to Give, but I ALWAYS have a HUG. I offered a Hug to her, she smiled, eyes twinkling and opened her arms. We Hugged. It was a beautiful moment shared. Share YOUR Beautiful moments; we Can all be Every Day Heroes. HUG from my heart to yours!