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Charles Eisenstein: The Coronation
"For years, normality has been stretched nearly to its breaking point, a rope pulled tighter and tighter, waiting for a nip of the black swans beak to snap it in two. Now that the rope has snapped, do we tie its ends back together, or shall we undo its dangling braids still further, to see what we might weave from them? Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomena... posted on Apr 16, 14314 reads

Powered by Love --- an Emerging Worldview
"There is a worldview that has come to dominate every aspect of global reality affecting human civilization, the natural world and planetary climate conditions. It can be summarized as the quantitative worldview. The quantitative worldview is in a crisis so deep it is leading, in an interconnected and interdependent world, to deep systemic disruptions, chaotic conditions and signs of complete fail... posted on Apr 17, 11269 reads

Three Methods for Working with Chaos
"Times of chaos and challenge can be the most spiritually powerful... if we are brave enough to rest in their space of uncertainty. Pema Chodron describes three ways to use our problems as the path to awakening and joy: go to the places that scare you, use poison as medicine, and regard what arises as awakened energy."... posted on Apr 19, 11940 reads

Going Into the Hospital: COVID 19 (Poem)
"When I walk out the door these days
For a shift in the hospital
Two small people cry at the door
My daughter and son.
4 and 1 1/2
Tears fall
big drops against their full brown cheeks"
So begins this moving poem by Sriram Shamasunder, a physician and father who is leading a HEAL Initiative medical team serving on the ground in Navajo Nation.... posted on May 8, 8521 reads

Gathering Gratefully in the Time of Coronavirus
"The hardships we face may feel amplified by our increasing need to stay home, isolating ourselves from others in service of the common good. Discovering ways to foster ease, belonging, kindness, and well-being under these circumstances may feel challenging, yet opportunities for nourishment can find their way into our worlds. The gifts of technology can offer us meaningful connection and support ... posted on May 12, 7187 reads

Educate the Heart
Poet and author Shane Koyczan narrates this poignant short video on the importance of educating children's hearts as well as their minds. While children need knowledge to prepare them for life, those who love and care for them must also educate their hearts. Teaching compassion, acceptance, tolerance and respect are needed along with knowledge to adequately prepare children for the world.... posted on May 19, 3738 reads

Turning Ourselves Towards Stability and Hospitality
"The Benedictine-Camaldolese monk, Bruno Barnhart says it very well: We humans prefer a manageable complexity to an unmanageable simplicity.
A complex instability is our typical default setting. Restless with where and how and who we are, we think we need to be somewhere else, or live some other way, or be someone else." David Mckee shares more.... posted on May 27, 6315 reads

Zadie Smith on Optimism and Despair
"Caught in the maelstrom of the moment, we forget this cyclical nature of history -- history being merely the rosary of moments the future strings of its pasts. We forget that the present always looks different from the inside than it does from the outside -- something James Baldwin knew when, in considering why Shakespeare endures, he observed: "It is said that his time was easier than ours, but ... posted on Jun 1, 8898 reads

Activism in a Pandemic : Progressive Examples from Australia
Each month the Commons Library provides a small taste of actions and events which challenged the status quo and pointed to better ways forward via their ever growing "From Little Things Big Things Grow: Events That Changed Australia" list. These posts generally focus on events from a particular month, but in response to the Coronavirus pandemic they are sharing protests, campaigns and events from ... posted on Jun 2, 4939 reads

Turning to Face the Dark
"In May of 2019, Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger sat down with educator and writer Parker J. Palmer for an unscripted conversation. What emerged was a wide-ranging contemplative dialogue on suffering, healing, and joy. Parker is the author of 'Five Habits to Heal the Heart of Democracy', and many other life-changing books. Ariel is the author of 'Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel's Classroom'"
... posted on Jun 9, 7927 reads

Educate the Heart
Poet and author Shane Koyczan narrates this poignant short video on the importance of educating children's hearts as well as their minds. While children need knowledge to prepare them for life, those who love and care for them must also educate their hearts. Teaching compassion, acceptance, tolerance and respect are needed along with knowledge to adequately prepare children for the world.... posted on Jun 11, 3476 reads

Warriors Wanted: Training People to Defend the Human Spirit
"Seventy-five year old writer, consultant and activistMargaret Wheatley has studied the cyclical nature of civilizations throughout history and she is quite confident that the end of our civilization is closer than we might like to think. And she is doing something about it... something radical. Wheatley is building an army of 'warriors for the human spirit' with people who want to lessen the suff... posted on Jun 17, 9485 reads

Hard Times Require Furious Dancing
"I am the youngest of eight siblings. Five of us have died. I share losses, health concerns, and other challenges common to the human condition, especially in these times of war, poverty, environmental devastation, and greed that are quite beyond the most creative imagination. Sometimes it all feels a bit too much to bear. Once a person of periodic deep depressions, a sign of mental suffering in m... posted on Jul 1, 9928 reads

What Did Sisyphus Dream Of?
"In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was condemned by Zeus to endlessly try to push a large rock to the top of a hill, an activity Zeus had rigged so that as it neared the top, the rock would roll away from Sisyphus. The story captures the ultimate in frustration and activities that take all of our energy but with no end in sight. The whole exercise was rigged against Sisyphus from the outset. The poor s... posted on Jun 30, 4797 reads

A Pandemic Poem-Prayer
Phyllis Cole-Dai is a writer and poet, perhaps best known for 'The Emptiness of Our Hands', a spiritual memoir chronicling the 47 days that she and co-author James Murray practiced "being present" while living by choice on the streets of Columbus, Ohio. On her 58th birthday earlier this year, she wrote 58 one-line pandemic prayers and crafted them into a poem. You can read it here.... posted on Jul 2, 45461 reads

The Dynamic Mystery of Relationships
"The more open, present and awake we are, the less objective our relationships become. So-called relationship becomes simple relating. The noun transforms into a verb -- an apparent thing opens up into an alive process. If I no longer take myself as an object, I also cannot make you into one. Nor can I create what is happening between us into something. We may call it friendship but it is really a... posted on Jul 4, 6639 reads

Advice from 100-Year-Olds
Three centenarians were asked the secret of their longevity. With simple grace and wisdom they give us an insight into the optimism and humor that sustain them. as they each share what is most important to them. They exemplify the value of listening to and learning from the lessons of one's own life as they remind us to "keep right on to the end of the road".
... posted on Jul 5, 8505 reads

World At Dawn
"At dawn, the world rises out of darkness, slowly, sense-grain by grain, as if from sleep. Life becomes visible once again. "When it is dark, it seems to me as if I were dying, and I can't think anymore," Claude Monet once lamented. More light! Goethe begged from his deathbed. Dawn is the wellspring of more light, the origin of our first to last days as we roll in space, over 6.684 billion of us i... posted on Jul 6, 3652 reads

Freedom in Prison: The Story of My Great-Grandfather
Aryae Coopersmith recounts the moving story of his great-grandfather Shmuel, a Talmud scholar who was forced war front in Bosnia-Herzegovinae. When it was discovered he didn't have the makings of a soldier in him, he was given prison guard duty instead. "How was Shmuel, a naive young kid who knew nothing about prisons, going to run a prison full of battle-scarred soldiers? He offered the prisoners... posted on Jul 13, 6703 reads

The Beauty in Breaking
Michele Harper is a female, African American emergency room physician in a profession that is predominantly male and white. In her new book, "The Beauty in Breaking," she explores the themes of race, gender, injustice and hope -- and in doing so shares the story of how her own healing emerged through a life lived in service of others. Read an excerpt from the book here.... posted on Aug 27, 4269 reads

DH Lawrence on Trees, Solitudes and What Roots Us
"A supreme challenge of human life is reconciling the longing to fulfill ourselves in union, in partnership, in love, with the urgency of fulfilling ourselves according to our own solitary and sovereign laws. Writing at the same time as Hesse, living in exile in the mountains, having barely survived an attack of the deadly Spanish Flu that claimed tens of millions of lives, the polymathic creative... posted on Jul 27, 6155 reads

The Power of Real Love
"If love is what we need more of-- and we do --then Sharon Salzberg and bell hooks are two of the most important voices of our time. As a leading teacher of loving-kindness meditation, Sharon Salzberg answers the all-important question: how, precisely, do we bring more love into our lives? As one of America's leading political and cultural critics, bell hooks advocates for the power of love to tra... posted on Aug 6, 5216 reads

Milford Zornes: An Artist's Life
"When I met Milford, he was 97 and blind. I met him on Friday and on Saturday he was going to give a watercolor workshop. Earlier that Friday, I'd asked his art dealer, "How does a painter give a workshop if he's blind?" "I don't know," the dealer said, "But he does!" I liked Zornes's paintings and asked, "Does he live around here?" Cutting to the chase, three hours later I was at Milford's door. ... posted on Aug 8, 3405 reads

Celebrating Wendell Berry
"Wendell Berry has been an Orion contributor and advisor since the magazine's beginnings in 1982. Berry is the author of over forty books of poetry, fiction, and essays, and has farmed in Port Royal, Kentucky, for over forty years." Orion celebrated Wendell Berry's eighty-sixth birthday by compiling their all-time favorite writings from Berry, published in Orion over the past four decades. Check i... posted on Aug 10, 5920 reads

A Man Impossible to Classify
The young man walked up to us still smiling and, without a word, pointed again. I stared in puzzlement. At this he nodded his head and, to clarify matters, repeated the pointing. "What do you mean?" I managed to ask. "Donuts!" He said. "Do you guys like donuts?" It was 1965. He was one of the first people I met in San Francisco, a street person, and the story that followed spanned some twenty year... posted on Aug 18, 3825 reads

Revisiting Fred Rogers 2002 Commencement Address
"I'm very much interested in choices, and what it is, and who it is, that enable us human beings to make the choices we make all through our lives. What choices lead to ethnic cleansing? What choices lead to healing? What choices lead to the destruction of the environment, the erosion of the Sabbath, suicide bombings, or teenagers shooting teachers. What choices encourage heroism in the midst of c... posted on Aug 31, 12317 reads

At a Tipping Point -- Towards Healing the Climate
"Climate change is the undercurrent that drives and shapes our lives in countless ways. Journalist Judith D. Schwartz sees the term as shorthand. It's almost as if people think climate is this phenomenon, determined solely by CO2, as if we could turn a dial up or down," she tells me over the phone. We are missing so much." In her quest for climate solutions, Schwartz leans into the complexity of n... posted on Sep 5, 5027 reads

Mark and Doug: The Power of Friendship
Mark Redding survived a devastating traumatic brain injury in an auto accident when he was in his early 20s. Almost 30 years later, Mark met Doug Kline through the PALS (Providing a Link for Survivors) program at Brain Injury Services, a program that enables clients and community volunteers to connect in a mutually enriching friendship to build skills and combat isolation through community integra... posted on Sep 19, 2229 reads

When the Source Ran Free: A Story for Our Times
"Watching the sun rise over the wetlands, the mist fading, even here in the midst of nature there is the strange stillness of a world in lockdown waiting, wondering, anxiety, and fear its companions. I am writing these words in the time of the great pandemic, when for a few brief months our world slowed down and almost stopped; when as the stillness grew around us there was a moment to hear anoth... posted on Sep 20, 7193 reads

Forming a More Perfect Union Through Indigenous Values
"How might we unlock hope in an expansive spirit of democracy for present and future generations in this time of upheaval? This new conversation series on "The State of American Democracy" invites us to explore this question with some of our most creative thinkers and public intellectuals. The first episode on September 17, 2020, focuses on the moral foundations of democracy we can draw for guidan... posted on Sep 24, 3737 reads

The World is Our Field of Practice
This prophetic conversation, which Rev. angel Kyodo williams had with Krista in 2018, is an invitation to imagine and nourish the transformative potential of this moment toward human wholeness. Rev. angel is an esteemed Zen priest and the second Black woman recognized as a teacher in the Japanese Zen lineage. She is one of our wisest voices on social evolution and the spiritual aspect of social h... posted on Sep 28, 4835 reads

Visiting Rachel: 50 Years After Silent Spring
"'Primavers Silencia.' So reads the cover of the Italian edition of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. It sits on the desk beside me--the small built-in desk looking out on a thicket of cedars and pine--a desk with one simple drawer holding some pencils and not much else, in the cozy pine-paneled study where Carson wrote much of her landmark book during the summers of 1960 and 1961. Other foreign edit... posted on Sep 29, 3833 reads

Is There A Better Way to Have An Argument?
"Were living in an era of deep divisions. Cable television, social media feeds, and fraying personal relationships all reflect the same troubling pattern: Differences of opinion quickly escalate into attacks, mistrust, and civic stalemates."Here are five principles for more constructive and respectful disagreements.... posted on Sep 30, 9028 reads

Peter Kalmus: The Question of Progress
"In every house, there were blue flickering lights going in synchrony because everyone was watching the same TV show. It was a quiet night and I was alone, just walking with the sound of the freeway and the blue flickering lights. And what had seemed normal to me my whole life suddenly seemed strange." This 2015 interview with a young climate scientist at Caltech feels more timely than ever now.... posted on Oct 11, 18211 reads

Why We Should Take World Octopus Day Seriously
In 2011 author and naturalist Sy Montgomery wrote "Deep Intellect,"for Orion magazine, her piece investigated the inner life of the octopus. "Since its publication this feature remains the most-read Orion article of all-time. On this World Octopus Day, we reached out to Sy for an update on her continued relationship with these eight-armed, three-hearted creatures, and how they might help guide us ... posted on Oct 13, 6800 reads

Crochet Jam: Radical Social Justice Through Folk Art Traditions
"Through my community-art event, Crochet Jam, I do not dictate the creativity process. Participants maintain their agency. There is no need to please me. I have no authority over anyone. I am just the guy facilitating the event. I am just a man on the street, standing behind a folding table that's covered with stripes of torn and cut fabric. I teach single-stitch crochet using a handmade wooden ho... posted on Oct 14, 6573 reads

The View From Here
Barb Abelhauser worked in an office for 14 years. Then one day she quit, and decided to become a bridgetender on the Ortega River Bridge in Jacksonville, Florida. She planned to work there for a year. Eight years later, she shares the moments of beauty and intimacy of her job, and why she decided to stay.... posted on Oct 18, 3001 reads

Deepening Our Comfort With Uncertainty
"In our daily lives, there are endless forms of uncertainty far more things we cannot know than know. Objectively, this could be cause for great delight, wonder, and surrender. We could be relieved and appreciative that we do not have to perpetually hold onto the steering wheel, captain the ship, drive our lives. There is much to discover that can surprise us, so much to which we can gratefully y... posted on Nov 5, 23401 reads

The Gentle Art of Blessing
"On awakening, bless this day, for it is already full of unseen good which your blessings will call forth, for to bless is to acknowledge the unlimited good that is embedded in the very texture of the universe and awaiting each and all." Pierre Pradervand is the author of 'The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World.' He posits that making the conscious cho... posted on Nov 9, 10785 reads

Friendships Shaped by a Pair of Scissors
Since 2014, Backalley Barbers has been offering free haircuts in Geylang, Singapore, for impoverished persons in nursing homes, migrant worker shelters, and rental communities. Young volunteers learn basic hair cutting skills from professionals, and then offer these skills to community members who cannot afford a haircut. The conversations that take place in the process lead to lasting friendships... posted on Nov 14, 1823 reads

The Soul of the Rose
"A bower of roses creates a special kind of sacred space, filled with a scent that can connect us to the past. Whether freshly cut and placed in a crystal vase with winter greens, or tumbling out of an old watering can, dried for a Victorian potpourri or the center of an herb filled tussie mussie, the rose connects us to our inner selves, to memories of another time, another place, as past and pr... posted on Nov 15, 8041 reads

Remembering Our Way Forward
"Perspective has carried me through a year that has been marked by the pandemics of Covid-19 and racism, political strife, and an escalating climate crisis. Ive held close as gently as possible reliable truisms: Change is the only constant. Life tends toward life. I affirm: I'm not alone. In the end, death comes to us all I have only to decide how to live life now. Showing up for myself, for ot... posted on Nov 16, 6567 reads

Deciphering Words in the Woods
"Ogham is Ireland's earliest form of writing. Dating from the fourth century, it is often affectionately called a tree alphabet. It is an archaic script using trees for letters. In Ogham, the characters were called feda trees or nin forking branches due to their shape. Astonishingly, this ancient alphabet was written from the roots up -- each character sprouting from a central line, like leaves on... posted on Nov 25, 6188 reads

What We Get Wrong About Time
"Most of us tend to think of time as linear, absolute and constantly "running out" -- but is that really true? However much time feels like something that flows in one direction, some scientists beg to differ." Read on to learn more about what we know and don't know about the nature of time, and how our perception of it influences our lives.... posted on Nov 26, 9209 reads

Six Tips For Speaking Up When Called For
"When I was in college, my boss drove me to a meeting. He had trouble finding a parking place, and, when he realized we were going to be late, pulled into a handicapped parking spot. As we got out of the car, he turned to me, grinned, and started limping. I fully knew that what he did was wrong. And I said nothing." Psychologist Catherine Sanderson explains how to be more courageous in speaking up... posted on Dec 3, 9155 reads

Learning to Love Winter's Night
"I have put on good attitudes before and found ways of accepting situations --thankfully, I found ways out of some--while creating the semblance of normalcy. But for me, a change of attitude wasn't enough. It didn't go deep enough. It wasn't always reliable. In order to live happily in Toronto, I needed to be able to love deeply, loving the people who live here and the place where I live. And espe... posted on Dec 22, 3448 reads

Winter Solstice: Blessing for the Longest Night
"This week, in addition to preparing for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services, many congregations will offer a "Longest Night" or "Blue Christmas" service. Usually held on or near the Winter Solstice, this gathering provides a space for those who are having a difficult time during the holidays or simply need to acknowledge some pain or loss they are carrying in the midst of this season of cele... posted on Dec 23, 28394 reads

Top 10 Insights from the Science of a Meaningful Life
"This year's top insights speak to the moment, from concrete tips about how to bond with a friend to broader truths about how societies respond to diversity over time. All of them point toward strengths and solutions amid isolation, illness, and conflict. The final insights were selected by experts on our staff, after soliciting nominations from our network of more than 300 researchers. We hope th... posted on Dec 24, 9178 reads

Barry Lopez: Lyrical Writer and Thoreau of Our Times
Acclaimed writer Barry Lopez who dedicated a lifetime to exploring the kindred bond between humans and nature, passed away this year on Christmas Day. The legacy he leaves behind in his powerful writing has never been more relevant. "Pay attention to the mystery. Apprentice to the best apprentices. Rediscover in nature your own biology. Write and speak with appreciation for all you have been gifte... posted on Dec 27, 5938 reads

Lottie Cunningham: Dedicated to Indigenous Rights
"Against all odds, human rights defender Lottie Cunningham has been at the helm of the battle for indigenous rights in Nicaragua for the past 20 years. She was among four activists this year to receive the Right livelihood award, the alternative Nobel for peace, for her decades-long work. More than 400,000 indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants live along Nicaragua's Atlantic coast. For years, th... posted on Dec 30, 2648 reads

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An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.
Bonnie Friedman.

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