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Active Hope
Shifting our world toward a life-sustaining society takes active hope. We need to counter the voices that say we're not up to the task, that we're not good enough, strong enough, or wise enough to make any difference. If we fear that the mess we're in is too awful to look at or that we won't be able to cope with the distress it brings up, we need to find a way through that fear. This piece, co-aut... posted on Mar 19, 18253 reads

Where Dance, Design & Inner Transformation Meet
At the end of her first day at her first job at a prestigious design firm in Mumbai, 20-year-old Miti Desai came home and wept for five hours straight. Questioned by her concerned parents, the explanation that instinctively rose to her lips was this: "Every aspect of what happens there ultimately comes down to a financial transaction. I can't live my life that way." Twelve days later she quit. A f... posted on Mar 1, 9051 reads

The Man Who Planted Trees
Who says a single person can't make a difference? This Academy Award-winning short film, based on an exquisitely wrought story by Jean Giono was created in 1987 by renowned animator Frederick Back. It beautifully illustrates the fable of one shepherd's long effort to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the Alps near Provence in the first half of the 20th century. Embedded within this s... posted on Sep 27, 3757 reads

The CEO Who Gave 90% of His Salary to His Staff
In April 2015, Dan Price, CEO of a Seattle-based tech company Gravity Payments, did something with barely any precedents in the modern business world. He gave away 90 per cent of his own pay to raise the salaries of his employees to a minimum $70,000 a year. Price's decision came after reading a study from Princeton University, which found that emotional wellbeing rises with income up to a cut-off... posted on Jun 5, 34555 reads

Our Greatest Obstacle to Happiness and How to Transcend It
Maria Popova of Brain Pickings points out that "perhaps the greatest paradox of human life is that although happiness is the most universal of our longings, it is unobtainable by striving. The more ferociously we try to attain it, the more it eludes us." Join Artist Agnes Martin as she examines this paradox.... posted on Jun 6, 16233 reads

Designing for the Circular Economy
What do you do with a toaster when you no longer want it? Until recently, no one thought about that question until the toaster was ready for the scrap heap. Today, designers at the London-based Agency of Design are turning that practice on its head. As advocates of a circular economy, they believe that the best time to address end-of-life issues is when a product is first being designed and that i... posted on Apr 24, 16142 reads

Red Onions: Transformed by Beauty
Alanda Greene peeled back the outer layer of a red onion. As the sun caught its redness, lit it up like a ruby, she gasped at the startling beauty of it. Her mind had been elsewhere, grumbling about something that had happened, but she was suddenly called to what the Navajos refer to as the Path of Beauty. Beauty is everywhere, she discovered, as "the red glow absorbed my being in gratitude and aw... posted on May 29, 13313 reads

The Bicycle Machines of Guatemala
Since 1997, Maya Pedal has been focused on sustainable development in Guatemala. Locals were handed control in 2001. Recycling bicycles from the USA and Canada to create Bicimaquinas or pedal-powered machines is one of the ways the organization benefits the developing nation. But it wasn't always easy. In this video, director Mario Juarez shares how the program kept getting rejected, while also de... posted on May 28, 2729 reads

Artists & Nature
"Nature draws us out to explore, then gently sends us inward to reflect. Most often, we wind up feeling better as we gaze upon the moment-to-moment changes in the ocean, sky, mountain, desert, forest, meadow, or garden. We might be awed by the tiniest flower, bird, or insect, cheered by a profusion of color, intrigued by creatures looking for food or a mate, lulled by the incoming and outgoing tid... posted on Mar 4, 3037 reads

Give That Which is Organic To You: A Recipe to Avoid Burnout
"When I give something I do not possess, I give a false and dangerous gift, a gift that looks like love but is, in reality, loveless - a gift given more from my need to prove myself than from the other's need to be cared for." Parker Palmer from his book, "Let Your Life Speak", reflects on giving from a place of fullness. In this passage we are invited to give by moving outward from our true natur... posted on Jun 12, 12631 reads

The Very Best Way to Pray for Peace
When a CIA analyst began an interfaith quest for citizen diplomacy by standing shoulder to shoulder with a veiled woman, and listening to the Imam ask, "Don't we all bleed when we're hurt?" she was grateful to be praying alongside Muslims instead of interrogating them in Afghanistan for the CIA after 9/11. She continues to work with Muslim communities in the belief that peace in the Middle East ca... posted on Apr 12, 0 reads

How One Man Created A Forest Bigger Than Central Park
For more than 30 years, one man planted trees in a remote, northeastern region of India. As a teenager, Jadav Payeng noticed the effect the environment was having on Majuli Island, which is home to about 170,000 people and has lost 70 percent of its landmass over the last century. He decided to plant trees, creating a forest in the process. But after a while, Jaday also realized he had to protect ... posted on Jul 31, 13859 reads

The Brush Maker
Lorna Crane is an artist, but more importantly she is an explorer. Combing the Australian beach, Crane hunts for feathers, leaves, fishing wire-- any items that she can fashion into painting brushes. As she paints with these found objects, she finds joy in the unexpected: "The freshness and spontaneity you can't get with anything else." Her creations are both "of the landscape as well as from the ... posted on Jan 5, 3220 reads

The School that Replaced Detention with Meditation
A Baltimore school has come up with a brilliant way to curb kids from acting out in class. Instead of sending children to detention, they send kids to a Mindful Moment Room for meditation. In partnership with the Holistic Life Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes wellness, Robert W. Coleman Elementary School introduced a meditation room to help its students "calm down and re-centre.... posted on Nov 10, 33506 reads

The Science of All Is One
Virtually anyone who turns to the news today will quickly see evidence of painful relationships between various ethnic groups in our communities. What should our response be to such violence of thought and speech if we personally encounter it in our own lives? In this heart-expanding piece, Betsy Leondar-Wright tells a touching story of how she lives her answer to the question of whether we should... posted on Aug 4, 10079 reads

Spaceman: Mike Massimino's First Spacewalk
As Mark Massimino shuttled through space to the Hubble Telescope, 350 miles above Earth, our planet looked like "a gigantic, bright blue marble set against the blackness of space...Everything had a clarity and a crispness to it. It was like I was seeing things in their purest form, like I was seeing true color for the first time." Read this riveting excerpt from his book, 'Spaceman'.... posted on Sep 15, 5935 reads

What Gets in the Way of Gratitude?
From biblical times to now, gratitude and humility have made appearances. In this article, Robert Emmons discusses how society can transition from ingratitude to gratitude in everyday life.
... posted on Feb 7, 16921 reads

Humans. Horses. Hope.
You have probably heard of a guide dog, but have you ever heard of a guide horse? This series of videos shows that, just like dogs, horses can help people with disabilities to live better lives. They help blind people move around in crowded places, help children to develop balance, and act as a companion for people in need. Enjoy these heart-warming videos!

... posted on Apr 20, 4138 reads

Patrick O'Malley: Getting Grief Right
In this interview from "Insights from the Edge," grief counselor Patrick O'Malley discusses "closure," his journey, and his approach to grief, which diverges from the traditional five-stage grief model created by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. ... posted on Jan 17, 62626 reads

Have You Broken Your Four-Minute Mile?
Robert Bengston wants to know: "Have you broken your four minute mile?" We each have our own race that we are in--something we dream of, yet often doubt we can achieve. Still, in our own way we hope and work for making a meaningful difference. Robert believes we can do it. We can break our own four minute mile. We can be that seemingly impossible something that will carry the world over into the u... posted on Oct 25, 5535 reads

Community-Led Initiatives that Are Protecting the Natural World
In 2008, Ecuador's leadership rewrote its constitution to include the rights of nature, effectively awarding legal rights to the environment. Indigenous communities have recognized the rights of nature for thousands of years, but Ecuador was the first country to make it a constitutional right by awarding ecosystems legal rights to protect the environment and its people. It was a seminal moment for... posted on Jan 20, 12760 reads

The Question is How to See (Not - What To Do)
What does it mean to see beyond thinking; to keep the eyes of the soul open past one's ability to understand? Jeanne de Salzmann provides one way to sit with this question, staying with the asking rather than striving toward the answering. Jeanne was a musician, dance instructor and pupil of G.I Gurdjieff for over 30 years. She continued his work, leading the Gurdjieff Institute in Paris until she... posted on Dec 24, 10404 reads

Happiness Experts on Why Mind Wandering Can Be So Miserable
In the last 15 years, the science of mind wandering has become a popular topic of scholarly study, thanks in part to advances in brain imaging. It turns out that our brains are wily, wild things, and what they do when we're not paying attention has major implications for our happiness. In 2010, Matt Killingsworth, then a doctoral student at Harvard University, designed an iPhone app that pinged pe... posted on Jun 22, 5211 reads

Five Limits Your Brain Puts on Generosity
When we give, we receive. Altruism is something that humans feel the benefit of. We can be incredibly empathetic. But what about the times when we aren't? Science has the answer. The brain actually puts certain limits - boundaries - on our expressions of good-natured giving. Learn about these 5 heart blocking brain responses. Awareness of these limits may allow us to stretch beyond them, and outsi... posted on Jan 18, 11262 reads

The Man Who Wasn't There: Explorations at the Edge of Self
What makes you, you or I, I? That is the age-old question science journalist Anil Ananthaswamy tackles in his book, 'The Man Who Wasn't There: Tales from the Edge of the Self'. He examines the nature of selfhood from all angles, turning to philosophy, neuroscience and in-person interviews with people afflicted with neurological conditions that in some way rob them of some aspect of their selfhood.... posted on Sep 13, 9015 reads

The Psychology of Self-Righteousness
"When it comes to moral judgments, we think we are scientists discovering the truth, but actually we are lawyers arguing for positions we arrived at by other means." The surprising psychology behind morality is at the heart of social psychologist Jonathan Haidt's research. He explains "liberal" and "conservative" not narrowly or necessarily as political affiliations, but as personality types ways ... posted on Sep 21, 17576 reads

An Unlikely Friendship Reignites Two Artists
Brian Peterson didn't know what he had in common with Matt Faris when he went out of his way to meet his Santa Ana, Calif., neighbor. Every day, Peterson would pass by Faris, who has been homeless for more than a decade. But it took some guts, Peterson admits, to finally walk up to him. It was during that first conversation that they discovered they shared the pursuit of art. And Peterson, a car d... posted on Dec 2, 3510 reads

The Right Stuff: A Conversation with Jim Brooks
"I'd gone to the Elko, Nevada Cowboy Poetry Festival at the invitation of some friends. I'd been having a great time. "You've got to visit Capriolas," my friend said - Elkos famous vendor of cowboy gear. It's where I ran into the first black cowboy I'd seen at the festival. I didn't know it was Jim Brooks, a legendary figure. But I didn't need to know that. He was such a striking figure, I immedia... posted on Jan 13, 2992 reads

That Friend Walking Behind Me
In this beautiful reverie, Parker Palmer imagines a friend who has been walking behind him all the time, calling his name. The inner friend finally has to resort to depression to wake him up to ask himself what he really wants behind all his activities, and to help him realize he isn't alone. It's not the intellectual self or the ethical self or even the spiritual self, but what Thomas Merton call... posted on Apr 14, 13497 reads

Spotlight on Redemption
With the dawn of each new year, we vow to make changes, usually little things--lose a few pounds, eat better, exercise more, be more patient. Sometimes those changes stick; sometimes by February we are wondering where our resolutions have gone. But what of the big changes--atoning for a life of crime, or giving up destructive or selfish pursuits, for instance? Are those sorts of big changes possib... posted on Jan 3, 7355 reads

GK Chesterton: A Piece of Chalk
Imagine "roaring with laughter" at the sudden radiant realization that the very thing you so desperately need is right there in abundance all around. You may currently be keenly aware of lacking something physical like the artist's chalk in this essay. Possibly, you are aching with the lack you feel for something deeper such as love or belonging. Read how expanding your awareness and truly 'seeing... posted on Aug 12, 9982 reads

If This Was Your Mom, What Would You Do?
In this moving piece, gastroenterologist Venu Julapalli shares what it is like for a doctor when a life-threatening condition touches one of their own family members. He shares the devastation of his own family after his mother suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm and how a doctor simply holding space for them helped them pull through.... posted on May 16, 6841 reads

KidsCan: Children Changing the World
Nickelodeon, in partnership with KidsRights Foundation, has just launched #KidsCan, an international campaign to spotlight the stories of nine International Children's Peace Prize winners and nominees from around the globe who are creating positive change in their communities. Says Bradley Archer-Haynes, a vice president, at Nickelodeon International, "Kids everywhere have the power to make a diff... posted on Apr 3, 8820 reads

The Strangest Social Justice Story
Though many know the story of Mahatma Gandhi, very few have heard the powerful story of his successor, Vinoba Bhave. Vinoba's loving spirit was responsible for "the biggest voluntary land donation project in the history of mankind" which many argue demonstrates that humanity is not exclusively self-interested. Instead, "if love is nurtured and valued as the bedrock of community, then seemingly imp... posted on Jun 18, 13645 reads

How to Unhijack Your Mind from Your Phone
What if we didn't unplug, but changed the way we used our phones? Would it increase productivity? Would it improve your mood? See what a former Google employee has to say about mindfulness, and how to avoid unnecessary phone time. ... posted on Aug 14, 9106 reads

The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers
"How do creative people come up with great ideas? Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies 'originals': thinkers who dream up new ideas and take action to put them into the world. In this talk, learn three unexpected habits of originals -- including embracing failure. "The greatest originals are the ones who fail the most, because they're the ones who try the most," Grant says. 'You need a l... posted on May 29, 4337 reads

Dare to Be Astonished
What would it be like to take out the analytical side of our thoughts and approach experiences with a child-like wonder? That's what Fabiana Fondevila set out to determine. See what she has to say.... posted on Jun 24, 8142 reads

Bridging Divides in Kosovo with Rock Music
The power of rock and roll. It brings people together from all different facets of life. That's what students from Mitrovica, Kosovo, found out through The Mitrovica Rock School. The program, created by Musicians Without Borders, involves 113 students, in 10 ethnic bands, led by 16 local teachers. ... posted on Oct 4, 6307 reads

What I Regret Most Are Failures of Kindness
For many people, the things we regret in life might be the big ones: either moral failings, career opportunities missed on the way to success, or all those things that fall into the category of "adventures we should have taken." For American writer George Saunders, his list of regrets is quite simple: failures of kindness. What grabs at his heart the most is missing those seemingly insignificant c... posted on Jul 28, 0 reads

The Man with the Halo
This inspirational short documentary tells the unfathomable comeback story of Tim Don, the fastest Ironman triathlete of all time, after breaking his neck in a cycling crash. Coming just days before the Ironman World Championships, where Tim was a favorite to top the podium, the crash looked to have ended not only Tim's hopes of becoming World Champion, but potentially his career. Despite the long... posted on Jul 20, 2802 reads

Eliza Ramos: Into the Real
During a symposium of physicians and health care workers, Eliza Ramos was sharing part of her story... "I was under a lot of stress in NYC so I decided to go to Rwanda." Rwanda? Eliza's story is remarkable. For instance, just out of USC, she moved Mexico. Looking back she reflects, "What was I thinking? It was a little crazy at the time, because I didn't know Spanish." She found herself working in... posted on Aug 7, 3337 reads

Why Looking for the Good in Others Matters
How do you provide kindness? When it seems like nothing else is good in the world, that feeling becomes even more important. Learn what moral elevation is and how it can help you make the world a better place. ... posted on Aug 28, 10298 reads

Giang Dang: A Happy Soul Serves Happily
"Who is Giang Dang? She is a grassroots change-maker in Vietnam, who serves the underprivileged communities with small acts, such as transforming the abandoned land in the city into a community garden, who does not take no for an answer because making the seemingly impossible possible gives her extra motivation, and who recognizes the importance of self-care because she knows that a happy soul ser... posted on Sep 5, 3760 reads

How Does Change Happen?
For most of his life Jason Angell was a political activist, believing the story that social transformation comes through radical legislation pushed along by brave elected leaders. He saw himself as one of those leaders giving a speech to a massive group of people in the National Mall in Washington DC; and came from a family background, where his father had run unsuccessfully for Congress in 1972, ... posted on Oct 28, 7329 reads

5 Scientists on the Heroes Who Changed Their Lives
Every hero and innovator stands on the shoulders of the giants who came before. But sometimes the power of influence one has on another is subtle or indirect. Perhaps it is a life spirit shared by Helen Keller in her autobiography that inspires a scientist to fully engage in her study of plants. Perhaps it is a shy physicist who plants the seed in a student that he, too, can aspire to something gr... posted on Jul 15, 2156 reads

The Man on a Mission to End Loneliness
Mike Niles had a high paying job in London, but felt that something was missing from his life. He gave up his lucrative position to start a charity, b:Friend, to help to eliminate loneliness among isolated elders. In Niles' home town of Doncaster, a quarter of its elderly population is classified as "chronically lonely" by Age UK. An idea that took root after he visited an elderly neighbor who was... posted on Nov 17, 3214 reads

The Meaning of Proportion
"Across time there has been a very deep relationship between the human measure derived from the human body and the measure of place. In many cultures divine proportion is still present. An Indian temple is not just a geometrical figure. Now to talk about that in contemporary terms, if we were to look at a squatter town in Peru or a community in Oakland--how could we understand this in contemporary... posted on Nov 26, 2027 reads

Hidden Wonders of a Forest
When many of us think of India, we think of a land teeming with human life. However, the vast continent also is home to a multitude of plant and animal lives all working in harmony to sustain the complex ecosystem. Dive into this visually beautiful essay to discover some of the small, yet crucial, inhabitants of the Western Ghats forests.... posted on Oct 28, 3347 reads

How to Be Yourself
Some days, you need to remind yourself about what's truly important in life. So sit back with a cup of your favorite beverage and give yourself a few minutes to savor this sweet video, which gives you a prescription for happiness in two minutes, starting with "show up."... posted on Feb 1, 11463 reads

Rick Fairall: Blood Brothers
The jagged boulders at the bottom of the snow-filled gully werent fully covered by the snow. They lay in a jumble, piled there by the receding glacier from the last ice age. There was plenty of time to fully regard them as he accelerated towards them, approaching some terminal velocity, down the ice chute into which hed been unceremoniously pitched, headlong. Thus begins Rick Farrells account of ... posted on Dec 22, 1975 reads

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The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive cannot move forward
Steve Maraboli

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