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What Happens in Mindfulness
"Like mom and apple pie, mindfulness has an unassailable reputation for virtue and wholesomeness. But what actually goes on in the brain and the psyche to deliver the goods? What are we actually signing up for when we embrace a path of mindfulness? In this important new book John Teasdale deftly weaves a course between the Scylla of cognitive science and the Charybdis of classic spiritual teaching... posted on Mar 13, 3531 reads

This Land is Their Land
"Most of us who are not Wampanoag or American Indian will never fully grasp the raw emotions indigenous people associate with Thanksgiving.[...]If how we tell history is one of the ways we shape our present and future, we can do no better than to rethink the myth of the First Thanksgiving and its role in the Thanksgiving holiday." Dr. David J. Silverman, is a professor and writer who specializes i... posted on Nov 26, 1665 reads

Grace Before Dinner
"Twenty five years ago I started Greens restaurant in San Francisco, then left to live in Rome, where I began writing on food and cooking. I departed Rome just as the Slow Food movement took root there in 1986, and I didnt become formally involved for another ten years. (Among other things, I now run Slow Foods Santa Fe chapter). But I was informally supporting Slow Food concepts all along. My dee... posted on Dec 24, 1762 reads

Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder
""Music," the trailblazing composer Julia Perry wrote, "has a unifying effect on the peoples of the world, because they all understand and love it... And when they find themselves enjoying and loving the same music, they find themselves loving one another." But there is something beyond humanistic ideology in this elemental truth --something woven into the very structure and sensorium of our bodie... posted on Jan 16, 3772 reads

Hidden Teachings on Life & Death
Neil Douglas-Klotz is a renowned teacher, scholar, author, and musician who specializes in the native traditions and ancient Semitic languages of the Middle East. His most recent book, Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus: The Hidden Teachings on Life and Death, is the culmination of his life's work over 40 years. By examining the "heart talks" of Jesus -- the Lord's Prayer and the Beatitudes -- he ad... posted on Mar 22, 3834 reads

How Did You Become A Writer?
"How did you become a writer? Is a question asked of me surprisingly often when I visit schools, which I much enjoy not only as part of my overarching subtle devious plan to get on the good side of the children who will soon run the world, but also for the consistent entertainment of their artlessly honest questions (the best ever: Is that your real nose?), and for the sometimes deeply piercing de... posted on Apr 12, 1943 reads

Our Job Is To Sing: An Interview with David Baker
"I have hundreds of pages of notes about whales and plastiglomerates and the whale fall and what happens in the oceans and fishing, and I just wasn't happy with the poem that I was writing. At the same time, I was trying to think about writing a poem about my illness. We didn't even know what it was 25 years ago when I first got sick--something called M.E. I began to take notes for that, too. I've... posted on May 6, 1320 reads

The Most Tender Gaze I Have Ever Beheld
"As I was facing into the slope and digging, I became aware of a presence behind me. I quickly looked over my left shoulder and saw a deer quietly standing about 4 feet behind me. Knowing it was hunting season, I ignored the deer not wanting to familiarize it to people and make it easier to hunt and kill. I continued working for another ten minutes but kept feeling the presence of the deer. I fi... posted on May 22, 7244 reads

Among the Trees
"Ive had a love of trees all my life. Throughout high school, I lived in a house in the woods in Massachusetts, and even on the darker mornings of winter what kept me from being frightened was the trees themselvesmostly scrub pines, as we called them there, with struggling oaks scattered among them. Unlike the kids at school, the trees remained silent as I passed, and I took this as a sign of acce... posted on May 16, 1788 reads

Finding Treasure in the Ruins of Trauma
"An early pioneer in mind-body medicine, Dr. James Gordon says we are all affected by trauma. But all of us also "have a great and largely untapped capacity to help and heal ourselves and one another." Dr. Gordon founded the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, DC, initially to transform health care by training health professionals with the tools of stress- and trauma relief. But he soon h... posted on May 28, 2498 reads

Let Us Commence
"I bet I'm beginning to make your parents really nervous -- here I am sort of bragging about being a dropout, and unemployable, and secretly making a pitch for you to follow your creative dreams, when what they want is for you to do well in your field, make them look good, and maybe also make a tiny fortune. But that is not your problem. Your problem is how you are going to spend this one odd and ... posted on Jun 5, 4130 reads

Reemergence of Animate World Experiences
"To shift my own awareness toward a more-than-human perspective, I sometimes take a wooden flute outside and begin to play, offering simple music to pine and stone, offering gratitude to billions of ancestors from elements born in supernovas, to bacteria and trees, insects and trilobytes, to lineages of human ancestors both known and unknown. Offering wild prayers for all the beings who come afte... posted on Jul 1, 2515 reads

The Sound of the Genuine
"There is in every person something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine ... There is in you something that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. Nobody like you has ever been born and no one like you will ever be born again -- you are the only one.

If you cannot hear it, you will never find whatever it is for which you are searching and if you h... posted on Jul 26, 2334 reads

The Many Lives of Water
"The water present with us on Earth has been here since the beginning of time. People have long journeyed to distant hot springs, mineral pools, misty waterfalls, and formidable geysers for the promise of waters endowed healing properties. In almost every religion, water has the ability to absorb prayers and bestow blessings. "Water holds memories since time began and has a living spirit just like... posted on Aug 14, 2529 reads

The Syntax of Sedimentation
"Susan Tichy's recent collection of poems, North | Rock | Edge: Shetland 2017/2019, distills somatic observations down their bones. Tichy describes an immersive, granular experience exploring the contours, rocks, winds, and waters of Shetland, a remote northern archipelago between Scotland, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. In isolated yet accumulative images and line breaks, she details the distance... posted on Sep 2, 1148 reads

To Converse Well
"Good conversation mixes opinions, feelings, facts and ideas in an improvisational exchange with one or more individuals in an atmosphere of goodwill. It inspires mutual insight, respect and, most of all, joy. It is a way of relaxing the mind, opening the heart and connecting, authentically, with others. To converse well is surprising, humanising and fun. Above is my definition of an activity cent... posted on Sep 16, 1902 reads

Bone, Breath & Gesture: Practices of Embodiment
Edited by Don Hanlon Johnson, "Bone, Breath and Gesture," was first published in 1995. Alternating in-depth interviews, lectures and writings, its contents introduce and explore the principles and techniques of some of the most influential pioneers of bodywork and body awareness disciplines in the West-- among them, Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, Marion Rosen, Thomas Hanna, F.M. Alexander, Bonnie Ba... posted on Sep 17, 2498 reads

Beyond Beauty: A Conversation with Paul Reynard
"My own experience is that there are moments when suddenly, after I've been working a long time at painting, I'm no longer trying to make or do something. I begin to be led, as if my brush were just following where the painting in its finished state was leading me. At that point I am open to something which most of the time I am unable to express, because I want to direct it. I want to make it mys... posted on Sep 22, 1327 reads

Willing to Be Dazzled
"I decided to visit my friend Aristotle, who lives in a house on a hill at the west end of the ranch. We sampled various kinds of cookies and sipped decaffeinated green tea, and we vented, kvetched, and rhapsodized, as we are prone to do. Mostly kvetched, if the truth be told. Aristotle just turned ninety, and I seek the wisdom of an elder from him, but he is too modest to admit he has acquired an... posted on Sep 24, 3219 reads

Touch at A Distance: Language, Music, Sound
This 2007 Radiolab episode takes the listener, "on a tour of language, music, and the properties of sound. We look at what sound does to our bodies, our brains, our feelings and we go back to the reason we at Radiolab tell you stories the way we do. First, we look at Diana Deutsch's work on language and music, and how certain languages seem to promote musicality in humans. Then we meet Psychologis... posted on Sep 28, 1446 reads

The Irrepressible Matriarchs of the North
Sharon Blackie's latest book, "Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life," braids together myth, psychology and memoir. Within itm Blackie makes a passionate case for menopause as the threshold to a vital and rich phase of life, and she deftly explores the what flourishing at this stage when many assume decline, can look like. Surfacing little-known, yet potent elder women in European myth and... posted on Oct 14, 1952 reads

How Greed Could Save the World
What if all this time weve been greedy for the wrong things? What if the work we're doing to solve the world's problems is destined to stay small and ultimately fail? In this talk, filled with gripping stories and humbling experiences, Hawah Kasat, an award-winning community organizer and leader, explores some of the deep illusions behind the social sector. In a world that is crumbling between our... posted on Oct 20, 1287 reads

A Family Reunion at the End of the World
"Have you ever been at a reunion or a big party, when the plates are empty and conversations wind down and you think about leaving? Then you hear peals of laughter, the clatter of dishes, and contagious giggles from behind the kitchen door. Thats where the real party is, as the aunties portion out leftovers to be taken home, scrape the dishes, and laugh with their hands in hot soapy water, snappin... posted on Nov 25, 1966 reads

The Vital Role of Beauty Even in War Time
"Art philosopher Arthur Danto wrote that beauty, while optional for art, is not an option for life. Neuroscientists have shown that our brains are biologically wired for beauty: The neural mechanisms that influence attention and perception have adapted to notice color, form, proportion and pattern. We've found that refugees worldwide, often with limited or no legal rights, still invest considerabl... posted on Dec 2, 1462 reads

Gems of Wisdom from Small is Beautiful
In 1999 Paul Hawken wrote, "What seemed so evident to early readers of "Small is Beautiful" still seems painfully opaque to the world today. When the book was first published, many thought that change would come about through insight, logic, compassion, and reason. Increasingly, it seems that change will come about after we have exhausted every other theory of greed and gain, and the winds of chan... posted on Dec 10, 2199 reads

The Giving Tree in Nova Scotia
From the beginning, it was literally something sweet. "I just wanted to put some candy canes up for the little ones," Peggy Feltmate recalls the first year she put up a "giving tree" outside her home. It was cold outside, and she saw children reaching for the candy canes without any gloves or mittens on their hands. "Okay, I'm a grandma, I'm going to add some mittens and things to the tree," Feltm... posted on Dec 24, 2177 reads

Deepening Into Regenerative Practice
Regeneration isn't just about climate change, it's about an evolution in our attitudes and values. In a riveting conversation between living systems catalysts Daniel Christian Wahl and Bill Reed, the principles and practices of regeneration emerge as a path towards ongoing personal and environmental growth. As Reed highlights, "the deliverable for a regenerative project is building the capacity an... posted on Dec 27, 1590 reads

Animal Shelter Celebrates After All Pets Adopted For First Time
Christmas came early at the Adams County SPCA in Pennsylvania, U.S. where "a true miracle" led to the shelter being completely pet-free for the first time in nearly 50 years! Typically buzzing with barks and meows, the shelter shared news of the emptiness, which was attributed to successful adoptions and pets being restored to their families. Imagine the joy in the faces of the staff and volunteer... posted on Dec 28, 1116 reads

The New Old Age
Still wondering what you want to be when you grow up? Turns out, you're not alone. A fascinating phenomenon is burgeoning among retiring adults as they step out of their primary careers and into "the Encore Years". Programs at institutions like Stanford and Harvard have cropped up to support such transitions, particularly for established leaders. Such a process unearths raw questions on the nature... posted on Feb 15, 3961 reads

He Left Company Ownership to its 700 Employees
Nearly half a century ago, Bob Moore founded a natural foods brand that now boasts over 200 products in more than 70 countries. On February 10, at the age of 94, he passed away peacefully in his home in Oregon, US. Having grown Bob's Red Mill and Natural Foods with his wife, who passed away in 2018, Moore began securing the company's legacy in 2010, by transferring ownership to its employees -- ov... posted on Feb 22, 2916 reads

With a Soft Breath: How My Daughter Rides Horses
"I've begun to teach my 3.5 year old daughter to ride horses on her own. ... I grew up with horses, and learned to ride alone at a similar age, and when I was a teenager, I began teaching others to ride around the time I was training horses and working with traumatized and "problem horses". Having grown up in the USA, I grew up surrounded by a lot of ways of being with horses that were fundamental... posted on Feb 24, 8154 reads

These Nepali Women Give Mt. Everest Garbage New Life
Over the years, the Himalayan mountains are increasingly overrun with waste from mountaineering activities. Nepal's Department of Tourism estimates that Mt. Everest boasts nearly 140,000 tons of waste. In 2019, the government launched a Clean Mountain Campaign ("Safa Himal Aviyan"), which has removed 108 tons of waste from Mt. Everest and nine other Himalayan mountains. Some of that waste material... posted on Feb 26, 2911 reads

Why Boston's Wealthy Back Bay Said Yes, In Our Backyard
In a compelling tale of unity, Boston's Back Bay neighborhood turns the tables on the NIMBY ("Not In My Back Yard") phenomenon, welcoming a unique housing solution that offers much more than a roof over heads. The 140 Clarendon project, a retrofitted structure in one of Boston's priciest areas, welcomes the homeless and disadvantaged, fostering not just a sense of community, but a promising new st... posted on Mar 8, 1992 reads

Friend or FOMO?
Ever felt like something was missing in your life while mindlessly scrolling through social media feeds filled with seemingly perfect connections and adventures? Well, you're not alone. A fresh look reveals the often overlooked social pressures and one-sided portrayals of social media that can cause one to question their own friendships. Understanding that meticulously curated posts might be gloss... posted on Apr 5, 1937 reads

Madhu Anziani: Healing Power of Sound
"Losing all of the basic functions of being a human being was the greatest teacher," says Madhu Anziani. "It was an opportunity to go fully into the teachings I had received around energy, sound, and vibration." At 23, a serious accident left him paralyzed from the neck down, incontinet, and unable to breathe on his own. Left to face the flurry of emotions in his mind, the musician was forced to d... posted on Apr 15, 1933 reads

Captioning Ubuntu
Our stories are a product of countless other stories in time and space. In South Africa, there is a saying that translates to: "A person is a person through other persons." In Kenya, there is a saying that translates to, "A person is other people." Both adages echo the essence of "ubuntu" -- systems of values that honor deep interconnectedness. Storyteller and author Wakanyi Hoffman illustrates pe... posted on Jun 20, 11043 reads

Exploring the Science of Everyday Wonder
In an insightful discussion, Dacher Keltner, a renowned psychologist and author delves into the science of everyday wonder and its profound impact on our lives. Keltner explores how awe-inspiring experiences, whether found in nature, art, or human connections, can enhance well-being, foster resilience, and even improve physical health. He emphasizes that moments of wonder are accessible to everyon... posted on Jun 23, 1320 reads

The Whisper of Reverence
"Here, we rest in reverence," writes Greta Matos, co-founder of CuraKuda. But where is here? Greta reflects about what it means to move with a herd of horses in Chile, and how different, yet similar that is to the life she once led. Greta now advocates for communing with nature where awe and reverence show up not through visits to the mountaintops, but in the long rides she takes, collaborative jo... posted on Jun 28, 2203 reads

Bringing France’s Waste Prevention Plan to Life
Andrée Nieuwjaer's fridge is brimming with produce that she got for free. Last summer, she ate peaches, plums, carrots, zucchinis, turnips, and endives that local grocers couldn't sell due to aesthetic imperfections or being slightly overripe. Nieuwjaer, a resident of Roubaix, France, transforms discarded bread into pudding and breadcrumbs that layer a casserole; diced beets into long-lasti... posted on Jun 29, 2157 reads

When People Reach Out To Help Their Neighbors...
A young carpenter who volunteered at an orphanage in Ghana wanted to help children make a living. A couple with a woodworking school in Pennsylvania sponsored his training, education, and other local support. When he returned to Ghana, with a little help from his Pennsylvania “neighbors,” he and local community volunteers built bridges, fixed roads, repaired buildings, and even learned... posted on Jul 7, 2359 reads

Families in One Town Adopt 77 Children. This Couple Led the Way.
Donna Martin was one of eighteen children whose mother managed to instill respect, compassion, and unconditional love in each of them. Donna went through devastating pain and loss following her mother’s passing. After grieving for months, she felt a call to “Give back. What about those children that didn’t have what you had?” Though she and her husband were not well-off and... posted on Jul 9, 1823 reads

A Look at the Rise of Nature Prescriptions
"It was a naturopathic doctor (ND) who handed me my first PaRx—a park prescription, sometimes called a ParkRx or NatureRx. I had exhausted all the treatment options with my family doctor and had turned to alternative medicine for answers. In addition to several nutritional supplements and dietary changes, my ND suggested I leave my claustrophobic cubicle each day at lunchtime, head over to a... posted on Jul 12, 2181 reads

By recovering unused food from local restaurants and food service institutions, DC Central Kitchen converts donated food into balanced meals to feed children and homeless adults at local social service centers throughout DC, Virginia and Maryland. And the group also offers food service training to prepare unemployed and homeless adults for potential careers. The end result: 3,000 meals per day plu... posted on Jan 31, 663 reads

Pedaling Banner
Josh Kinberg just finished his master's thesis and hit print. It read only "I Love New York." His adviser loved it. Of course, Kinberg's degree is an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in New York City, and his thesis is a bicycle that receives text messages and prints them in foot-high chalk letters, then blogs a digital photo and GPS map of the printing, all while the ri... posted on Aug 4, 1386 reads

MIT Summit: Designs For A Better World
For three weeks this summer, masons and mechanics, farmers and welders, scientists and a pastor threw themselves into creating low-tech solutions to big problems that persist across the globe. Converging here at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, these 61 inventors from 20 countries divided into multilingual teams, each drafting and tinkering with their own device that will hopefully make ... posted on Aug 22, 2911 reads

Hello Shalom, Hello Salaam
Natalia Wieseltier, an Israeli, called a friend on her mobile phone but dialed a wrong number. A Palestinian man named Jihad answered. They talked a bit in Hebrew and said goodbye. But her number was recorded on Jihad's cell phone and he called Wieseltier back. They spoke again several times and eventually she spoke to other members of Jihad's family. Now Jihad and his relatives call her after ev... posted on Jun 17, 1541 reads

The Woman Who Saved 16,000 Cats
Lynea Lattanzio, a fit 50-something woman with curly brown hair, slides open her kitchen door and five, 10, 15 cats rush through the opening like water gushing out of a pressurized spigot. The Cat House on the Kings is a 12-acre sanctuary for abandoned and feral cats in California's Central Valley. Over 600 cats live here along with Lattanzio, who dedicates her ranch-style home to the cause of kee... posted on Sep 19, 3476 reads

His brother in law, Pete, smuggled 500 pounds of marijuana from Jamaica but Bo refused. Pete went to jail. Bo went to an ashram. They were both wearing white, woke up at five every morning, worked all day and didn't get paid. Similar circumstances, but Pete hated life and Bo loved it. Bo Lozoff had an epiphany -- prison time can be an opportunity for spiritual growth, that the cell can be an ... posted on Jan 15, 1758 reads

When he talks, people listen. Because he's Dee Hock, founder of a 1.5 trillion dollar business -- Visa International. According to him, Visa's success was because of its "cha-ordic" structure. Hock coined the term chaordic to describe that perfect balance of chaos and order where evolution is most at home. Like the internet, the neural networks in our bodies and all of nature (snow flakes and ... posted on Mar 22, 971 reads

Can loud noises in the ocean, such as pings of sonar from a Navy ship, hurt whales and other marine mammals? Investigators examining 14 beaked whales that washed up in the Canary Islands during a military exercise last fall said that high-powered sonar from Navy ships appears to be giving whales and other marine mammals a version of the bends, causing them to develop dangerous gas bubbles in some... posted on Oct 24, 947 reads

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Make not your thoughts your prisons.
William Shakespeare

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