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The Tale of A Lost & Found Camera
Rhonda Surman and her husband were hiking around some Bronze Age ruins in western Scotland when they found an Olympus digital camera, lying on the ground. The couple turned the camera over to the local police but when it was returned to them unclaimed they took matters into their own hands. Ms. Surman posted several of the 600 pictures on the camera on the Internet and, organized a group of amat... posted on May 1, 2693 reads

A Taxi Driver Turns it Around
"A couple weeks ago I was standing out on a cold evening in New York City waiting for a cab to come take me to a nightclub. After about 5 minutes of waiting, I was picked up by a gentleman in his 30's, and he was clearly angry. Swear words left and right about how horrible New Yorkers were. I knew my cab ride would only be about 10 minutes and there was a part of me that wanted to be silent and... posted on May 13, 7691 reads

Advocate of the Unwatched Life
"The practice of painting...I'm very involved in it, and so its natural outcome is this spiritual concern. If you consider it long enough and deeply enough a conversion experience will occur. On the other side of that conversion experience, or transformation, is this understanding of our fragility of being -- that we're just specks. And, really, we're just witnesses. [...] In the simplest way, usi... posted on May 16, 2011 reads

You are Brilliant -- and the Earth is Hiring
An excerpt from Paul Hawken's 2009 commencement address at the University of Portland: "There is invisible writing on the back of the diploma you will receive, and in case you didn't bring lemon juice to decode it, I can tell you what it says: YOU ARE BRILLIANT, AND THE EARTH IS HIRING. The earth couldn't afford to send any recruiters or limos to your school. It sent you rain, sunsets, ripe cherri... posted on May 20, 21419 reads

How Much Sleep Do We Need?
"An amazing paradox exists in our educational system. We have learned that the consequences of pervasive sleep deprivation and undiagnosed sleep disorders are collectively one of our nation's biggest and most serious problems. Falling asleep at the wheel and in other hazardous situations is a leading cause of death and disability. [...] The paradox is that our society remains a vast reservoir of i... posted on May 21, 8553 reads

Drucker's Advice on Managing Oneself
When it comes to managing careers, the advice isn't surprising: "We must each be our own chief executive officer. Simply put, it's up to you to carve out your place in the work world and know when to change course. And it's up to you to keep yourself engaged and productive during a work life that may span some 50 years. To do all of these things well, you'll need to cultivate a deep understanding... posted on May 23, 4688 reads

Why Fiction Can Be Good For You
"For more than two thousand years people have insisted that reading fiction is good for you. Aristotle claimed that poetry -- he meant the epics of Homer and the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, which we would now call fiction -- is a more serious business than history. History, he argued, tells us only what has happened, whereas fiction tells us what can happen, which can stretch... posted on Jul 6, 4528 reads

From Bush to Bike: A Bamboo Revolution
"We planted this bamboo last year," he says, "and now the stems are taller than me. When it's ready we'll cut it, cure it and then turn it into frames." Mr Banda, is the caretaker for Zambikes, a company set up by two Californians and two Zambians which aimed to build bikes tough enough to handle the local terrain. Co-founder Vaughn Spethmann, 24, recalls how it all started with a game of football... posted on Jul 26, 3666 reads

Polly's Walk Around the World
"The definition of walking around the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is that you have to walk at least 14,000 miles, and you need to start and finish in the same place and walk across at least four continents, and they say that when you get to the end of a continent you can fly," Polly Letofsky explains in the film her brother P.J. made to document her journey around the w... posted on Aug 8, 2484 reads

A Snowballing of Generosity
Imagine this: shopper Jenni Ware gets $207 of groceries at Trader Joe's and realizes only at the checkout line that she has lost her wallet. Carolee Hazard, in line behind the distressed woman, spontaneously covers the tab! Jenni goes home and sends Carolee a check for $300, and suggests that her benefactress treat herself to a massage with the leftover cash. Hazard turned to her online Facebook c... posted on Aug 29, 2662 reads

A Tale With a Storybook Ending
They met on Boston Common -- two men with little in common. One a well-heeled, high-powered attorney, the other a street-schooled, often ignored homeless person. But every morning they would cross paths here in the park and over the course of several months, actually became good friends. How did that happen? You'd think after the weather and box scores they'd run out of things to talk about. And i... posted on Aug 30, 4990 reads

Why We Make Art
Why do you make art? That's the simple question Greater Good posed to seven artists. Their answers are surprising, and very diverse. They mention making art for fun and adventure; building bridges between themselves and the rest of humanity; reuniting and recording fragments of thought, feeling, and memory; and saying things that they can't express in any other way.... posted on Sep 12, 5637 reads

Sylvia's Center: A Living Memorial
Liz Neumark, cofounder of one of New York City's most successful catering companies, started Sylvia's Center on the farm she bought to supply produce for her business. There she hosts inner city schoolchildren so they can not only see how food grows, but participate in the process and taste it fresh. The center is named for her daughter, who died suddenly at the age of six. It combines who Sylvia... posted on Oct 4, 2056 reads

How Mindfulness Can Make for Better Doctors
"Last month, The Journal of the American Medical Association published the results of a study examining the effects of a year-long course for primary care physicians on mindfulness, that ability to be in the zone and present in the moment purposefully and without judgment. Seventy physicians enrolled and participated in the four components of the course -- mindfulness meditation; writing sessions;... posted on Dec 11, 3821 reads

Living Without Money For 13 Years
Twenty-two years ago Heidemarie Schwermer, a middle-aged secondary school teacher just emerging from a difficult marriage, moved with her two children to the city of Dortmund, Germany. Shocked and unsettled by the city's significant homeless population, Schwermer set up what in Germany is called a Tauschring-- a sort of "swap shop"-- a place where people can exchange their skills or possessions fo... posted on Jan 9, 15338 reads

The Stranger Exchange
John Wilson stopped in Chicago during a road trip from Boston. He was walking by Wicker Park when he noticed a totally anonymous and unsupervised local drop box where you could leave or take unwanted books and DVDs. John and his friend Chris tried to replicate this box in their hometown, and have had amazing results so far. Read how these two, and others, try to bring ideas of reciprocation and ... posted on Dec 7, 4101 reads

Ask How Are You and Mean It
When asked about her greatest life lessons, artistic director Judith Jameson responds, "It starts with 'Hello, how are you.' And listening." In this humble interview, she shares gems of wisdom, ranging from humble leadership -- "Let people do things. If they do it better than you, let them do it" -- to staying grounded -- "Keep it human. Keep it alive. Don't turn into a robot... You have to liste... posted on Oct 17, 1585 reads

Practicing the Science of Happiness
The study of happiness is experiencing a boom. Its practitioners include economists who believe that gross domestic product is too limited a tool to measure the success of societies, psychologists and sociologists who feel that their disciplines have focused too much on neuroses and social problems and not enough on determining what kind of activities and policies actually contribute to happier so... posted on Jan 22, 7726 reads

10 Ways To Make a Difference
Concerned about the future? Want to do something about greenhouse gases and climate change? Colin Beavan (founder of the No Impact Project who wrote a book about the year his family reduced their environmental impact to close to zero and found they were healthier, and happier as a result) lists ten actions for you to consider to reduce your carbon footprint. Ideas range from reduce your waste by r... posted on Feb 4, 5715 reads

Solution to Poverty: Women!
Why do microfinance organizations usually focus their assistance on women? And why does everyone benefit when women enter the work force and bring home regular pay checks? While violence against women is one of the greatest and most under-recognized global phenomena, there's a growing recognition among everyone -- from the World Bank to the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff to aid organization... posted on Mar 3, 5107 reads

The Humblest People in Washington
Cloaked in simplicity, Sister Christiana and Mother Therese sleep no more than three and a half hours at a time, on straw mats in six-by-eight foot cells. They rise to prayer bells at five a.m., and pray again at six, noon, six, and half past midnight. In a world splattered with high-powered jobs fueled by prestige and assertiveness, humility is often cast aside a sign of weakness. But the convict... posted on Apr 11, 2399 reads

The Sound of One Hand Clapping
Richard Whittaker reflects on art and coffee with a stranger: "One morning I looked up from my cup of tea in a local coffee shop and was surprised to see a man at work on a little painting sitting at a table nearby. I walked over, took a peek, and was surprised again. It was really good. I complimented him on his work. He seemed to welcome the interruption, and I asked him a few questions. He was ... posted on Apr 29, 4779 reads

Meet the Neighbors
In an age of discount air travel, cheap long distance, and the internet, when we can create community anywhere, why is it that we often don't know the people who live next door? From porch parties in Columbus, Ohio, to community gardening projects in Albany, NY, people across the U.S. are finding creative ways to break down our physical and mental barriers of isolation. Dennis Maxwell of Oregon gi... posted on May 4, 2423 reads

Join the Laughter Club
In one of the world's most challenging economies, two women are setting up laughter clubs to help people cope with the strains of daily life. Last year, a unity government halted the collapse of Zimbabwe's economy - which left the Zimbabwe dollar almost worthless - by allowing the use of foreign currency. How does one respond to such hardship? "You've got to laugh more," says one man at a recent w... posted on May 8, 2585 reads

The World's Happiest People
"I'm always a happy person," says Nina Nielsen, 24, roaming a bustling street with her mother and friends in Denmark's capital of Copenhagen. In more than one study (including a 2009 report from Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development), residents of Denmark have been designated the happiest people in the world. What's their secret? A well-balanced lifestyle. A positive o... posted on May 20, 6496 reads

A Trash-Free Year
"Any time I throw something away, I think of you." It sounds like an insult, but to Amy and Adam Korst, it's a typical compliment. Since July 2009, the young couple have been on a quest to answer the question: "Is it possible for a couple to live an entire year without placing trash in a landfill, in a country that produces more waste each year than any other country in the world?" According to th... posted on May 26, 3687 reads

A Piece of Cowboy Wisdom
"I had come to Elko for their annual Cowboy Poetry Gathering. A first-timer, I was neither a cowboy nor a student of cowboy poetry, but I'd been enjoying the performances and the friendly atmosphere among the ranchers, cowboys and the friends of cowboy culture. It was the second day of the festival and I'd taken a break to visit Capriola's, a place famous for its western gear. Just outside the sto... posted on May 29, 3044 reads

It Starts with a Seed
The seed of the idea, Satish Vijaykumar recalls, started as something tiny and simple: "One day I was just sitting and thinking about how the average Indian is always worrying about something, but we don't do anything." One thing that sounded doable to the young man of Mumbai, India was to pool together rupees with friends, buy a few saplings, and plant them. "It's the least I could do," he though... posted on Jun 4, 1571 reads

More Wrinkles, More Smiles
Happiness increases with age, surveys say! A recent Gallup poll asked 340,000 people across the United States questions ranging from age and gender, health, personal finances, emotions, and general well-being. They found that negative emotions like worry and sadness drop off after age 50, about the same time happiness sets in. Overall, the trends show that young adults start out feeling pretty goo... posted on Jun 10, 3182 reads

The Magic Flute
A pawnshop flute. That's how Marvin Sanders makes art out of uncertainty. From living on the streets to graduating college with a degree in music, Sanders recalls his incredible journey. And how it all started at a gas station: "I was in Denver, Colorado working at a gas station. Those were the days people would pull up and someone would walk out and pump your gas and wipe the windshield. I was wo... posted on Jun 16, 2924 reads

Soul Food: So All May Eat
In a world where a bite of fast food is cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetables, processed goods line the walls of food banks and soup kitchen gruel lacks key nutrients, being low-income means running on a toxin-rich diet. But at the SAME (So All May Eat) Cafe in Denver, Colorado, customers can walk in with empty wallets and leave nourished by healthy, organic food that otherwise would have broke... posted on Jul 3, 2753 reads

Oprah: A Case Study Comes Alive
Intuitively, there's something very powerful about Oprah Winfrey. At least that's what Professor Nancy Koehn of Harvard Business School thought. Of the entrepreneur who juggles her own talk show, magazine, and book club, one might ask, What exactly is Oprah in the business of? Why is she such a compelling leader? According to Koehn, it boils down to two elements: Purpose and Service. "It is a stor... posted on Jul 29, 8951 reads

365 Days of Happiness
"Great wife, amazing kids, a full head of hair - like so many people I felt I had no real grounds for feeling unhappy. But all too often I did, and it was getting me down." At 44, Cathal Morrow found himself getting bogged down by the trials and tribulations of daily life and spending "a decent amount of time veering between mildly piqued and downright upset." But then it dawned on him: he was hap... posted on Jul 20, 6300 reads

Less Give More
As the saying goes, life at the bottom is nasty, brutish and short. For this reason, some might assume that people in lower social classes will be more self-interested and less inclined to consider the welfare of others than upper-class individuals. A recent study, however, flips this idea on its head. Experiments by Paul Piff and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley concludes ... posted on Aug 7, 4153 reads

Pasta for All
It all started when his mother came to visit from Italy. Before then, Bruno Serato, owner of an upscale restaurant in California, admits he had a pretty carefree life- hosting and hobnobbing with Orange Country's most rich and famous. At the time, Serato was on the board of the local Boys and Girls Club, and thought his mother would like to see it. During the visit, he informed her that the club s... posted on Sep 7, 2558 reads

Knocking on Doors
As back-to-school season gets into full swing, Houston students who aren't back can expect an early morning knock on the door. It might be the mayor, the superintendent, or a group of volunteers showing up at the door, and they'll know exactly which credits a student needs and a variety of options for how to get them. "For too long a lot of these young people have felt no one cared about them," sa... posted on Sep 12, 1435 reads

Classroom on a Pushcart
Not many recognized Efren Penaflorida as he left the Philippines for a Hollywood gala for CNN Heroes. But when Penaflorida returned from the event as CNN's Hero of the Year, he was greeted by hundreds of screaming fans at Manila airport. Penaflorida was honored for creating mobile "pushcart classrooms," stocked with books, chalkboards and other supplies that bring education to poor Filipino childr... posted on Sep 26, 2046 reads

Packing Lunch with Love
For years, Marcia Merrick began her day making lunches for her two children. Her kids are grown up now, but Ms. Merrick still makes lunches every morning - 400 of them. Each decorated paper bag contains a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich or a bean burrito, chips, fruit, and two homemade cookies. She also includes a note of encouragement - and then distributes them to the homeless of Kansas City, M... posted on Sep 28, 3927 reads

A Year Without Money
By choice, Mark Boyle basically doesn't have a cent- or, more accurately, a pence- to his name. Boyle lives in rural England in a trailer he spotted on He feeds himself by growing everything from barley to potatoes, foraging wild edibles like berries and nettles, and occasionally dumpster-diving for luxuries like margarine and bread. He brushes his teeth with homemade toothpaste and... posted on Oct 23, 6230 reads

Facebook Friends Save Hermit Crabs
Leanne Sarco, a ranger at Grand Isle State Park located on a barrier island off the coast of Louisiana, remembers the day she discovered oil in her lagoons, after the April 20 explosion of a BP oil rig. While countless government, university and wildlife organizations drew up plans to solve the litany of complex problems created by the huge spill, Ms. Sarco thought small. She decided her best con... posted on Dec 2, 3353 reads

A Second Look at First Impressions
Why do we admire, envy, or disparage certain social groups and people? Why hire Kurt instead of Kyra? How do students choose study partners? "Within less than a second, using facial features, people make what are called 'spontaneous trait inferences,'" says social psychologist Amy Cuddy. Through investigating perceptions of warmth and competence, Cuddy explains how men and women rise to the top- o... posted on Dec 14, 7554 reads

Not Your Grandfather's Retirement
Retirement: Golf, knitting, rocking chairs, ...and changing the world? While notions of retirement have traditionally conjured up images of relaxing, traveling, and enjoying leisure time and recreation, more and more people at the age of retirement are committing the second half of their lives to projects that serve society. This year's recipients of the Purpose Prize, an award that honors people ... posted on Dec 5, 6114 reads

A Blessing from A Homeless Man
On the way back from work every evening, a homeless man would often be at the exit of the freeway. His eyes were brown and had a sparkle, like an inside light beaming out of his eyes. He always waved at every car, he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing. A feeling of joy would come over me every time I saw him, as I came off the ramp. He had that effect. Then one day, I w... posted on Dec 10, 7002 reads

A Biologist's Solution For A Troubled City
To many residents Binghamton, New York, appears to be on the decline. The once thriving community was struck hard by the economic downturn. It now has a shrinking population, rising crime rates and increasing drug use among youth. But recently, the city's quality of life got a boost from an unusual source: an evolutionary biologist who has studied microbes, zooplankton, and birds. Professor David ... posted on Jun 2, 11655 reads

30 Years of Work Bears Fruit
Thanks to decades-long effort, the variety of fruit-bearing shrubs and trees in Wattles' common areas is staggering: bananas, mangos, papayas, nectarines, apples, guavas, key lime, dwarf tangerines, olive, figs, Oro Blanco grapefruit, Washington navel oranges, blood oranges, persimmons, pomegranates, Chinese pear, cherimoya, peach, apricot. The list of multicultural delights goes on and on. As hea... posted on May 2, 2795 reads

Costumed Crusaders Taking it to the Streets
Crusaders costumed in tights, capes, cowls and other accoutrements are turning up with surprising regularity in American cities to fight what they consider their biggest enemy: public apathy. They call themselves Real Life Superheroes and, with names like Dark Guardian, Red Dragon, and Viper, they might be right at home on the pages of comic books. But unlike their ink-and-paper counterparts, they... posted on Mar 15, 3349 reads

5 Ways Laughter is Good For Health
Ever felt lighter after a good laugh? Physiologically speaking, that's no coincidence. Laughter is shown to increase blood flow, strengthen immune system, reduce muscle pain, lower blood sugar and shed calories. Along similar lines, singing or listening to music can improve the brain's auditory and language processing functions, and decrease insomnia, stress and stroke. Regular grounding practices... posted on Apr 21, 5479 reads

Pedaling For Peace
"I grew up in Lancaster, PA, joined the Navy and ended up on an aircraft carrier doing intelligence work in Japan, got married to my first wife in the Czech Republic, sold health club memberships (got to hang out with Magic Johnson almost everyday for a few months :)), started a screenplay competition, made a million in real estate and let it go in my second divorce, was a lifeguard in Australia a... posted on Apr 5, 7850 reads

Connecting for Good: Social Networks in 2015
New networks are emerging everywhere. It's exciting, and daunting. What is this new network-centric world? What could it mean for community and social change? A new report by the Knight Foundation and Monitor Institute explores how an increasingly connected world - where social networks are proliferating on and off-line- will affect the way people push for social change by 2015. Drawing from more ... posted on Apr 14, 5125 reads

The Sharing Economy Emerges
Peer to peer exchange of goods and services has skyrocketed way beyond and Couch Surfing. Now, access to goods and skills is becoming more important than ownership of them. And that has sparked a "Sharing Economy". Gartner Group researchers estimate that the peer-to-peer financial-lending market will reach $5 billion by 2013. Botsman says the consumer peer-to-peer rental market wil... posted on Apr 22, 3907 reads

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Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.
Maori Proverb

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