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Never Too Late: Becoming a World Champion at 40
Deanna Stellato-Dudek, a retired figure skater, made history at the ripe athletic age of 40, becoming the oldest woman ever to win a World Figure Skating Championship. After a series of injuries pushed her to retire from skating at the age of 17 in 2001, Stellato-Dudek went on with her life -- becoming a successful aesthetician and getting married. The unfinished saga of her athletic journey, thou... posted on Mar 25, 1384 reads

When Melodies Unlock Memory Reservoirs
Candy Cohn often would speak with her late mother, Lillian, in English, with a few words here and there in Yiddish. Then, one day, Lillian "started singing a beautiful Yiddish love song called Sheyn Vi Di Levone. 'I'd never heard her sing it. I never heard her play it. The look on her face and the joy. I hadn't seen that in her in a long time,'" Candy Cohn described to WLRN Public Radio. ... posted on Mar 31, 1282 reads

Sri Lanka's Untold Story of Resilience
When the legendary Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne -- often called "the Gandhi of Sri Lanka" -- passed away last month at the age of 92, his enduring legacy of selfless love expanded in hearts across the globe. For over sixty years, Dr. Ariyaratne's humility and servant leadership stewarded thousands of self-sufficient villages in Sri Lanka. Working quietly and often behind the scenes, the unique non-governm... posted on May 7, 2293 reads

From Snow to Water
Ready to meet a compassion and business hero? Xue, an immigrant from Inner Mongolia, made her way to MIT, Wall Street and as a successful entrepreneur until a life altering experience got her to question everything in her life. She co-founded 'The Space Between', an investment fund redirecting hundreds of millions not just to grow wealth, but to ignite change and foster compassion. Its founding pr... posted on May 11, 3300 reads

Small Sounds of the Past
"In Praise of Listening" by Christian McEwen celebrates the profound impact of sound on our memories and experiences. Through evocative stories like Alice Cozzolino's pasta-making rituals with her mother and Eleanor Adams' childhood memories of island life, McEwen reminds us of the power of sound to transport us back in time. In a world filled with noise, these memories serve as reminders to liste... posted on May 20, 1729 reads

Standing in Authentic Power
Stacey Lawson relates how real power is within, and takes inner work and outer action, and how sometimes it’s hard to understand why following inner guidance leads us on a path that doesn’t end where we might have wished. She explains how during meditation she repeatedly received a powerful call to run for political office, and while it was the last thing she wanted to do, and after st... posted on Jun 5, 3133 reads

Captioning Ubuntu
Our stories are a product of countless other stories in time and space. In South Africa, there is a saying that translates to: "A person is a person through other persons." In Kenya, there is a saying that translates to, "A person is other people." Both adages echo the essence of "ubuntu" -- systems of values that honor deep interconnectedness. Storyteller and author Wakanyi Hoffman illustrates pe... posted on Jun 20, 11167 reads

Four Steps to Help People Feel Listened To
Your child announces he's in love and dropping out of college to travel with his beloved across the globe. Your uncle makes a politically charged comment over a holiday meal. A doctor brushes off your concern, reiterating a line of reasoning you've already discussed. It can be a bewildering, enraging, or disempowering experience when something so clearly true from our perspective is so adamantly a... posted on Jun 26, 4373 reads

Families in One Town Adopt 77 Children. This Couple Led the Way.
Donna Martin was one of eighteen children whose mother managed to instill respect, compassion, and unconditional love in each of them. Donna went through devastating pain and loss following her mother’s passing. After grieving for months, she felt a call to “Give back. What about those children that didn’t have what you had?” Though she and her husband were not well-off and... posted on Jul 9, 1894 reads

‘If there’s nowhere else to go, this is where they come’
Nowadays, it doesn’t take much time in a local library to realize libraries are no longer hushed spaces with people reading books. They help with forms, tutoring, testing, and lessons from knitting to coding. Besides books, they lend footballs, walking sticks, winter coats, and a litany of other items and services. It is “somewhere where everybody can come,” even those who have n... posted on Jul 11, 1421 reads

The Benefits of Volunteering
Experience and research show that while volunteering is good in and of itself, volunteers may receive as much or more than they give. Some of the benefits: it keeps people active; leads to new friendships, less loneliness, and more social support; it instills a sense of purpose, and improves self-esteem and self-confidence; and they feel a sense of accomplishment. Researchers find volunteering may... posted on Aug 3, 1902 reads

An Awe Walk
A study on the effects of an “awe walk” revealed people found awe in the ordinary such as “a friend’s generosity, a leafy tree’s play of light and shadow on a sidewalk, a song that transported them back to a first love.” They found that even a few moments of awe can “reduce stress, decrease inflammation, and benefit the cardiovascular system.” They a... posted on Sep 11, 2763 reads

Rachelle Jeanty: Finding Spirit in Pain
Rachelle Jeanty gifts us with a few verses of her crystal voice in song, and talks about how she led a luxurious life as a backup singer for a global superstar. Her dream, however, was to be a singer-songwriter, so she left to follow her own path. She tried everything over ten years that included being betrayed and scammed by an agent that her intuition had told her not to trust. She was devastate... posted on Sep 25, 1523 reads

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The flood of information that swamps me daily seems to produce more pain than gain.
Paul Hemp

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