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present moment, if I can trust enough in my aloneness to dissolve fully into this great emptiness.There are an infinite number of ways I could recount this single experience from last fall. Telling new stories, as I understand it has to do with new perspectives, new observations, new dimensions of ourselves, really allowing ourselves to be recreated. As someone who writes, I feel like my primary role is to listen. As someone mentioned earlier, to deeply listen to others, to myself, to nature, to life events, but mostly to silence, to this great emptiness itself.When I do that, something surprising often pops up like this story. This was not the story that I probably would've picked... posted on Jul 1 2024 (3,020 reads)

school lunch line, for example. To get students to eat more vegetables and less pizza, you could either tell them all about the health benefits of broccoli and carrots — or you could move the vegetables to the front of the buffet, so they’re the first things hungry kids see. Many behavioral scientists prefer this type of strategy because it can change lots of people’s behavior all at once — rather than one by one. Plus, it’s better attuned to the unconscious nature of most decision-making.  Smicval’s two biggest strategies revolve around the way waste is collected and how people pay for it. This October, Smicval began a yearslong process of tr... posted on Jun 29 2024 (2,239 reads)

in quantity, but in the organizing principle of the field in which they operate. The sparrow’s intention to serve without condition sustains the very platform of consciousness that allows a thousand flowers to bloom. She doesn’t just add a drop to the ocean; she sees the ocean in that drop. Her act, because it is given freely, without expectation, becomes the yeast of the heart, drawing a delicate line from the fleeting to the eternal, carried forward by the unseen currents of nature. And in that way, even the smallest act becomes a seed of transformation, a spark that ignites the unimaginable. Thank you, all, for being that critical yeast of heart. When our heads and hand... posted on Sep 17 2024 (2,981 reads)

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There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
Napolean Hill

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