Most athletes have the benefit of seeing what's ahead of them -- an opponent, the bars, a vault.
But for 13-year-old Lola Walters, she usually has no idea what's coming until she's literally five feet away from it.
Walters, a Washington resident, is legally blind, and suffers from a disease called nystagmus which causes her eyes to shift constantly, leaving her with double vision and no depth perception, the Daily Mail reports.
"Most people I compete with don't know I am any different to them," Walters told the news source. "And as far as I'm concerned it can stay that way. If they don't know, they don't need to score me differently."
The teen impressed audiences at the American Gymnastics Academy Long Beach Open earlier this year.
Lola's mother, Beth, says that her daughter has been a gymnast since she was three -- climbing across the monkey bars with ease. It wasn't until she was already enrolled in gymnastics that Beth realized the extent of Lola's vision problems, and by that point, Lola was already a good gymnast, reports.
"I don't know what it would be like to do gymnastics with perfect vision," Walters told, "so really, I don't see a difference."
Lola's disability does cause her to fall more than others during a performance, ABC reports.
But that just means she gets back up more often, and tries again.
"She works twice as hard as everybody else,"Jackie Crooker, Lola's gymnastics coach, told ABC, "and I've seen her fall harder than anybody, and she'll get up and go again, every single time.
This article is reprinted with permission from the Huffington Post's Good News Channel. More from them: Elderly Couple to Marry Despite Language Barrier Polio Victim Break Dances With Crutches Service Dog Saves Woman By Bringing Her Phone
miracle ! I didn't tell anyone if they wanted to know or if they didn't want. Fear also must be there for anyone like me who wants to be in the world. what is good leaving the world when everyone is in it.
I like when children perfgorm well than old people who think they only perfect.
On May 21, 2012 Taoboy wrote:
when you don't know you are "handicapped" you wonder what all the commotion is about and you just do which allows the purity to manifest -
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