Yes, during my Christian upbringing I must have misheard the scripture "Love your neighbour like as yourself" - I think I heard "Love your neighbour INSTEAD of yourself"! I then spent the next 50+ years running myself ragged looking after everyone else's needs except my own, until finally was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease last year. This is the body actually attacking itself, something I have done mentally and verbally for most of my life.
I am now learning to change my attitude towards myself and my life. I am learning to look after myself, eat healthily and do things which bring JOY into my life. Things are improving. I love the concept of "self-compassion" and feel I'm living proof that such an attitude really works.
On Apr 6, 2015Crabby the Handyman wrote:
Niine, your comment not only has me scratching my head, but wondering if you have a pet chimpanzee that actually submitted it!
On Apr 8, 2012 Heatherh wrote:
Yes, during my Christian upbringing I must have misheard the scripture "Love your neighbour like as yourself" - I think I heard "Love your neighbour INSTEAD of yourself"! I then spent the next 50+ years running myself ragged looking after everyone else's needs except my own, until finally was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease last year. This is the body actually attacking itself, something I have done mentally and verbally for most of my life.
I am now learning to change my attitude towards myself and my life. I am learning to look after myself, eat healthily and do things which bring JOY into my life. Things are improving. I love the concept of "self-compassion" and feel I'm living proof that such an attitude really works.