Each one of Us, Together, We are all Unique but Intertwined
My gist of this post is that parenting is one hell of a challenging task!
Although every human has the longing to be loved, it is not easy because we all have our own different ideas and understanding of what and how love is. So we are mostly handling and dealing with love from our own definition of it.
And this is the paradox of it all…
Here we are, longing for love. Then appears another being, also wanting to be loved, but is totally helpless. A new born creature. I say „creature“ intentionally because the same principles apply to any new born baby.
What do we do? How do you give something you crave for, to someone who also wants to have it, but is totally helpless?
We have to love that creature because the future of the species depends on it. Instinctively, most would give love unconditionally.
Then we get a kick of good-feel hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins with some adrenaline, melatonin, probably, too. The act of unconditional loving becomes its own reward!
Isn‘t that crazy? What if this formula is not limited to babies? Think about it for a second.
Our longing for love makes us helpless, dependent on someone, to give us this love, unconditionally. Going further, if each and all of us are helplessly craving for love, that would mean, that if I give my love to anybody, since everybody is wanting it, and I do it unconditionally, maybe even better, without broadcasting it, I stand to profit from the natural rewards that inevitably comes with the act of loving.
I will feel good if I do good!
It is all up to me to decide.
I remember the parable of the spoons with the 3 meter long handles. It is hell if you want to feed yourself. But heaven if we, instead feed each other.
We are, apparently, all born with a long-stem spoons. We can only feed our longing for love, by giving love to others, to anybody and everybody we meet.
On Aug 4, 2023 Jagannatha Das wrote: