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experienced what real love and real care is. But almost everybody can appreciate the impulse to wish to understand, to understand why, and to try to understand who we are, what I am—and going with that motive sometimes leads you to love. Nipun: Absolutely. I think sometimes we have these clouds over our awareness that don't let us see; however, we have all experienced love. We start with nine months of a gift from our moms. They’re unconditional gifts; there’s no business plan and no handshake. That’s how we all came into this world. This was nine months of love, and how are you going to process that? It’s just that we forget about a lot of these g... posted on Feb 22 2016 (12,418 reads)

form a claustrophobic circle in the second floor office of the converted three-story barn. Beyond the door comes the intermittent sound of clucking as several chickens pick their way through the drifts of hay on the floor below. Inside the office, any space not occupied by yarn or knitting paraphernalia is taken up by papers: invoices, photographs, messages to call customers, and a scribbled note exhorting all to “be present.” The meeting seems more like a social gathering than a business function, and Pete’s demeanor is patient and reassuring, at times almost fatherly. The calm exterior and the idyllic setting belie the internal struggle Pete faced as he sought to recon... posted on Mar 1 2016 (11,238 reads)

Scilla Elworthy, Jean Houston and Rama Mani first met in 2012 there was a perfect synchronicity of temperaments and ideas. Clinical psychologist and business consultant, Dr Hamira Riaz, talks to the three founders of Rising Women Rising World about the goals of this global community of remarkable women and the art of a life well lived. It is an unusual occurrence when the roll call of achievements of just three women includes several nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize; training roles for UN Development Programmes, and advice-giving to NATO military officers and government officials. That the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and the Clintons, to name just a few, have sought them out ... posted on Mar 8 2016 (15,733 reads)

get more energy than goals that are distant in time. The more active the goal, the bigger the influence on behavior. Consequently, you are biased against doing things that will pay off in the long run when there is some other activity you could do now to achieve a short-term goal. So if you want to help someone change, your task is to help him or her formulate daily short-term goals that will ultimately lead to long-term success—and then help them remember those goals. Think like a business selling a product. Most businesses would never survive if they sold a product to a person only once. People’s actions are driven by specific circumstances. If you show people the condit... posted on Mar 22 2016 (26,788 reads)

arm, turn his neck. He needed aluminum crutches to walk. His friends and former students became his doctors. One recalled that he probably had more nerve-block injections than anyone else on the planet. Already a workaholic, he worked even more -- 15- to 18-hour days. Healing others became more than just his job, it was his own most effective form of relief. "If I wasn't as busy as I am," he told a reporter at the time, "I would be a completely disabled guy." On a business trip to Florida in the early 1980s, Bonica got a former student to drive him to the Hyde Park area in Tampa. They drove past palm trees and pulled up to an old mansion, with giant silver howi... posted on Apr 12 2016 (14,204 reads)

is telling the truth. The voice of head stems from common knowledge. It’s knowledge that you’ve been ‘taught’ or conditioned into. But the heart or the inner voice is moving you towards your true path. Sometimes it may be difficult, but if you follow that, it will guide you towards peace." Advice for Working Mothers Maki's youngest sister Yuka Saionji Matsuura (an incredible force of love in her own right) shares, "When our parents went for business trips we had adults who took care of us, but Maki really took on that role as well. That was so clear to me when Maki had her first baby Miki. When Miki was a toddler, Maki would tell her &ld... posted on Apr 23 2016 (18,193 reads)

TED talk on the subject, I have probably researched more about Autism than any other topic related to my profession. Vivaan continues to surprise us every day by the little things he does, by how much he understands without ever being able to express himself, by how much love he has, without ever giving a hug, by how much patience he has without every complaining about the long and boring therapies he undergoes. It’s been a journey like never before. Its taught me more than any business school can ever teach. Listed below are some of my greatest life lessons! 1. If you search for a cure, you will find disappointment; if you look for uniqueness, you will find happiness. ... posted on May 2 2016 (15,317 reads)

them asks, “Mulla, where exactly did you drop the keys?” “Oh, inside my house.” The shocked neighbor responds, “Then why in the world are we searching for them under this lamp post?” Not missing a beat, Mulla replies -- “Oh, because there’s more light here.” That, in a nutshell, is our problem too. Today’s society wants us to inherit the value system of the marketplace. Fall in line, and we’ll be rewarded with fancy titles on business cards, alphabets after our name, and dollars in our bank account. The shiny carrots of money, fame and prestige may grab our attention but we’re not going to find our keys under those g... posted on May 31 2016 (49,950 reads)

I am all about deromanticizing virtues and so the bad news is that if we tell the truth about love, it’s a hard truth. It’s just love crosses the chasms between us, and it brings them into relief. Like nothing else. But, the good news is, when we think about something lofty like love, if imagining that as a public virtue, which, by the way, all the great social reformers have done, right? That was Martin Luther King’s dream, the beloved community. That’s the unfinished business now. The changes in laws and policies float out of that. But we do get to take seriously our concrete experiences with this things, right? So if I’m reflecting on love as a lens for ... posted on Jul 10 2016 (14,378 reads)

fire trucks and an ambulance were in front of the nursing home as I pulled up. My chest tightened. The reality here is that people do not necessarily get better – they come here to die. Still, after visiting almost 6 months now, I have come to care for the residents. It always makes me sad when someone passes. Inside, I half expected there to be a rush of firemen or paramedics shouting, “Code blue” or “Clear the way!” but that is only on TV. Here, it is business as usual – all in a days work. Down the hall, Mr. Le was propped up on the sofa, his one foot in his wheel chair. He has good days and not so good, today was a sad one. I sat with hi... posted on Jul 22 2016 (15,934 reads)

to go. They needed a transition. So we were chosen. Eighty percent of Native people between eighteen and thirty have been incarcerated. And while they were doing their time, they wanted their kids safe. They wanted help and they found their way to our school. One particular person applied, Clyde Screaming Eagle Salazar. Basically, he was the last man off of Alcatraz. He was slinging heroin. Where did he learn heroin? He was in the armed service. He said this feels good, but he also made a business of it and ended up in Alcatraz. The reason I say this is that you never know who your teacher is going to be. They’re not who you think they’re going to be or look like, or eve... posted on Aug 16 2016 (16,227 reads)

cannot coexist… Romantic temperament … equates spontaneity and truth. But the word art is neighbor to artifice, and in human culture, as in the animal and vegetable worlds, desirability entails not only the impulse of the moment but also enchantment, exaggeration, rearrangement, and deception. We don’t find the fragrance of night-scented flowering tobacco or the display of a peacock’s tail insincere — by such ruses this world conducts its erotic business. To acknowledge rhetoric’s presence in the beauty of poems, or any other form of speech, is only to agree to what already is. In another thought cast at poetry but ablaze with trut... posted on Sep 6 2016 (11,214 reads)

an online shop full of beautiful stuff I didn’t need. It was worse when I actually bought stuff. So what happened for me was that I reclaimed some of that most valued entity—time. Beyond that, I don’t burn with longing; I use what I have. And when I do make a rare purchase or get an awesome clothing-swap giveaway, I really appreciate the piece. Loeffelholz Dunn: “Covet counseling” has a mental health piece to it. When you studied consumer behavior in the business school at University of Toronto, what did you learn about the emotional aspect of shopping? The way we shop has deep social justice implications. Lazarovic: The gist is that we are... posted on Sep 9 2016 (18,810 reads)

profound way. It wasn’t a handful of cash or a lead on a job for her husband, but maybe – just maybe – it would make her life better. My heart pounded as I approached the woman.  “Excuse me,” I said, my voice trembling a bit. “I couldn’t help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like you’re going through a really hard time right now. I’m so sorry. I’d like to give you something.” And I handed her a business-sized card. When the woman read the card’s only two words, she began to cry. And through her tears, she said, “You have no idea how much this means to me.” I was a lit... posted on Nov 10 2020 (106,911 reads)

Hav a Sole's pop-up shops, the homeless and children living in poverty can pick out a free pair of designer shoes. The sneaker business has never been bigger than it is today. Since 2004, sales of high-end athletic shoes increased by 40 percent to nearly $55 billion, and the resale market generates more than $1 billion. Now, one former sneakerhead hopes to put a little soul back in the soles of homeless people and disadvantaged youth by gifting them a brand new or gently worn pair. Watch the video above to see how Rikki Mendias, founder of the grassroots nonprofit Hav a Sole, uses his background in fashion photography and social media marketing to solicit ... posted on Oct 27 2016 (13,625 reads)

do you think I should work?” Fast food like Wendy’s or casual dining like Chili’s? he asked. Houser paused before saying, “Sir, I think you should work for whomever hires you first.” That exchange occurred in 2007, and Houser pondered it for more than a year, feeling helpless at first, then angry at the lack of opportunities for the young men trying to leave their mistakes behind. One night in 2009, as he was closing up Parigi after dinner service, he told his business partner he felt dishonest. A year had passed, and the boys at the Youth Village weren’t any better off. He felt like he’d broken a promise. “I just want to open a restaurant... posted on Nov 2 2016 (12,822 reads)

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they fell from their innocence. They grew embarrassed and fretful, self-conscious. And they learned, a little too late, perhaps, that there are certainly some things that we need to know, but there are many, many more that are better left unexplored. Now, when I was a kid, I knew it all, of course. I had been spending 20 years in classrooms collecting facts, and I was actually in the information business, writing articles for Time Magazine. And I took my first real trip to Japan for two-and-a-half weeks, and I came back with a 40-page essay explaining every last detail abo... posted on Nov 7 2016 (20,783 reads)

started by asking better questions. What do I care about? What matters to me? What don’t I know? If wasn’t worried about what others thought, what would I do? What truly lights me up? As I explored these questions, I began drawing these little stick figure illustrations about what I was uncovering and sharing them on Facebook. It was a way for me to make sense of what I was learning and share it with others.   Eventually I left Facebook. Since then, I started and ended a business. I became and unbecame a life coach about three times. I had 6ish relationships I lived in 5 different houses in 4 different neighborhoods. I tried on 12 different spiritual traditions. I tra... posted on Nov 21 2016 (35,392 reads)

by local supermarkets. In Lisbon, the Frutafeia co-operative campaigns against standardization in foodstuffs, especially vegetables, while Berlin’s ‘social fridges’ offer self-service food for free to people who are homeless. In the current dominant system of food consumption and the culture of rush, a daily mountain of edible food that’s thrown into a bin is not considered a failure—it’s simply one of the many consequences of doing business as usual. To reverse that process, we all have to put our shopping into question. This is a shorter version of a longer piece that can be found here.  ... posted on Nov 27 2016 (13,277 reads)

But much of the new evidence suggests that self-control is most effective when it operates through habits. People use their self-control to break bad habits and establish good ones, and then life can run smoothly and successfully, with low levels of stress, regret, and guilt. Viewed in that perspective, virtue is best achieved when self-control is exerted so as to establish habits of good behavior. Part of the reason is that using willpower to resist temptation is a strenuous, costly business with unreliable results. Habits are far more reliable than that. Two decades’ worth of lab research has established that willpower is limited, and exerting self-control to resist imp... posted on Dec 19 2016 (14,293 reads)

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When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

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