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Giving Up Texting For Lent
During Lent, the churches typically ask their constituents to refrain from eating meat on Fridays and to pray more regularly. In Italy, though, the church has apparently gotten hip to the hold that technology has on its brethren. The diocese of Modena-Nonantola in Italy in particular is calling for text-messaging-free Fridays as a way for the faithful to at least temporarily rid themselves of rem... posted on Mar 14, 3586 reads

A Billion Go Dark On Saturday?
Starting in New Zealand's remote Chatham Islands, thousands of cities, towns, and landmarks around the world will start to go dark for Earth Hour on Saturday evening. Up to a billion people worldwide are expected to participate in this global voluntary blackout by switching off their lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time. The movement, sponsored by the conservation nonprofit WWF, is design... posted on Mar 27, 2866 reads

How We Decide
"Over time, our rationality came to define us. It was, simply put, what made us human. There's only one problem with this assumption of human rationality: it's wrong." With this opening salvo, Jonah Lehrer dives into ever-expanding evidence underscoring the limits of reason. In his recent book, "How We Decide," Lehrer presents an excellent synthesis of how many leading mind scientists view decisio... posted on Mar 30, 3447 reads

A Dynamic Duo Makes People's Day
For 31 days these two women have been paying-it-forward hiding money at a car wash, leaving behind free umbrellas throughout Grand Rapids on a rainy day, and on this particular morning treating someone in this drive-thru to a free cup of Java. This CNN news video chronicles the month-long adventures in generosity of two friends out simply to make people's day.... posted on Apr 8, 5015 reads

Hey World (Don't Give Up)
What happens when a rocker turns peace activist? You get Michael Franti. "Hey World" is a call to roll up your sleeves, to shake off apathy: "I didn't come here to chill, I came here to rock ... You got to let go of the remote control." Watch an inspiring music video about civic participation, set to the backdrop of Jamaican reggae rhythms of Sly Dunbar and Robbie Shakespeare.... posted on Apr 13, 3298 reads

Getting Important Things Done
"Busy people have two options when they decide how their workdays will go: they can choose to be reactive to urgent demands on their time, or proactive about focusing on what they decide is important. The only way to actually get things done is to mitigate the urgent to work on the important. Let's differentiate between what I call urgent and important. [...] More often than not "the urgent" is pu... posted on Apr 16, 8189 reads

The Happy Minimalist
"At 44, Peter Lawrence walked away last year from a well-paying job as a manager at Hewlett-Packard. These days he does not work. He doesn't have to. Peter has retired. His mornings are unhurried. He sits in front of a picture window to a view of nearby redwoods. Retirement is within anyone's reach, he says, if we all consume less. He lives without furniture or a bed, keeps one pot, one pan in th... posted on Apr 17, 0 reads

A New Approach to Social Problems
People who wanted to solve a social problem -- like lack of access to clean water or inadequate housing for the poor -- used to create a charity. Today, many start a company instead. Experts concede that not all social problems respond well to the for-profit model. "If you set it up as a business, you might be able to raise money more quickly and grow more quickly," says David Bornstein, the autho... posted on Apr 18, 2359 reads

Banker to the Poor Now In NY
Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, known as the "banker to the poor" for making small loans in impoverished countries, is now doing business in the center of capitalism -- New York City. In the past year the first U.S. branch of his Grameen Bank has lent $1.5 million, ranging from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, to nearly 600 women with small business plans in the city's bor... posted on Apr 26, 2898 reads

Cleaning A Country ... In 5 Hours
Half of Estonia's territory is forest. Yet, these forests are plagued with a traditional acceptance of being the country's dump sites. Watch how a group created a grassroots initiative to rid Estonia of 10,000 tons of trash littering its forests and natural environment. In one day, over 50,000 volunteers - or 4% of Estonia's population - cleaned their country in 5 hours.... posted on May 2, 4619 reads

Sound of Music Train Station
"Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden Sun. Me, a name I call myself." That's not quite what you'd expect hear at a train station in Belgium, but that's what happened when 200 people took over Antwerpen's Centraal Station to do a carefully choreographed dance to the song from Sound of Music. As one observer put it, "It showed me that good things are still out there and there are good p... posted on May 4, 7790 reads

What About Me?
Mipham records albums, runs marathons and just happens to be a Tibetan Buddhist monk. In this amazing music video, he creatively questions the idea of a self-centered world view. "When you're happy, I'm happy," he raps. "That's the formula. First you, then me. That's all happiness is. It's just the heart being free."... posted on May 11, 6360 reads

Paulo Coelho on Trials & Loss
"When life makes us face difficult situations -- such as a personal loss -- we have to understand that eternity is taking one more step. I personally hate the dilemma of loss, but at times there is no solution and it just has to be faced." So begins this Ode magazine article that shares three fables from the beloved, best-selling author of The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho.... posted on Jun 27, 4189 reads

Guardian Angel of Yangtse Bridge
A burly Chinese man with binoculars slowly scans the centre span of the massive Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, looking intently at people standing along the walkway, searching for the telltale signs he has seen so many times. The self-appointed guardian angel of the bridge, Chen Si has over the past five years coaxed -- and sometimes physically wrestled -- down no less than 153 people intent on lea... posted on Jun 2, 4050 reads

Alive in the World
There is something compelling about any act of genuine courage, perhaps especially on behalf of the voice of conscience. No such act is really a small act. Works & Conversations magazine interviews Audrey Lin, a college student who decided to take a three-day, 50-mile walk, as her way of experimenting with experiential education: "If I'm not living according to my values, if I'm not fully, to the ... posted on Jun 5, 3087 reads

Why I'm Giving Away $1 Billion
"In 2007 the company I cofounded, the Blackstone Group, held a most successful public offering. I found myself, at 81, an instant billionaire. I wish I could've called my father, a Greek immigrant who had spent most of his life running a 24-hour diner in Kearney, Neb. The news might have pleased him as much as my being the first Greek cabinet officer, which he never hesitated to tell perfect stran... posted on Jul 2, 5448 reads

100 People, 100 Dollars, 100 Days
At Project 100, we believe that the act of giving changes everything. That's why we're giving 100 people, 100 dollars over 100 days. There are no requirements and no strings attached. All we ask is that each recipient gives back in any way they can, to make the community a better place. ... posted on Jul 11, 3774 reads

Kind Acts on Sticky Notes
When she read aloud the small story about a garbage collector's kindness, Katherine Cornthwaite's Grade 10 class went silent."It was an 'Aha!' moment. Everyone's attention was on the story," says Cornthwaite, an English and family studies teacher at Clarke High School, near Newcastle. "I had tried all these different things but they wouldn't settle down," she recounts. "I thought, 'Fine! I'll read... posted on Jul 19, 4823 reads

Asking One Tough Question
Marshall Goldsmith is a world authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior and author of, "What Got You Here Won't Get You There". In this article he answers the question, "What prevents us from making the changes we know will make us more effective leaders?"... posted on Jul 25, 6971 reads

Walking the Path of Kindness
"The great nineteenth-century Jewish mystic Levi Yitzchok, the Rabbi of Berditchev, was known throughout Europe as the Master of the 'Good Eye'. It was said that he could see nothing of people's sins, only their virtues." So begins an in-depth excerpt from "The Compassionate Life: Walking the Path of Kindness," by Mark Barasch. In his inquiry into the workings of the 'Good Eye', Barasch finds guid... posted on Jul 29, 3781 reads

You Don't Ask, You Just Give
In many parts of the world, people are searching for alternatives to the cash economy. In Mali, one of the most cash poor nations in the world, "Dama" or the "Gift Economy" has been thriving for thousands of years. This system of exchange is not based on exchange or equivalence between the giver and the receiver, rather the receiver passes the gift on to someone else. The gift economy celebrates t... posted on Jul 24, 4044 reads

A Child's View of the Global Recession
There's no end of talk about the recession. But is it only adults who talk about stimulus packages, quantitative easing, and falling interest rates? BBC World Service asked children from all around the world how the global financial crisis was affecting them.... posted on Aug 17, 4682 reads

Homeless Man Leaves $4 Million to Charity
Every day on NPR, listeners hear funding credits -- or, in other words, very short, simple commercials. A few weeks ago, a new one made it to air: "Support for NPR comes from the estate of Richard Leroy Walters, whose life was enriched by NPR, and whose bequest seeks to encourage others to discover public radio." NPR's Robert Siegel wondered who Walters was. So Siegel Googled him. An article in th... posted on Jul 31, 5570 reads

A Collection of Mothers' Best Advice
"Give and take in that order." "Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. They'll wash clean." "Say "I love you, frequently but not casually." "No matter how a body ages, the spirit stays forever young." "Always have a love for learning." "Never say no to someone who asked for food." These are just some of the favorite sayings thousands of readers shared when asked about the best advice given to t... posted on Aug 1, 5585 reads

9 Tips to Be a Better Communicator
"Want to have a better day -- fast? Listen up. One of the best ways to replenish yourself in the midst of a stressful situation is through communication and connection. You can go from feeling funky to fabulous by actively engaging in listening. Paying attention to what you are hearing is a magnificent way to be a better communicator. Why? Because it demonstrates that you value the person with who... posted on Aug 4, 7404 reads

Five-Year-Old Phoebe's Food Bank
After seeing a person holding a cardboard sign begging for food, Phoebe wondered, "Why does that man look so sad, and why is he holding a sign in the street?" That question to her parents, during her daily ride to daycare, sparked an idea that has helped feed nearly 18,000 hungry San Franciscans. ... posted on Aug 13, 3724 reads

The Pay-As-You-Wish Taxi Driver
Essex, Vermont is home to only around 18,000 people -- but thanks to newly-minted cabbie Eric Hagen, they now have an inspiring and affordable way to get around the town.... posted on Aug 16, 3605 reads

Giving Anonymously
Anyone who enjoys putting cash under a friends door or in their mailbox will often times not know if their friend actually got the gift and they cannot hear what it meant to them. So, Lionel Thompson came up with an idea to have a messaging line where recipients could call after receiving their gift. This video shares more.... posted on Sep 1, 3838 reads

Andre Agassi's Second Act
"Life's blessings are not handed out evenly," tennis star Andre Agassi told the crowd a couple of days ago, still settling back in its seats after a spontaneous standing ovation. "Caring means doing." He was being honored for his work on behalf of the Andre Agassi Foundation, which has raised $75 million to date and used it to start a charter high school in a poor part of Las Vegas. This year, eve... posted on Sep 4, 3370 reads

Nightshift At The Marriott
Picture this: It's almost 11pm on a hot August day. You're exhausted, having just driven over 600 miles, and you arrive at the newly opened Marriott, your last hope for a place to lay your tired body down for the night. You are third in line at the front desk, where there is a single young woman on duty, doing everything she can to keep things under control. When you finally arrive at room 309, y... posted on Oct 22, 6884 reads

A Town Rolls Up Its Sleeves
Word travels quickly in the small fishing village of Port Washington, Wisconsin. So when Mardy McGarry wanted to build a playground for kids with special needs, she knew it wouldn't take long to generate interest in the project. But she never expected that 2,800 people -- a third of the town -- would roll up their sleeves and use their vacation days to bring her vision to life.... posted on Nov 8, 4948 reads

Homeless Men Dream of Odyssey At Sea
Two dozen homeless men are building a ship to sail themselves around the world at the St. Lazarus Social Pension here, in the yard of a former tractor factory. Sparks fly from the rusty 55-foot hull as they weld it into form, even after losing the priest who led and inspired the mission.... posted on Sep 18, 3043 reads

5 Steps To Happiness At Work
Australian positive psychologist Timothy Sharp -- otherwise known as "Dr. Happy" -- asked 50 people a simple question: What do you consider to be the top three contributors to happiness at work? Their answers provide food for thought to managers and employees alike. This article from Greater Good shares more.... posted on Sep 30, 16620 reads

Make A Gratitude Adjustment
As a child, Chris Peterson absolutely hated writing thank-you notes. His aversion continued right into his 40s, until one day he knew he had to face it. A psychology professor at the University of Michigan, Peterson regularly gave his students an unusual homework assignment. He asked them to write a "gratitude letter," a kind of belated thank-you note to someone in their lives. Studies show such l... posted on Sep 8, 6450 reads

India's Tree Planting Guru
An Indian civil servant, SM Raju, has come up with a novel way of providing employment to millions of poor in the eastern state of Bihar. His campaign to encourage people to plant trees effectively addresses two burning issues of the world: global warming and shrinking job opportunities. Evidence of Mr Raju's success could clearly be seen on 30 August, when he organised 300,000 villagers from over... posted on Sep 19, 4204 reads

The Same Walk, for 27 Years
For 27 years, he has walked the same path, Monday through Friday, rain or shine. His presence has become as familiar to early morning parkgoers as the cool gray mist that accompanies most mornings. He is noticed, not just because he is always there, but because as he walks, he raises a brown weathered hand and waves to everyone who crosses his path -- the joggers, the walkers, the gardeners. He sm... posted on Oct 1, 4400 reads

My Run: 75 Marathons in 75 Days
After tragically losing his wife to breast cancer and struggling to raise three young children on his own, Terry Hitchcock seized on an idea. He wanted to accomplish the impossible: run 75 consecutive marathons in 75 consecutive days to bring attention to the incredibly difficult lives of single-parent families.... posted on Oct 8, 3692 reads

Outpouring of Volunteerism in the Media
Discerning TV viewers might notice a recurrent theme on their favorite shows this week. The doctors on ABC's "Private Practice" give homeless teens free checkups. On NBC's "30 Rock," Kenneth Parcell tries to adopt every dog at a shelter. And two characters on CBS' "Numb3rs" discuss joining Big Brothers Big Sisters. The outpouring of volunteerism is no coincidence. Rather than just "running a bun... posted on Oct 21, 2714 reads

The Smell of Virtue
People are unconsciously fairer and more generous when they are in clean-smelling environments, according to a soon-to-be published study led by a Brigham Young University professor. The research found a dramatic improvement in ethical behavior with just a few spritzes of citrus-scented Windex.... posted on Oct 29, 3490 reads

The Fun Theory: Piano Stairs
If stairs played musical notes when you walked on them, would you be more likely to take them? Volkswagen has launched a popular new campaign called "The Fun Theory" which is "dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people's behavior for the better." It turns out that 66% more commuters opted for stairs over the escalators! Take a look at this utterly ... posted on Nov 9, 7309 reads

Saving Lives, One Click at a Time
For a decade now, Khushroo Poacha has stood by the sole belief that to do good work you don't need money. Poacha runs, a site that lets over 50,000 blood donors and patients in need of blood connect with each other almost instantaneously -- all without cash donations. His site is perhaps a classic example of what the Internet is truly capable of, but more importantly, it is a... posted on Nov 14, 2537 reads

If you have a lawnmower, you may use it for five to 10 minutes during a two-week span. The rest of the time it simply takes up space in the garage while your mower-less neighbors are fretting about the jungles of grass in front of their homes. NeighborGoods launched last week in Los Angeles as an online community that allows people to freely share, borrow, and lend the things they already own wit... posted on Nov 24, 2514 reads

The Victory of the Commons
Over many decades, Elinor Ostrom has documented how various communities manage common resources -- grazing lands, forests, irrigation waters, fisheries -- equitably and sustainably over the long term. The Nobel Committee's recognition of her work effectively debunks popular theories about the Tragedy of the Commons, which hold that private property is the only effective method to prevent finite re... posted on Nov 19, 3160 reads

The Elder Wisdom Circle
When 85-year-old Mollie Pier was admitted to the hospital a few months ago after surgery, the first thing she asked for was a computer. Pier, a grandmother, is a member of the Elder Wisdom Circle, a group of seniors ages 60 to 103 who dispense advice via the Internet to young questioners from around the globe.After applying to the group and going through a screening process, the seniors are free t... posted on Nov 25, 6782 reads

For The Man Who Hated Christmas
"It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years or so. It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas -- oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it -- overspending... the frantic running around at the last minute to ... posted on Dec 9, 13057 reads

Mother Teresa On The Gift Economy
Lynne Twist has raised over $800 million dollars for worthy causes; she's as good a fundraiser as anyone can be. Yet, in Soul of Money, she speaks about a person she knew really well and who beat to a different drum:Mother Teresa... posted on Jan 23, 4115 reads

Wired To Care
In his recent book, "Wired to Care: How Companies Prosper When They Create Widespread Empathy," CEO Dev Patnaik argues that it is not the lack of innovation that hampers companies, but the "empathy gap" -- the chasm between employees in organizations and the people that they serve. Companies, he said, "do a good job of stamping empathy out of employees, then are surprised when employees make poor ... posted on Dec 12, 3332 reads

Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes: A Lesson in Tolerance
When Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in April 1968, one teacher in a small town in Iowa decided to do something to help her students fathom the shocking event. She understood, more than most, the power of good teaching. Her lesson plan rocked the nation -- and what she taught her students that day would last them a lifetime.... posted on Jan 21, 8745 reads

Why Wise Leaders Don't Know Too Much
"Could it be that knowledge is overrated? Don't get me wrong -- knowledge is a good thing. But there is a point at which it may be bad. Even the sturdiest shelf crumbles under the weight of too many books." In this thought-provoking article, Jeffrey M. Stibel, an entrepreneur and brain scientist shares more about the 'knowledge trap'.... posted on Jan 20, 6754 reads

Suja & Scott Thomas: Ultra-Frugal for A Cause
Suja Thomas, who wears socks with holes, isn't giving her husband anything for Christmas. Likewise, when Scott Bahr proposed to Thomas in spring 2008, he offered her a red plastic heart in place of an engagement ring. The Champaign couple's intense frugality is by design. Their idea is to save as much as possible in order to give more money to others in need. This Christmas, the pair raised the st... posted on Dec 27, 2413 reads

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Immanuel Kant

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