I cant tell you how broad is the smile on my face as I read through your article. It felt as if you penned down all those beautiful moments I have been blessed to have shared with butterflies.
It has happened so that in recent past, I have been seeing butterflies everywhere. And as you so beautiful wrote - There are moments in time that we will remember forever, and they always always catch us by surprise. This beautiful creature has been visiting me sometimes by quietly sitting next to be on my bed, or by visiting me during my evening walks or by coming and sitting next to me in an auto. And the only feeling I have had all the time is a feeling of deep gratitude!!
Wrote this one after one such incidence.
'My beautiful connection with the butterflies continues...as I sat in an auto, a lovely black & orange butterfly came and sat next to me :-) giving me yet another reason to feel blessed and to be happy :-)!!
Lots of love & hugs :-)
Live...feel...experience...love...Enjoy...& appreciate LiFe !!!!
On Jun 3, 2012 Tejal Rajyagor wrote:
Dear Shwetha
I cant tell you how broad is the smile on my face as I read through your article. It felt as if you penned down all those beautiful moments I have been blessed to have shared with butterflies.
It has happened so that in recent past, I have been seeing butterflies everywhere. And as you so beautiful wrote - There are moments in time that we will remember forever, and they always always catch us by surprise. This beautiful creature has been visiting me sometimes by quietly sitting next to be on my bed, or by visiting me during my evening walks or by coming and sitting next to me in an auto. And the only feeling I have had all the time is a feeling of deep gratitude!!
Wrote this one after one such incidence.
'My beautiful connection with the butterflies continues...as I sat in an auto, a lovely black & orange butterfly came and sat next to me :-) giving me yet another reason to feel blessed and to be happy :-)!!
Lots of love & hugs :-)
Live...feel...experience...love...Enjoy...& appreciate LiFe !!!!