Socrates, the very first philosopher?Confucius 551–479 BC was born 82 years before Socrates, 469 BC – 399 BC
And a few others
Ashvapati, (c. 1000 BC)
Ashtavakra, (c. 1000 BC)
Buddha), (ca. 563-483 BC)
Pāṇini, (c. 600-500 BC)
Parshva, (c. 877-777 BC
Pherecydes of Syros, (6th century BC)
Pythagoras, (570 – d. about 495 BC)
Thales, (c. 635 BC-543 BC)
Uddalaka Aruni (c. 1000 BC)
Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)
Yajnavalkya, (c. 1800 BC)
On Aug 21, 2012 Lawrence wrote:
Socrates, the very first philosopher?
Confucius 551–479 BC was born 82 years before Socrates, 469 BC – 399 BC
And a few others
Ashvapati, (c. 1000 BC)
Ashtavakra, (c. 1000 BC)
Buddha), (ca. 563-483 BC)
Pāṇini, (c. 600-500 BC)
Parshva, (c. 877-777 BC
Pherecydes of Syros, (6th century BC)
Pythagoras, (570 – d. about 495 BC)
Thales, (c. 635 BC-543 BC)
Uddalaka Aruni (c. 1000 BC)
Xenophanes of Colophon, (570-480 BC)
Yajnavalkya, (c. 1800 BC)