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good to see you all. It's an honor to be here on this holy ground with you holy people. ... Thank you for all that you're doing in the world. When I was a kid, I loved to dance. I danced freely without inhibition, not worried about who was looking. And, my parents, when we would have guests over after dinner, they would summon the entertainment, which was me. And I would come out and I would dance for our guests. I don't dance so much anymore. I think as I got older, I became a little more nervous about what people would think about me. My knees got bad. And I don't know, sometimes I fear I've lost the love - that I don't have it in me anymore.In 2005, a terrible hurricane, called Hur... posted on Apr 21 2024 (2,866 reads)

experiences, here are some of our favorite articles to put your ears (and eyes) on. The Extinction of Silence and the Man Who is Saving It: Modern noises find us almost everywhere we go, and it’s having an impact on our health! But Gordon Hempton is leading the charge to protect and preserve the places we have left. (Make sure you have your headphones when you pop into this) Whales Have Viral Music, Too! Did you know humpback whales have viral songs, too? Just like us, humpback whales love a catchy new tune. From Australia all the way to Ecuador, viral whale songs are taking over the ocean. This astonishing discovery is changing how we see whales and ourselves in the natural world.... posted on Apr 25 2024 (4,316 reads)

caught by the womanI became, during them.Stars serenade mewith their chorus of hallelujah’s,offer themselves upas pin-pricksof wonder and guidancein the darknessTrees salute me, standguard and strengthen meoffer their wisdom– if I’m listening.I am.all existence.My friends are rocks andpraying mantises, I threadtheir hearts through mine, likean endless chainLet the sky teach me loyaltyto warmth AND shadow– the humility of hailand the sanctity ofchange.*And through it alllove.Ablazefrom magma – upthrough the solesof meI give the Mothermy body, for colonisingwe areember and water,– all at oncewe aresodeeplylovedjust like thiswith our limping, brokenhearts &... posted on Apr 26 2024 (3,370 reads)

and put the little light from his phone on.Two more people.Three people. Then, the whole audience of people come on, and everyone was shining their light of their phone on us. It lit up the whole hall.And so I got out my phone and took a picture of everyone with their light shining at me: It was the most beautiful scene -- a feeling that we're all in this together. That it's not anyone's fault, we're just all here, and we're all supporting each other.It was the most beautiful feeling of love from strangers I'd ever experienced.... posted on May 14 2024 (1,678 reads)

We were now holding each other physically. It was so needed and so healing. We knew that we could stand strong together. It was an unusual ceremony. More often, each person has a very individual experience in the field that is unique to them. Each horse normally works with one or two people, giving them some guidance that is specific to that person. But on this day, the horses stepped together as one herd to heal us all as a group, to draw us back together into community, connection, and love.  They showed us how to weather the storm, anchor ourselves in the turmoil and stay connected. A beautiful participant gave a moving video testimonial after the ceremony. Parts of it ar... posted on Jun 4 2024 (3,283 reads)

is not up to the task of making sense of what we have encountered. But you don’t need remarkable circumstances to encounter awe. When my colleagues and I asked research participants to track experiences of awe in a daily diary, we found, to our surprise, that people felt it a bit more than two times a week on average. And they found it in the ordinary: a friend’s generosity, a leafy tree’s play of light and shadow on a sidewalk, a song that transported them back to a first love. We need that everyday awe, even when it’s discovered in the humblest places. A survey of relevant studies suggest that a brief dose of awe can reduce stress, decrease inflammation, a... posted on Dec 31 1969 (4 reads)

Note: Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, a legendary leader known as "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka," passed away on April 16, 2024. This article, originally published on October 6, 2022, offers a glimpse of the timeless values through which the movement that flowed through him has served millions.] Building a road is a “shramadana” (communal gift of energy). Sarvodaya is self-governance movement that seeks a no-poverty, no-affluence society in Sri Lanka through community based efforts and volunteerism. Credit: Sarvodaya Photo Archive Over the past six months, Sri Lanka has been in the news. You have likely read accounts or seen videos of a civil revolution sparked by government corru... posted on May 7 2024 (1,740 reads)

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Even if it's not audible, you should sing inside.
Unknown Tuvan woman

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