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Awakening Compassion at Work, by Immanual Joseph
Dutton's research focuses on how organizational conditions strengthen capabilities of individuals and firms. She is a co-founder of the Center for Positive Organizations. Monica Worline’s research is dedicated to the mission of enlivening work and workplaces is a founding member of CompassionLab, and a collaborating scientist at the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University. Immanual Joseph interviewed Jane and Monica on their lessons from decades long research on workplace compassion, and their new book Awakening Compassion at Work. What follows is an edited transcript of that interview. IJ: Let me start by congra... posted on Jul 15 2017 (11,772 reads)

Patrick O'Malley: Getting Grief Right, by Tami Simon
O'Malley is a grief counselor with more than 35 years of experience. He has written many well-regarded articles on grieving, including the namesake New York Times article that inspired his new Sounds True book Getting Grief Right: Finding Your Story of Love in the Sorrow of Loss. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Patrick discuss his unique approach to grief and how it diverts from the popularly accepted five-stage model created by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. Patrick asserts that the Kübler-Ross model, while helpful as a foundation, can actually create an emotional cage for people as they struggle to find the acceptance and ... posted on Jan 17 2018 (62,728 reads)

How Trauma Lodges in the Body, by Krista Tippett
following is the audio and transcript of an interview between Krista Tippett and Bessel van der Kolk. KRISTA TIPPETT, HOST: The psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk is an innovator in treating the effects of overwhelming experiences on people and society. We call this “trauma” when we encounter it in life and news, and we tend to leap to address it by talking. But Bessel van der Kolk knows how some experiences imprint themselves beyond where language can reach. He explores state-of-the-art therapeutic treatments, including body work like yoga and eye movement therapy. He’s been a leading researcher of traumatic stress since it first became a diagnos... posted on Oct 20 2017 (67,212 reads)

How Trauma Lodges in the Body, by On Being
follows is the transcript of an interview between Bessel van der Kolk and On Being's Krista Tippett KRISTA TIPPETT, HOST: The psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk is an innovator in treating the effects of overwhelming experiences on people and society. We call this “trauma” when we encounter it in life and news, and we tend to leap to address it by talking. But Bessel van der Kolk knows how some experiences imprint themselves beyond where language can reach. He explores state-of-the-art therapeutic treatments, including body work like yoga and eye movement therapy. He’s been a leading researcher of traumatic stress since it first became a diagnosis in... posted on Oct 20 2017 (1,501 reads)

Bryan Stevenson Beats the Drum for Justice, by Mele-Ane Havea
Havea on Bryan Stevenson The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world. One out of three black men aged 18 to 30 is in prison, on probation or parole. The US is the only country in the world that has life imprisonment without parole for minors. For every nine people who have been executed, one is later found to be innocent. Bryan Stevenson refers to these statistics when he speaks. It’s a reality that has driven him to devote almost 30 years to working with people on death row. At the time of our conversation, I am halfway through his book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. The pages contain story after story of injustice and I am filled ... posted on Mar 27 2018 (7,808 reads)

The Art of Being Creatures, by Krista Tippett
follows is the syndicated transcript of an On Being interview between Krista Tippett, Ellen Davis and Wendell Berry. Krista Tippett, host:For centuries, the western world read the Bible as a call to dominate the earth and subdue it. For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we re-experience this sacred text as a call to reframe the human relationship to the natural world – the land, as theologian Ellen Davis says, on which our life depends. With the poetry of Genesis alongside the poetry of Wendell Berry, we remember the lost art of being creatures. [music: “Seven League Boots” by Zoë Keating] Wendell Berry:[reading “The Peace of Wild Things&... posted on Apr 20 2020 (6,732 reads)

Vertical Literacy: Reimagining the 21st-Century University, by Otto Scharmer
For Future (FFF) climate strike by high school students may well be one of the most important, yet hardly covered stories by the US media today. During the week of March 15th alone, 1.6 million strikers were counted across 125 countries. This environmental movement to reduce carbon emissions was started by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg in late 2018. In the meantime, a discussion has ensued among politicians in Germany about whether it is the right thing for students to take to the streets instead of the classroom on Fridays. The principles below weigh in on this conversation from a bigger picture view: how to “update” the world’s educational syste... posted on May 25 2020 (11,579 reads)

Eula Bliss: Talking About Whiteness, by On Being
episode originally aired on January 19, 2017. On Being Studios · Eula Biss — Let’s Talk About Whiteness What follows is the syndicated transcript of On Being's interview between Krista Tippett and Eula Bliss Krista Tippett, host:Eula Biss authored an important essay in 2015 called “White Debt.” She reflected on whiteness in America through the metaphor of buying a house — how surprisingly comfortable debt can be in the right circumstances, and how easily we forget that we don’t actually own what we feel we possess. She helpfully opens up words and ideas like “complacence,” “guilt,” and something re... posted on Jun 16 2020 (7,806 reads)

The Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project, by The Gratefulness Team
Gaia Mandala Global Healing Community is a growing circle of people from around the world who are hearing the call of the Earth to wake up and engage with the great work of our time: to participate in restoring balance and harmony to the web of life. The Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project lies at the heart of this community – planting clay vases filled with offerings of protection and healing around the world. The project’s Gaia Mandala Sangha — a spiritual community grounded in Buddhist tradition but open to all — exists as an in-person and online community with regular meditation and retreat offerings, including a monthly full moon meditation and oppo... posted on Aug 2 2020 (8,730 reads)

Our Nervous Systems in the Time of COVID, by On Being
following is the transcript of an On Being interview between Krista Tippett and Christine Runyan. You can listen to the audio recording of the interview here. Krista Tippett, host:My conversations with friends and colleagues right now all circle back to the same place. The light at the end of the COVID tunnel is tenuously appearing, yet we feel as exhausted as at any time in the past year. Memory problems, short fuses, sudden drops into what feels frighteningly to me like depression, and fractured productivity that alternately puzzles and shames us. We’re at once excited and unnerved by the prospect of life opening up again. So, one recent day in yet another hard week, I ... posted on Mar 30 2021 (14,122 reads)

Radical Joy For Hard Times, by Trebbe Johnson
I receive a gift, I am conscious of both the gift and the giver. Gratitude suffuses me. This gratitude often transforms into a wish to give something back to my generous giver. We are conscious of this desire to give back when it comes to people who are givers. Places are givers, too. And we can give back to them. When we do, we become more courageous, more creative—and certainly more grateful! ~ Trebbe Johnson Here in our feature “Grateful Changemakers,” we celebrate programs and projects that serve as beacons of gratefulness. These efforts elevate the values of grateful living and illuminate their potential to transform both individuals and communities. Join u... posted on Apr 26 2021 (5,106 reads)

Overcoming Toxic Positivity, by Adam Grant, Susan David
is a transcript of a podcast conversation between Adam Grant and Susan David.]Hey everyone, it's Adam Grant. Welcome back to ReThinking, my podcast on the science of what makes us tick. I'm an organizational psychologist, and I'm taking you inside the minds of fascinating people to explore new thoughts and new ways of thinking. My guest today is psychologist Susan David, an expert on emotional agility. Her popular TED Talk and bestselling book on the subject offer poignant insights and practical tools for getting better at managing our moods and feelings. Susan grew up in South Africa, teaches at Harvard Medical School, co-founded the Institute of Coaching and regularly shares ideas ... posted on Mar 28 2024 (638 reads)

How Patience Can Help You Find Your Purpose, by Kendall Cotton Bronk
am I going to do with my life? What really matters to me? How will I leave my mark? These questions can fill us with hope, inspiration, and direction when we have some sense of what the answers may be. If we don’t, they can fill us with confusion, frustration, and irritation. Leading a life of purpose, or making an enduring commitment to contributing to the broader world in personally meaningful ways, is associated with a range of benefits, including better physical health, enhanced psychological well-being, superior academic achievement, and enriched social connections. Despite these advantages, leading a life of purpose is rare, as researcher William Damon describes in his 200... posted on May 1 2024 (4,274 reads)

Study, Practice and Serve: Peter Senge, by Prasad Kaipa
Senge - Founding Chairperson - Society for Organizational Learning Dr. Peter M. Senge is the founding chairperson of SoL and a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Senge is the author of The Fifth Discipline: the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. He has lectured extensively throughout the world, translating the abstract ideas of systems theory into tools for better understanding of economic and organizational change. He has worked with leaders in business, education, health care and government. The Journal of Business Strategy (September/October 1999) named Dr. Senge as one of the 24 people who had the greatest influence on bus... posted on Aug 28 2011 (11,801 reads)

6 Ways to Empower Others, by Starhawk
makes a good leader? The gift of strengthening everyone else.     Photo by Zer Cabatuan. An empowering leader holds and serves a vision broad and deep enough to inspire others and allow them to take parts of it and make it their own. When Rob Hopkins founded the Transition Town movement, his vision was to take the insights of permaculture and ecological design and apply them on a local community level. That was a big vision, far too big for any one person to realize alone. Within it, there was room for many people to step up and realize their own creative ideas and pursue their interests — how t... posted on Apr 18 2012 (56,483 reads)

Alive Enough? Reflecting on Our Technology with Sherry Turkle, by On Being
Tippett, host: Sherry Turkle founded and directs the intriguingly titled MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. She made waves with her book Alone Together; it was widely reviewed as a call to "unplug" our digital gadgets. But as I've read her and listened to her speak, I hear Sherry Turkle saying something more thought-provoking: that we can lead examined lives with our technology. That each of us, in our everyday interactions, can choose between letting technology shape us and shaping it towards human purposes, even towards honoring what we hold dear. Engaging Sherry Turkle on this is full of usable ideas — from how to declare email bankruptcy to teachi... posted on Jul 1 2013 (29,349 reads)

Seth Godin on the Art of Noticing and Creating, by Seth Godin
for Seth Godin on the Art of Noticing, and Then Creating Krista Tippett, Host: We live in a world that is re-creating itself one life and one digital connection at a time. And Seth Godin is one of the most original and helpful voices I know on this landscape for which there are no maps. He was one of the early Internet entrepreneurs and remains a singular thought leader and innovator in what he describes as our post-industrial connection economy. Rather than merely tolerate change, he says, we are all called now to rise to it. We are invited and stretched in whatever we do to be artists — to create in ways that matter to other people. And Seth Godin even sees mark... posted on Sep 27 2013 (29,449 reads)

Five Ways to Develop Ecoliteracy, by Daniel Goleman, Zenobia Barlow, Lisa Bennett
following is adapted from Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence. Ecoliterate shows how educators can extend the principles of social and emotional intelligence to include knowledge of and empathy for all living systems. For students in a first-grade class at Park Day School in Oakland, California, the most in-depth project of their young academic careers involved several months spent transforming their classroom into an ocean habitat, ripe with coral, jellyfish, leopard sharks, octopi, and deep-sea divers (or, at least, paper facsimiles of them). Their work culminated in one special night when, suited with goggles and homemade air ta... posted on Sep 26 2013 (31,342 reads)

Catching Song: On Being With Bobby McFerrin, by On Being
McFerrin: This is what I want everyone to experience at the end of my concert is everyone has this sense of rejoicing. I don't want them to be blown away by what I do, I want them to have this sense of real, real joy from the depths of their being. Because I think when you take them to that place then you open up a place where grace can come in. Krista Tippett, host: Who better to contemplate the human voice — its delights, its revelations, and its mystery — than Bobby McFerrin? He's won 10 Grammys and is as comfortable with Chick Corea as with Mozart. He's also known for drawing thousands of strangers into singing the Ave Maria, beautifully, to... posted on Aug 15 2014 (14,668 reads)

How I Work To Protect Women From Honor Killings, by Khalida Brohi
preparing for my talk I was reflecting on my life and trying to figure out where exactly was that moment when my journey began. A long time passed by, and I simply couldn't figure out the beginning or the middle or the end of my story. I always used to think that my beginning was one afternoon in my community when my mother had told me that I had escaped three arranged marriages by the time I was two. Or one evening when electricity had failed for eight hours in our community, and my dad sat, surrounded by all of us, telling us stories of when he was a little kid struggling to go to school while his father, who was a farmer, wanted him to... posted on Apr 19 2015 (11,041 reads)

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Recognition is famously a passage from ignorance to knowledge.
Amitav Ghosh

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