Seven ways to have more and owning less is a wondeful idea. When I was a child this practice was very much alive in rural India. When a guest come to neighbour's house, that aunt will rush to my mother asking for half a cup of milk. Some days my mom used to borrow bucket to fetch water from the well. My brother always used to borrow his freind's bicycle to reach me to the railway station. Now I live in a metro city called Bangalore, India. More than ten million people, many dont knwo who is your neiughbour, what they are. Many dont even smile at each other. Vey suspecious and selffish. I want to move to my village again shortly. When? I dont knwo!!!
On Apr 17, 2013 Sam Chelladurai wrote:
Seven ways to have more and owning less is a wondeful idea. When I was a child this practice was very much alive in rural India. When a guest come to neighbour's house, that aunt will rush to my mother asking for half a cup of milk. Some days my mom used to borrow bucket to fetch water from the well. My brother always used to borrow his freind's bicycle to reach me to the railway station. Now I live in a metro city called Bangalore, India. More than ten million people, many dont knwo who is your neiughbour, what they are. Many dont even smile at each other. Vey suspecious and selffish. I want to move to my village again shortly. When? I dont knwo!!!