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Ice Cream Truck of the Digital Age
Ice cream: the sweet taste of summer. It's the cool reward of a job well done, a game well-played, or a tasty excuse to prolong a classic first date. While the song of the ice cream truck has the power to bring forth a lot of smiles, one company has taken this to a whole new level with their latest invention: the world's first smile-activated ice cream vending machine. Using cutting-edge technolog... posted on Aug 13, 4156 reads

The Two-Rupee Miracle
On the dusty streets of Pushkar, India, a few men stop for a smoke. When an old woman asks for a rupee to buy lunch, they promptly refuse and walk away. Eyes on their backs, the woman observes, "These young men will burn more than a rupee for their bad habit, but will never give a rupee to a hungry person." With her words echoing in his ears, one man returns to offer her two rupees. An hour later,... posted on Aug 17, 6082 reads

Live Life as an Experiment
It was an experiment. Peter Bregman was returning an item to a store. The item was well within the return period, but there would be a 20 percent restocking fee. Having recently decided to live life as an experiment, Bregman decided to see if he could tap into the store manager's compassion to waive the fee. In the grand scheme of things, it was a small act. Yet in the process of experimenting, th... posted on Aug 19, 7431 reads

Bridges to Cross: Interview with Michael Grbich
As I was nearing my 75th birthday I was wondering, what can I do to celebrate this? I heard about this woman who tap-danced across a bridge, and I thought, this is what I'll do! So I pursued getting a permit. That was a very complicated process. You wouldn't think you'd have to have a permit to dance across the Golden Gate Bridge. There was a lot of bureaucracy involved, an insurance policy, a per... posted on Aug 25, 3644 reads

Why Racism is Bad For Your Health
When we think about the victims of racism, we typically think of the immediate targets of racial prejudice: Those who have suffered at the hand of discrimination and oppression. But new research has identified another, unlikely group of victims: the racists themselves. This article from the Greater Good magazine explains how we can build healthier, racially diverse interactions. ... posted on Sep 30, 8645 reads

Compassion Across Cubicles
Deb Lejeune had been working in the Foote Hospital billing office in Jackson, Michigan for only five months before she needed to take extensive unpaid leave to care for her husband, who had just received a kidney transplant. When her co-workers learned of her situation, they chipped in to help cover everything from transportation costs to house payments. "I couldn't have gotten through without the... posted on Oct 18, 2491 reads

Portraits of Compassion
In the exhibit hall of Washington D.C.'s U.S. State Department, there's a new art exhibit that paints foreign relations in a whole new light. The subjects are orphan children from Thailand. Ben Schumaker calls this "The Memory Project." What began in a spare bedroom at Shumaker's parent's house is now a full time venture that has delivered about 25,000 portraits to orphans in 31 different countrie... posted on Sep 15, 2533 reads

Beyond the Paycheck
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? That may be a good thing. In several recent studies, social scientists have zeroed in on why paychecks alone can't explain the link between work and well-being. The findings suggest that, although people often yield to idleness, deep down they seek excuses to stay busy, because busyness is happiness. Even trivial tasks make us far happier than no tasks at all. In o... posted on Oct 14, 4086 reads

The Happy Planet Index
Statistician Nic Marks asks why we measure a nation's success by its productivity -- instead of by the happiness and well-being of its people. With this new meaning of progress, he introduces the Happy Planet Index, which tracks national well-being against resource use (because a happy life doesn't have to cost the earth). Which countries rank highest in the HPI? You might be surprised.... posted on Sep 24, 5823 reads

A Call for Another Way of Living / Godfrey Reggio:
A gem from the man behind the film, Koyaanisqatsi: "To be is to fly the flag of one's own shadow. That's what I try to tell students who are graduating, 'Don't let your diploma be your death certificate.' It's endemic for all of us to get caught into mass ways of living, yet we have the gift of life. There is no limitation on that other than the real power of limit, and limits give us power. It's ... posted on Oct 8, 7976 reads

Not Enough Time? Try Doing Nothing
I thought I took my bike on a ride through New York City's Central Park. But really? My bike took me on one. My experience changed many times as external forces determined my mood. Happiness anticipating a great ride, frustration imagining it would be ruined by the race, relief when it wasn't, fear when people ran in front of me, fear again, followed by guilt and self-criticism, when my distractio... posted on Oct 19, 6853 reads

Is Pure Altriusm Possible?
All around us we see evidence of human beings sacrificing themselves and doing good for others. Still, doubting altruism is easy. It's undeniable that people sometimes act in a way that benefits others, but it may seem that they always get something in return - at the very least, the "warm glow" of having their desire to help fulfilled. Biological altruism attempts to explain how unselfish behavi... posted on Nov 2, 2214 reads

The Mystery Muffin Giver
What would it be this morning- a warm Blueberry Lemon? Banana Nut? Cranberry Orange? Oatmeal Raisin? There is always a warm muffin or two tucked into a white napkin and placed next to the morning newspaper, waiting for me once I open my front door. Who is the Mystery Muffin Giver? I try to wake up early to see if I can catch him or her in the act. So far, I've been unsuccessful. But no matter wha... posted on Oct 26, 3751 reads

Random Acts of Kindness Across the Country
At New York City's Ground Zero Visitor's Center, one anonymous individual drops $10,000 cash in the donation box for the 9/11 memorial. A couple in Kansas City pledges to give $25,000 to Salvation Army, an organization that housed and helped them when they had nowhere to go. On his fifth birthday, Matthew didn't want any gifts. Instead, he told his friends to make a donation to charity, raising $2... posted on Nov 27, 4114 reads

The Art of Motivating Employees
Could a simple five-minute interaction with another person dramatically increase your weekly productivity? In some employment environments, the answer is yes, according to Wharton management professor Adam Grant. Grant has devoted significant chunks of his professional career to examining what motivates workers in settings that range from call centers and mail-order pharmacies to swimming pool lif... posted on Dec 9, 17917 reads

James George: On Waking Up to Life
International diplomat, author and visionary environmentalist James George was just about to get married at the age of 86. At an age when most people are on the way out, James George is fully engaged in the urgent task of waking people up. "You see, Consciousness is permeating human beings to the degree that it can, but we're not receptive. We're not allowing that penetration. Our fixed ideas, our... posted on Nov 29, 2735 reads

Inspirational Graduation Speech by Autistic Student
Of all the students at Smithfield High School, Eric Duquette may have been least likely to speak on graduation day. Diagnosed with autism at birth, he didn't learn how to speak until the age of five. Doctors told his parents that he'd probably end up in an institution. In a way, they right. Eric excelled to the point of getting accepted into every college he applied to. With parents who taught him... posted on Nov 11, 11774 reads

Be Selfish, Be Generous
As we consider all the things we are grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day, we also reflect on how we can turn that gratitude in action. What does it mean to be generous? Why do we feel inspired to give? And what can we share with the world? What follows is a five-minute video montage of CharityFocus volunteers reflecting on how being truly selfish leaves us with no choice but to be generous.... posted on Nov 25, 5021 reads

Facebook Takes a Look at Friendship
With 500 million users, Facebook has grown as big as the population of the European Union. With so much potential data, Paul Butler, an intern at Facebook, decided to map out at least one aspect: the locality of friendship. "I was interested in seeing how geography and political borders affected where people lived relative to their friends," he explains. The result is a stunning map of the world, ... posted on Dec 21, 5915 reads

5 Ways Giving is Good for You
As the spirit of giving wraps up this last week of 2010, here's some food for thought: Research suggests generosity is good for you. New studies attest that giving benefits not only the recipients but also the givers' health and happiness, while bringing strength to entire communities. Of course, you don't have to shop to reap the rewards of giving, the same benefits can come from donating to char... posted on Dec 27, 5113 reads

Quadruple Amputee Swims Across English Channel
Philippe Croizon lived a rather normal life with his family until a severe electric shock accident led to the amputation of all four of his limbs. Undeterred by his handicap, Philippe decided to swim the English Channel and eventually went on to become the first quadruple amputee to achieve the feat. Watch how Philippe prepared himself for this remarkable challenge!... posted on Feb 21, 3750 reads

Can Science Create Heroes?
Can modern science help us to create heroes? That's the lofty question behind the Heroic Imagination Project, a new nonprofit started by Phil Zimbardo, a psychologist at Stanford University. Heroism isn't supposed to be a teachable trait. We assume that people like Gandhi or Rosa Parks or the 9/11 hero Todd Beamer have some intangible quality that the rest of us lack. When we get scared and selfis... posted on Jan 7, 4602 reads

Homeless Man with 'Golden Voice'
Ted Williams was homeless, but with a golden voice. A chance YouTube video changed everything. Williams story became a viral sensation on January 4, with the original YouTube clip reaching more than four million views in 24 hours. He was found by a dispatch reporter on the side of the road, using his incredible voice to collect money on the street, holding a cardboard sign that asks motorists for ... posted on Jan 6, 8446 reads

An Academic Sparks Giving to Charity
Toby Orb is a researcher at Oxford University who lives off little more than 300 pounds a month. Yet he's inspiring a movement of charity-giving that's even more impressive than Zuckerberg, Gates, and Buffett. In the past year, Ord has given more than a third of his earnings to charities working in the poorest countries. Why? For Ord, the question is: why not? "If you only have a certain amount of... posted on Jan 25, 4127 reads

Children Show They Can Make a Difference
Parents want their kids and teens to care about others - whether at school, in their community, or in need a continent away. The good news is that children "are sort of hard-wired" to want to help others, says Michael Ungar, author of "The We Generation: Raising Socially Responsible Kids." "They want to take on responsibility." From a second grade environmentalist to a 21-year-old peacemaker, here... posted on Feb 5, 4810 reads

A Neighbor's Kind Act
They lived across the street from each other for years, but didn't know each other well. James Bronson was a fixture in Adams Morgan, a retired barber who'd been greeting passerby from his front stoop for more than 3 decades. John O'Leary was 25 years younger, a sound engineer who'd bought his six-bedroom townhouse just as the neighborhood was beginning to gentrify. Not the likeliest of roommates.... posted on Feb 17, 6106 reads

Over Ten Thousand People Attend His Funeral
Government officials shut down the streets. As everyone silently stood in line to pay the final respects, the magic of Ishwar-kaka was evident -- the richest men in the country stood next to human-waste scavengers next to powerful politicians next to reknowned Gandhians next to vegetable sellers next to his next-door neighbors next to kids who had merely read about him. A humble man who built ov... posted on Feb 15, 14635 reads

Mind vs. Machine
In the race to build computers that can think like humans, the proving ground is the Turing Test-an annual battle between the world's most advanced artificial-intelligence programs and ordinary people. The objective? To find out whether a computer can act "more human" than a person. In his own quest to beat the machines, the author discovers that the march of technology isn't just changing how we ... posted on Feb 14, 2961 reads

The 3 A's of Awesome
It's the little things in life. The waitress who notices your empty glass, and refills it without asking. Grabbing hold of a tissue, right before a sudden sneeze. The sound of snow falling. Freshly laundered clothes... An observer of life's smiling snapshots, Neil Pasricha reveals 3 secrets (all starting with A) to leading a life that's truly awesome.... posted on Feb 16, 23886 reads

Seaweeds May Be Earth's First Plants
A trove of seaweed-like fossils unearthed in southern China may be some of the oldest plants ever discovered. Until now the earliest definitive evidence of complex creatures resembling modern organisms was about 580 million years old. This new series of fossils predates those by anywhere from 20 million to 56 million years. "It's not the oldest multicellular life," remarks a co-author of the study... posted on Mar 13, 1534 reads

The Professional Development Ethic
"The notion that one can do anything is liberating. But life without constraints has also proved a recipe for endless searching, endless questioning of aspirations. It has made this generation obsessed with self-development and determined, for as long as possible, to minimise personal commitments in order to maximise the options open to them... At what point, though, does the experience-seeking en... posted on Feb 22, 5607 reads

Pizza Delivery Saves the Day
Every day for the past three years, 82-year-old Jean Wilson has ordered a large pepperoni pizza and two diet cokes from the local pizza shop. One day, she took a particularly hard fall in her house that left her unable to get up. After her regular order failed to surface for three days, delivery driver Susan Guy took it upon herself to check on her, an act that saved Wilson's life!... posted on Mar 2, 3733 reads

Like Water From a Hummingbird
On a trip to Japan, Wangari Maathai learned the story of the hummingbird in the forest fire. While other animals run in fear or hang their heads in despair, the hummingbird flies above the fire time and again, releasing a few drops of water from its tiny beak. "Why do you bother?" the animals shout. "I'm doing the best that I can," the hummingbird replies. For Maathai, the Nobel Peace Prize recipi... posted on Mar 5, 4271 reads

A Town Lines Up to Save An Unknown Man
Howard Snitzer clutched his chest and crumpled on a freezing sidewalk. He wasn't breathing. He had no pulse. If he didn't get help soon, he would die. For the next 96 minutes, more than two dozen local towns folks, first responders, took turns performing CPR on the fallen man. Their teamwork saved Snitzer's life, in what may be one of the longest, successful out-of-hospital resuscitations ever. Wh... posted on Mar 4, 3390 reads

A Couple's Weekly Gift
At the start of 2011, a couple resolved to pledge $52 to a different charity every week this year. Inspired by a website that challenges people to make public resolutions to do good, the anonymous duo made their first gift after receiving a fortuitous letter from a homeless shelter asking donors to consider providing 26 meals by giving $52.52. A teacher and a coach with three kids, the couple says... posted on Mar 27, 1824 reads

The Untapped Power of Smiling
We're born to do it. A smile is one of the most basic, biologically uniform expressions of all humans. Paul Ekman, the world's leading expert on facial expressions, discovered that smiles are cross-cultural and have the same meaning in different societies. 3-D ultrasound technology shows that developing babies appear to smile even in the womb. The mood-boosting power of a smile is unfathomable. St... posted on Mar 25, 19892 reads

The Chef's Way of Giving Back
When, Haley, who had struggled through poverty most of his life, finally started garnering success in his restaurant business, he realized that he still wasn't happy. So, while he was searching for something that would make his life more meaningful, that something found him instead: the children. At a charity event, Haley agreed to sponsor two orphaned girls. Back then, he had no clue that these g... posted on Apr 15, 3443 reads

75-Year-Old Retiree Brings Smiles to Street Corners
Hundreds of people sleep on San Diego's streets each night, on corners, beneath the interstate and across from the public library. They hang out in small groups or sit alone, watching the time pass. But when a wiry man with dark glasses approaches, everyone seems to perk up. The man is David Ross, better known as Waterman Dave. For years, he's handed out hundreds of bottles of water each day to th... posted on Apr 27, 4116 reads

The Mathematics of Being Nice
Cooperation is interesting because it essentially means that you help someone else, someone who is a potential competitor. You reduce your own success in order to increase the success of somebody else. Why should you do that? Why should natural selection favour such behavior? To answer these questions, Martin Nowak highlights 5 types of humans cooperation via evolutionary dynamics and experimental... posted on Apr 7, 12372 reads

82 Hour Hunger Fast
Anna Hazare, a 73-year-old Gandhian, sat fasting in the burning sun, and he promises to stay until death -- unless his Indian government agreed to consider a powerful law that could rid Indian politics of the scourge of corruption. A tall order. Yet, after single-handedly provoking a people's revolution that galavinized millions of his countrymen, the 72-year-old activist who launched what he cal... posted on Apr 9, 7548 reads

Today You, Tomorrow Me
A touching story of a random act of kindness: "During this past year I've had three instances of car trouble: a blowout on a freeway, a bunch of blown fuses and an out-of-gas situation. They all happened while I was driving other people's cars, which for some reason makes it worse on an emotional level. Each time, when these things happened, I was disgusted with the way people didn't bother to he... posted on Apr 11, 10508 reads

How the Ancient World Used Color
Were ancient Greece and Rome filled with dignified white marble statuary? Not a chance. Though we still think of them in terms of white marble sparkling under a hot Mediterranean sun, a new exhibition shows at least one Greco-Roman lady as they really were -- in technicolor. Under Stanford sophomore Ivy Nguyen's skillful watch in the Cantor Arts Center lab, long-dead colors on marble have indeed ... posted on Jun 6, 5610 reads

How We Can Change Our Minds
The study of neuroplasticity is changing the way scientists think about the mind/brain connection. How can we use scientific discoveries linking inner experience with brain function to effect constructive changes in everyday life? How does the brain change as we influence each other? How can we re-shape our brain to become more open and receptive to others? New evidence is showing that the mind c... posted on May 7, 21248 reads

Simple Philosophy of the World's Oldest Man
Walter Breuning had a deceptively simple philosophy that he lived by for 114 years. And it was these ideas for living that appeared to be his secret to a long life. "Every change is good." "The more you do for others, the better shape you're in." "We're going to die. Some people are scared of dying. Never be afraid to die. Because you're born to die." Learn more about the world's oldest man.... posted on May 4, 11477 reads

Harvesting Water, Out of Thin Air
The African Namib beetle has found a distinctive way of surviving. When the morning fog rolls, it collects water droplets on its bumpy back, then lets the moisture roll down into its mouth, allowing it to drink in an area devoid of flowing water. What nature has developed on it's own, Shreerang Chhatre, an MIT graduate student, wants to refine, and help the nearly 900 million people worldwide that... posted on May 6, 5584 reads

The Great Tree Survey
According to a 2010 United Nations report, the rate at which forests are destroyed-logged or cleared to make way for farms or mines-was nearly 20 percent lower from 2000 to 2010 than it had been in the previous decade. Huge tree-planting programs, especially in China, reduced the net loss of forest even further. But vast areas are still being slashed, mostly in the tropics, including each year a S... posted on May 30, 2959 reads

4 Reasons To Keep a Work Diary
What does Oprah have in common with General George S. Patton? Being an avid diarist. Recently, Oprah offered her readers glimpses into her diaries, along with encouragement to keep their own. Many well-known figures throughout history, from John Adams to Andy Warhol, have faithfully kept records of their daily lives. Aside from a place in history, are there any personal benefits of keeping a diary... posted on May 20, 10997 reads

The Most Vital Lessons for Starting Over
In his famous Lectures on Physics, Richard Feynman presented this interesting speculation: "If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generations of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words?" Fascinated by Feynman's question, Seed magazine posed a similar one to a number of leading th... posted on Jun 5, 17260 reads

The Neuroscience of Improv
How does an act of imagination happen? How does the mind create on command? Recent experiments have attempted to figure out the mystery behind this kind of creativity, from John Coltrane letting loose on a saxophone to Jackson Pollock dripping paint on a canvas. These are works made entirely in the moment -- their beauty is spontaneous. Researchers have found that before a single note ... posted on Jun 15, 6237 reads

Why Invisible Gorillas Matter
Daniel Simons has become one of the most influential young cognitive scientists in the last decade, co-authoring smash-hit studies in two different fields. He's best-known for his "Gorillas in our Midst" study, co-authored with Christopher Chabris, where viewers are shown a 45-second video of six students tossing around basketballs. Viewers are instructed to carefully count only the passes between... posted on Jun 29, 4928 reads

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There's been no boundary that's stopped anything forever.
Paul Salopek

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