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Trauma: The Invisible Epidemic, by Tami Simon
follows is the syndicated transcript of a SoundsTrue interview between Tami Simon and Dr. Paul Conti. TS: Welcome to Insights at the Edge, produced by Sounds True. My name is Tami Simon. I’m the founder of Sounds True. I’d love to take a moment to introduce you to the new Sounds True Foundation. The Sounds True Foundation is dedicated to creating a wiser and kinder world by making transformational education widely available. We want everyone to have access to transformational tools such as mindfulness, emotional awareness and self-compassion, regardless of financial, social, or physical challenges. The Sounds True Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to... posted on May 17 2023 (8,879 reads)

Greeting the Light: An Interview with James Turrell, by Richard Whittaker
was thanks to artist Walter Gabrielson that I was able to get in touch with James Turrell. Gabrielson was an old friend of Turrell’s from Pasadena and, like Turrell, also a pilot. The prospect of meeting this remarkable artist was exciting and arranging it took some persistence. Michael Bond, who managed Turrell’s projects around the world, was encouraging, but he suggested some homework. I should go to Los Angeles to experience one of the artist’s pieces in a private collection there, The Second Meeting. Although I was already familiar with Turrell's work from reading about it, the visit to LA underlined my sense of his unique place in the art world. Eve... posted on Mar 26 2017 (15,440 reads)

When the Market is Our Only Language, by On Being
revere the creation of wealth. Anand Giridharadas wants us to examine this and how it shapes our life together. He knows, from the inside, the web of Wall Street and Silicon Valley; think tanks, foundations, and convenings from TED to the Aspen Institute; and book and speaking circuits and media that confer power. I had interviewed Anand before and wanted to draw out the generative aspect of a confrontational and thought-provoking message he’s now bringing about the implicit moral equations behind a notion like “win-win” and the moral compromises in cultural consensus we’ve reached, without reflecting on it, about what and who can save us. What follows ... posted on Feb 22 2019 (4,964 reads)

First Aid for Spiritual Seekers, by On Being
follows is the syndicated transcript of an interview between On Being's Krista Tippett and Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie Krista Tippett, host: Forms of religious devotion are shifting, just like every institution right now, but there’s a new world of creativity towards crafting spiritual life while appreciatively exploring the depths of tradition. Rabbi Amichai Lau-Lavie is a fun and forceful embodiment of this evolution. Born into an eminent and ancient rabbinical lineage, as a young adult he moved away from religion towards storytelling, theater, and drag. These days, he leads a pop-up synagogue in New York City with a global profile that takes as its tagline: “eve... posted on Feb 23 2020 (4,402 reads)

The Company We Keep: Deborah Meier, by Deborah Meier
ANNUAL E. F. SCHUMACHER LECTURES OCTOBER 1998 SALISBURY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SALISBURY, CT Edited by Hildegarde Hannum Introduction by Susan Witt EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, SCHUMACHER CENTER FOR A NEW ECONOMICS In preparation for introducing Deborah Meier I called a friend of mine in New York whose family knows her personally. A radio was playing in the background when a man answered the phone. I assumed he was my friend’s husband, so I said, “Andrew, this is Susan Witt, and I’m calling to ask about Deborah Meier.” He said, “Just a minute please,” went and turned down the radio, came back, and said, “Deborah Meier the... posted on Feb 13 2023 (2,585 reads)

Maggie Smith: Writing in a Way that is Brave, Real, and True, by Tami Simon
follows is the syndicated transcript of an Insights at the Edge podcast from SoundsTrue, between Tami Simon and Maggie Smith. You can listen to the audio version here. Tami Simon: In this episode of Insights at the Edge, my guest is Maggie Smith. Maggie Smith is an award-winning poet, writer and editor. She’s the author of the New York Times bestseller, You Could Make This Place Beautiful and we’ll be talking about that new book by Maggie. She’s also the author of Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change, along with several books of poems including Goldenrod and Good Bones, which was named one of the bes... posted on Aug 10 2023 (3,107 reads)

Why is the World So Beautiful?, by On Being
is the transcript of an interview between On Being's Krista Tippett and Frank Wilczek MS. KRISTA TIPPETT, HOST: “Having tasted beauty at the heart of the world, we hunger for more.” These are words of the Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek in his book A Beautiful Question. It’s a winsome, joyful meditation on the question “Does the world embody beautiful ideas?” — probing the world, by way of science, as a work of art. Frank Wilczek is the unusual scientist willing to analogize his discoveries about the deep structure of reality with deep meaning in the human everyday. My experience of how his mind makes connections took off as we bantere... posted on Jul 25 2016 (12,183 reads)

The Whisper of the Order of Things, by On Being
Martínez Celaya, Image by Ann Herold / Los Angeles Magazine A philosopher’s questioning and a scientist’s eye shape Enrique Martínez Celaya’s original approach to art and to life. A world-renowned painter who trained as a physicist, he’s fascinated by the deeper order that “whispers” beneath the surface of things. Works of art that endure, he says, possess their own form of consciousness. And a quiet life of purpose is a particular form of prophecy. The following is the audio and transcript of an interview between Krista Tippett and  Enrique Celaya. Krista Tippett, host: I love finding... posted on Nov 12 2017 (9,468 reads)

Milo Runkle: Expanding Our Sphere of Concern, by Awakin Call Editors
Runkle is an author, an activist, an investor, and a nonprofit leader. He founded Mercy for Animals when he was 15 years old and, at the time, was part of a beginning of a plant-based farm animal advocacy group movement that has now become the largest plant-based environmental advocacy organization in the world. This came out of an experience Milo had when he was young, growing up in rural Ohio, where a teacher brought in a baby piglet for dissection. That baby piglet was not fully dead and he saw it recklessly thrown against the floor in standard factory farming practices to kill it. He wanted to press charges around that treatment of the animal.  Seeing that the legal system woul... posted on Dec 5 2019 (4,962 reads)

Micah Mortali: Rewilding, by Tami Simon
You're listening to Insights at the Edge. Today, my guest is Micah Mortali. Micah is the director of the Kripalu Schools, which includes the School of Yoga, Ayurveda, Integrative Yoga Therapy, and the School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership, which he founded in 2018. With Sounds True. Micah has written a new book called Rewilding: Meditations, Practices, and Skills for Awakening in Nature. To be truthful, this conversation dropped me into a place that I wasn't expecting; a place of deep grief and longing about our disconnection as a human species from our very ground, the ground of the Earth. Micah Mortali, I think, has some powerful suggestions for how we can come a... posted on Jan 14 2020 (8,338 reads)

The Alchemy of Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times, by Tami Simon
Simon: Welcome to Insights at the Edge, produced by Sounds True. My name is Tami Simon, I’m the founder of Sounds True, and I’d love to take a moment to introduce you to the new Sounds True Foundation. The Sounds True Foundation is dedicated to creating a wiser and kinder world by making transformational education widely available. We want everyone to have access to transformational tools, such as mindfulness, emotional awareness, and self-compassion, regardless of financial, social, or physical challenges. The Sounds True Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to providing these transformational tools to communities in need, including at-risk youth, prisoners, vetera... posted on Dec 12 2020 (5,949 reads)

Lydia Fairhall Amplifies Love, by Berry Liberman
first met Lydia in Byron Bay, at Folk, a café wedged between wetlands and a caravan park on very sacred Indigenous land. At the time, she was the co-CEO and executive producer of Ilbijerri Theatre Company, one of Australia’s leading companies showcasing the work of First Nations artists, where she has fostered in a new era of maturity for the organisation during a period of growing awareness—maybe even awakening—of the broader Australian culture to the richness of our First Nations people’s traditions and voices. Lydia has lived many lives in this one life. She is a Worimi woman, born on Bundjalung country, now living between the Kulin nations and Gubbi Gubbi... posted on Dec 19 2020 (4,338 reads)

The Defiant Tenderness of Surrender, by Pat Benincasa, Sonesh Surana
· The Defiant Tenderness Of Surrender "There are so many courageous people just making breakfast in the morning, going to work, taking care of their families, trying to do online teaching. Holy God. I mean, I just wish there was a cosmic scorekeeper that for all of the thousands and billions of people doing their everyday acts of courage that we could track that in the universe. I suspect that what we're looking at in the sky at night aren't stars, they are evidence and markers of all those courageous acts that happened earlier in the day." In this insightful and delightfully human conversation, artist Pat Benincasa, and tech leader Sonesh Surana discu... posted on Mar 15 2021 (5,485 reads)

Pat McCabe is a Voice for Peace, by Helena Norberg-Hodge
Najin Win, meaning “Woman Stands Shining”) is an ambassador between two worlds. A Navajo mother, grandmother, artist and ceremonial leader, she has been deeply immersed in land-based, indigenous ways of living and being. Having grown up in a multicultural neighbourhood next to Stanford University in California, she is also accustomed to the realities of the modern, industrialised world. It makes her an invaluable bridge-builder and cross-cultural communicator, and a powerful voice for the deep and broad transformation needed in the modern world to deal with its ecological and social crises. Pat works with communities across Turtle Island/Nort... posted on Jul 27 2021 (4,121 reads)

How Newness Enters the World, by On Being
follows is the syndicated transcript of an On Being interview between Krista Tippett and Gal Beckerman. You can listen to the audio recording of the full interview here.  Krista Tippett, host:As any student of history knows, when time becomes history, very different dynamics come into focus than the ones that are at any moment screaming for attention. In our world of digital megaphones that privilege the immediate, it becomes harder to tell the difference between what feels urgent and is actually important, actually poised to shift the world on its axis. So I was excited when Gal Beckerman’s new book arrived. The title itself intrigues and compels: The Quiet Before... posted on Apr 18 2022 (6,741 reads)

Barbara McAfee: Voice as Vocation, by Awakin Call Editors
following is the transcript of the Awakin Call with Barbara McAfee, hosted by Aryae Coopersmith, and moderated by Mia Tagano Aryae: Welcome, everyone. My name is Aryae, and I'll be hosting today's Awakin Call. Thanks for joining us from wherever you are in the world. The intention behind these calls is to plant seeds of awareness and transformation within ourselves and our communities through conversations with individuals whose journeys and work inspire us. Awakin Call is an initiative of ServiceSpace — a distributed, global, all volunteer community committed to the principle that, by changing ourselves, we change the world. Behind each of these calls is an en... posted on Apr 28 2023 (2,658 reads)

A Primordial Covenant of Relationship, by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
12, 2023 In this talk given at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace in London, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee speaks about what it looks like to live in an unfolding apocalyptic reality and the creative possibilities that are waiting to be embodied. In this time of deep uncertainty, he reminds us of the ancient, primordial covenant of relationship with the living world that can give us a ground to stand on, and the sacred nature of creation that is always there, waiting for us to return to it. The theme of this evening’s talk is about this time we are in, living with the unknown. That is the theme of the latest print edition that Emergence has released. ... posted on Jun 1 2023 (3,371 reads)

Becoming an Active Operator of Your Nervous System, by Tami Simon
follows is the transcript of an Insights at the Edge interview between Tami Simon and Deb Dana. You can listen to the audio version of the interview here. Tami Simon: Welcome to Insights at the Edge, produced by Sounds True. My name is Tami Simon. I’m the founder of Sounds True. And I’d love to take a moment to introduce you to the new Sounds True Foundation. The Sounds True Foundation is dedicated to creating a wiser and kinder world by making transformational education widely available. We want everyone to have access to transformational tools, such as mindfulness, emotional awareness, and self-compassion, regardless of financial, social, or physical chall... posted on Nov 12 2023 (5,451 reads)

Mary Ann Brussat: Everyday Sacred Renaissance, by Awakin Calls
conversation took place in March 2024.Guest: Mary Ann BrussatHost: Janessa Gans WilderModerator: Charles GibbsJanessa: Welcome, everyone. My name is Janessa, and I will be hosting today's Awakin call. Thank you for joining us from wherever you happen to be in the world and here from sunny California. The intention behind these calls is to plant seeds of awareness and transformation within ourselves and our communities through conversations with individuals whose journey and work inspire us.Awakin Calls is an initiative of ServiceSpace, a distributed, global, all-volunteer community committed to the principle that by changing ourselves, we change the world. Behind each of these calls is ... posted on May 5 2024 (3,146 reads)

Joanna Macy: A Wild Love for the World, by Krista Tippet
for A Wild Love For the World with Joanna Macy November 1, 2012 Krista Tippet, host: I first discovered the philosopher of ecology Joanna Macy as a translator, of the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. We'll take that exquisite poetry as a lens on Joanna Macy's wisdom on the great dramas of our time: ecological, political, personal. Rilke sought the shape of meaning in a now-vanished central Europe at the turn of the last century. Joanna Macy's vision took shape in crucibles of the 20th century. I spoke with her in 2010 in a moment not wholly unlike this — after a man-made national ecological disaster: the Gulf Oil Spill. Now in her 80s, Joanna Macy s... posted on Nov 3 2013 (35,386 reads)

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Jimi Hendrix

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