I believe this type of encounter happens for a reason , but since there is no way to verify what we might think is the reason we are left with many questions. If that happened to me I would most likely feel the deer was representing the spirit of Aunt Tessie wanting to say goodbye. But then, I talk to my plants so not a big reach for me to believe that explanation. I recently had a similar encounter with a deer who walked from the meadow to my back patio and stood quietly staring at me through the glass door for a long time like it was trying to communicate something. Thinking about it weeks later I wondered if this deer was representing my husband’s spirit checking in with me. I like to believe that it was.
What is impossible for me to even begin to understand is how anyone, who isn’t starving, could kill these gorgeous animals and even teach their children how to kill one.
On May 22, 2023 Bonnie wrote: