First of all, I deliberately did not spend time on my spelling errors as I normally would yet, my point was made without the need of ego and pointing out spelling words. From your response you obviously understood what I wrote without the few errors in spelling. Thank you for your thoughts and imput as I respect all opinions.
...ours is a mongrel language which started with a child's vocabulary of three hundred words, and now consists of two hundred and twenty-five thousand; the whole lot, with the exception of the original and legitimate three hundred, borrowed, stolen, smouched from every unwatched language under the sun, the spelling of each individual word of the lot locating the source of the theft and preserving the memory of the revered crime.
- Mark Twain's Autobiography
On Jan 22, 2013 elana wrote:
i love this article, it describes how my day is going so far, i am elana student of international school of health beauty and technology 5950 west oakland park blvd, the pursuit of happiness is in these 7 things listed above, happiness is in your hands right now, as well as acceptance and knowledge of jesus now, today i will live in the now.